And it’s STILL winter! What I Wore When It Wasn’t Quite So Cold. . .

 This week, I’m sticking to the most practical of cold-weather gear, and I’ve worn my Blundstones over hand-knit wool socks everyday, layering sweater over sweater (thank goodness for my stash of cashmere!) before twisting a scarf (or two!) around my neck.

But one day last week, I wore this Vince wool sweater over skinny jeans with my Fluevog boots and tied a silk scarf around my neck —

Then put on this quiet little leopard coat (yes, I’m kidding!) and headed out. . . .

Now I’m wishing those balmy days would return . . .  And honestly, all I’m dressing for this week is warmth and safe progress over the ice — all sartorial bets are off, standards have dropped, and that’s okay, say I.

Are you bundling up against the weather? Wearing your toughest boots to conquer the ice? Brrrrrrr!


  1. Beth
    6 February 2014 / 4:48 pm

    I like that look! And, gosh, you wouldn't even want to see what I wear against the cold up here. My face is barely visible underneath all the layers of down, fur, gore-tex and wool! Almost all of us abandon "outerwear style" in these months in favor of attempted comfort and protection; however a special hat or scarf does peek out now and then!

    • materfamilias
      6 February 2014 / 9:31 pm

      I don't know how I'd manage in severe cold over a prolonged period. I suppose I'd adapt, but I might just not leave my cozy armchair all winter. And I'd definitely be swathed in comfortable, warm fabrics. . .

  2. Duchesse
    6 February 2014 / 8:24 pm

    That's me all winter (Beth and I are neighbours): jeans, Blunnies and cashmere. But I don't have a leopard coat, and wish I did!

    • materfamilias
      6 February 2014 / 9:34 pm

      This one was a steal a few years ago. Made by Louben, which I believe is a Canadian company from way back, still around, although I don't know much. For the price (under $300, I think) it's good quality and although I don't wear it often, somedays it's just the spirit-lifting ticket! With our jeans, Blunnies, and cashmere, of course! 😉

  3. Lorrie
    6 February 2014 / 8:55 pm

    I'm digging into my closet and finding the warmest things possible, and wearing them constantly. Cashmere is a life-warmer, along with scarves. Love the leopard coat and I hope it warms up SOON! Snow predicted for the long weekend here.

    • materfamilias
      6 February 2014 / 9:35 pm

      Cashmere just makes me feel happier, well-treated, as well as warm. Our roads on the island are still not clear, and the ice gets icier by the day. If we do get snow, I hope it's enough that the underlying ice is really covered, rather than just hidden. . . . Oh well, I'm sure that soon enough we'll be back to our usual rain . . . 😉

  4. High Heels in the Wilderness
    6 February 2014 / 9:08 pm

    Yep, it's still bundling weather in Ottawa too. But -15 with sunshine and no wind begins to feel like spring…after all the mega cold days we have had.
    I feel like Goldie Hawn in the movie Private Benjamin.(if anyone else remembers that movie) She's doing night guard duty with her rifle, a heavy pack and a rain poncho…and whining,"I want to wear sandals; I want to go out for lunch!"
    Picked up the Diana Athill memoir at the library today. Thanks for the suggestion!

    • materfamilias
      6 February 2014 / 9:36 pm

      I didn't see the movie (I should as I quite like Goldie) but I can identify with the whine.
      I think you'll really like the Athill and be happy to know that she's got a solid backlist worth working through.

  5. Tiffany
    6 February 2014 / 9:34 pm

    A cold winter's day here is 15C, so what you were wearing in 'balmy' weather would probably be a bit warm for it! I can't imagine navigating ice and having to layer jumpers (sweaters) …

    • materfamilias
      6 February 2014 / 9:38 pm

      Mind you, I'd have a hard time in your heat, as well . . . The Montreal readers are the hardy ones who can do both extremes. high 30s below and above Celsius are both within their range. I just shudder and grab another blanket! Not sure I'd be a runner if I lived somewhere with such prolonged cold.

  6. Melanie
    6 February 2014 / 10:53 pm

    I try not to let the weather squelch what I wear. I often end up layering and layering till I FEEL like I'm wearing a heavy snowsuit. I am only allowed this luxury of choice because the sidewalks I traverse are frequently cleared and there are many stopping points for warming up along my usual routes.

    • materfamilias
      7 February 2014 / 3:21 pm

      Well, if I didn't let the weather squelch what I wear, I suspect the weather would squelch me. Oh, you urbanites! 😉

  7. Anonymous
    7 February 2014 / 1:23 am

    In contrast, we are sweltering through a particularly hot summer, 35 Celsius today and 40 expected on Sunday with an overnight low of 30. I am trying to wear as little as possible and still be respectable!
    I love the shape of your leopard coat.

    • materfamilias
      7 February 2014 / 3:23 pm

      Although I'd do slightly better in high 30s above than high 30s below, I'd find both difficult for protracted periods. Stay cool!
      (and yes, I love it too — a perfect "swing-y" shape and roomy enough to fit an extra layer underneath, thanks!)

  8. ilona
    9 February 2014 / 6:10 pm

    If those photos indicate your idea of dropped standards – we're all in trouble!! Stay warm and safe …

    • materfamilias
      10 February 2014 / 1:15 am

      No, Ilona, those photos do not represent what I look like when I dress for snow and ice — the heels on those boots would never make the cut! 😉

  9. Carol
    10 February 2014 / 1:06 am

    Hi. Long-time reader, seldom (if ever) commenter, though I very much enjoy your blog. To cope with the polar weather here in the Northeast, fashion has definitely taken a back seat. I'm retired, but still try to dress well, especially when I leave the house. Lately, though, it's "all clothes on deck": long johns, knit pants, and sweat pants on top of that. Then various combinations of T-shirt, sweater, down vest, and/or fleece jacket. I call it "survival dressing", even though I'm among the fortunate ones who havn't lost power or heat in our various storms. Fashion, shmashion for the duration.

    • materfamilias
      10 February 2014 / 1:18 am

      Although it's good to have you reading and seldom commenting, it's lovely to have you join the conversation, and thanks for saying you enjoy the blog.
      Your weather has been so dramatically difficult in the N.E. this winter, that I think you do well ever to leave the house. And when you do? Absolutely, Fashion, shmashion! Down, merino, cashmere, fleece, whatever it takes to survive the cold. Layer upon layer. Take care!

    • Carol
      10 February 2014 / 2:17 am

      "Haven't" lost power…and thank you for your kind comment.


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