Anniversary Bounce! Reflections on This and That at 47 Years of Married Life…

It was our 47th anniversary this week, and I had thought I might develop a post around this photo of an elastic-ball band I’ve been building over the last eighteen months or so.  If I’d…

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Five Things Friday . . . Whoops! Make that Six Things Saturday!

1. Vancouver Mural Festival winds up this weekend, with 60 murals added in 11 neighbourhoods around the city. On a walk last week, I spotted artist Dimitri Sirenko taking a short break from his work…

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Book Chat Time Again: what I read in July

It’s that time again. Time for me to share the books I read last month and then for us to chat in the comments below about what you’ve been reading. If we hurry, we still…

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Word-less Wednesday: Turtles, Blossoms, Socks and an OOTD

Haven’t done one of these Word-less Wednesdays in a long while — I searched: here’s one from 2017  and another from 2016, although the latter is less wordy in original intention only. And then Waaaay…

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Italian Chef to Contemporary Art in Bordeaux: Following Breadcrumbs, Connecting Dots, Travelling Art-fully . . .

In my Italian class this summer, we’re reading our way through Italian journalist Aldo Cazzullo’s book of interviews with 70 Italiani Che Resteranno — or, 70 Italians (drawn from the last three or four decades)  who will…

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