February Reading

February, of course, is a short month, but with a fair bit of gloomy weather I found ample time for reading, comfortably ensconced on the couch with a cup of tea. And if you’re looking for something to bring to your own couch with your own cup of tea (or other favourite reading beverage), read on to find a title or two I’m happy to recommend.

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Trending Yellow . . . Working at Hope . . . Little Bit Tired

Back from a road-trip getaway, realizing all over again that Play can be as tiring as Work. So today’s is a short post, brought to you by the colour Yellow. An OOTD (outfit of the day) and a new-to-me ornamental tree and some words, some thoughts. about the need for rest after recreation. Click through to read more. . .

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The Tuesday Report. . .

Doing the best we can in difficult times, sometimes we’re lucky enough to stumble into patches of encouraging beauty, or of the sweetly ordinary . . . And then to turn this into hope, if we can? Mood is an issue this week, but the post arrives with compensatory images. Click through to see what I mean. . .

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What I’ve Been Doing, Lately. . .

Busy with all the usual ’round here, but also making plans for some upcoming travel, short trips and longer ones, regional road-trips and trans-Atlantic flights. But close to home, some simple pleasures for the days when I need to keep it easy. . . Click through to find more (a very good, very easy chocolate cake recipe; a TV series to veg in front of; some music to get your toes tapping

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Pages from my Sketch Journal

Everything from yellow boots to Italian castles to young French men preening to a favourite What I Wore. . . filling the pages of my messy sketch journal, I end up with a book of memories. Want a peek? Just click through. . .

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.