Family Day without Family. . .

Gratuitous favourite Paris photo — nothing to do with this post except that I hope it might please you!

Today is a statutory holiday here in British Columbia and, in fact, in much of Canada — this Monday was designated Family Day a few years ago, and we’ve been enjoying a February long weekend ever since. Given the holiday’s name, it’s probably horrid of me to tell you why I’m enjoying today so much, but I’m going to ‘fess up: I’m very happy because I’ve got the house to myself, all day long! Pater’s in Vancouver for work (he’s on an international committee that seems not to have got the memo about the holiday! ) so no one will know if I stay in my pj’s all day long or watch six episodes of The Good Wife back to back. . . In fact, I have quite a bit to get done today, but I’ll be able to talk crazy-talk to myself while doing it and no one will here.

Mind you, I also enjoyed the company of family this weekend. Paul’s company, of course, but we also had a daughter visiting, and that was great. So amusing and gratifying, actually, to see what a family of readers we are, the three of us curled up in the livingroom much of the weekend with our books or newspaper. We weren’t couch potatoes the whole time, though. She and her dad headed to town for a yoga class while I had a fabulous 21+km run — in solidarity with three of my sisters who were running the Palm Springs Half Marathon.

Even with the company, I managed to get most of my marking done (only three essays to read this morning), but I left most of the prep for today. It will be vying for attention, though, with another important project — today is the day I hope to steek the Kate Davies Rams and Yowes blanketI’ve been knitting forever. Cutting through a piece of knitting, praying that the reinforcement holds, that the yarn’s sticky enough, that the whole damn thing doesn’t instantly begin to unravel — I’ve only done this once before, and there’s room for considerable anxiety and drama. . .

I’d also planned a run for today. It’s snowing heavily at the moment, however, so that item on the list might have to be replaced by reading for an additional hour. Never say I’m not flexible. . . .

Now it’s time for  those essays, although I may just sit by the fire (I had it crackling away by 5:45 — one of those simple pleasures, getting a fire going, don’t you think?) and watch the sunrise greet the snowfall. . . .

What does your day hold in store?


  1. Susan B
    10 February 2014 / 3:08 pm

    Enjoy your day and hope the steeking goes smoothly! Extra time reading sounds delicious.

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:40 am

      The whole day was delicious! Thanks!

  2. K.Line
    10 February 2014 / 4:01 pm

    It's Family Day in Ontario next Monday – the 17th. Weird how it's not the same everywhere. I guess it's because it's a provincial holiday vs. federal stat?

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:41 am

      We've only had it as a holiday for 2 years, I think. I'd rather assumed they were the same date. . .

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    10 February 2014 / 4:22 pm

    How will you manage to run in the snow? Staying in Pajamas has a certain appeal….good luck with the steeking, never heard of that technique I hope that you will show us the results.

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:41 am

      I did change out of my pjs, but only just. . . 😉
      As for running in the snow, it's just a question of being a bit careful . . . and being willing to get wet!

  4. Sue B
    10 February 2014 / 6:00 pm

    Wow..that sounds like a pretty full day! Good idea to get that marking out of the way first….those essays have a tendency to sit on your desk calling you…don't you think?
    My teacher friends and I used to laugh at the different ways we had to "get through" a big pile of marking. Some would sit down and not get up until they were finished. I could never do that. Maybe with a class of grade 9 essays….but certainly not with senior papers. I'd take the big pile and divide it into smaller piles of 5 and then plan to finish 5 each time I sat down at my desk over several days. Then I would trick myself by marking 6 (or even 7) instead of 5…and when I arrived at the last pile of 5…sometimes it would only be 2 or even 1. Joy…a spare hour for reading!

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:42 am

      It was a full day, quite busy, but very enjoyable. And yes, I have similar tricks to get through, especially if I'm teaching 3 or 4 1st-year classes. This term is much more comfortable, marking-wise.

  5. Madame Là-bas
    10 February 2014 / 6:35 pm

    I have to do some laundry and housecleaning today but will probably do some Netflix as well. There is a French movie about a group of Trappist monks taken hostage that looks promising. Monsieur is away doing musical activities so I am on my own. Have you ever seen The Florentine Straw Hat by Nino Rota? I saw it yesterday at the Chan. It was hilarious! I enjoy the UBC operas and watching the young cast members doing ticket sales and stage hand work as well. I have two books that were recommended to me that are waiting to be read: A Novel Bookstore and Bitter Almonds by Lawrence Cossé.

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:44 am

      I hadn't even heard of that opera — and I haven't been to the Chan for years. Such a lovely hall.
      I'm putting those books on my list!

  6. Pondside
    10 February 2014 / 7:08 pm

    Good luck as you wield the scissors! You are braver than I.
    Today is not a holiday for federal workers (not that I am one, but I work out of a federal office) so everyone is resentfully here – but the parking is free and that makes up for it somewhat.
    Today? Work, slide home, cook and then visit with my parents who arrived yesterday.

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:46 am

      I wondered how that would work for federal workers. Paul's retired before it came into effect, so we never tested it. Free parking is a tiny trade-off for a day off. Yours sounds like a busy day, not as restorative as mine. Take care.

  7. Tiffany
    10 February 2014 / 8:13 pm

    Good luck with the steeking – I've only done it once, but even on non-sticky yarn it held amazingly (a cardigan for a boisterous 2-year-old), so I'm sure it will work perfectly.
    We hosted a welcome party for new neighbours on Sunday afternoon/evening – about 20 adults and a dozen or so kids. It was really fun, but I had to be at a client at 8am Monday, for a full day meeting/workshop (sprung on me at the last minute, long after the party was organised), so I had to nudge people out the door after about 10pm 🙂

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:47 am

      I don't know how you manage the entertaining you do — you're a whiz! But yes, I would have been not just nudging, but perhaps giving the odd shove out that door at 10! 😉
      The steeking seems to have gone well. I think I'll post some photos this week. Now to pick up and knit the edging.

  8. Duchesse
    10 February 2014 / 10:07 pm

    That lovely long run seems to indicate your shoulder has healed- good to hear!

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:48 am

      It's not completely better yet, but much improved, thanks!

  9. Patricia
    11 February 2014 / 4:43 am

    Hi Mater – as K.Line said, our Family Day is next week. My husband is taking Valentine's Day and next Monday off (he doesn't get the provincial holiday).

    Have a good week!

    • materfamilias
      11 February 2014 / 5:49 am

      That's a yummy long weekend you've got ahead, then. 4 days, with Valentine's Day as a starter. Any plans?


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