Lentils and Chocolate and Snow, Snow, Snow

What could Dahl — that wondrously fragrant, rib-sticking dish of curried lentils, ever so healthy —  and Nutella Crepes possibly have in common, you might ask?


cooking these very different dishes was part of my response to being home all cozy while this wintry goodness loomed just out the window.

In fact, I did get outside a few times, even taking a turn with the shovel . . .

but more often, heading out the gate for a walk or a run (strapped on my Yaktraks) around the island, taking in the pretty.

And then I’d get home, throw another log on the fire, and realize how hungry I was

and remember that I’ve been wanting to try out the Nutella Crepes recently featured on Cup of Jo. Head over there for the recipe, but you’ll need to grab a jar of Nutella from the grocery store. I have to say that Pater’s eyebrows moved substantially higher when he spotted these on the list I gave him. Nutella hasn’t been a WeightWatchers staple around here, but it felt like time for a controlled treat.

Believe me, worth every calorie. The servings were small but ever so delicious — and if you pick them up and nibble them with your fingers, you’ll perhaps be reminded of enjoying them in Paris. The best kind of street food!

That was Saturday. Today, my craving was for more nutritious fare (although noticeably lacking in the Chocolate Food Group!). I found this recipe  for Lentil Dahl and realized that we had all the ingredients right here in the pantry, although I did sub green lentils for the specified red. . .

The spicy warm dish was the perfect antidote to the wintry scene outdoors, and the fragrance that filled the house only added to the fire’s coziness. Surprisingly, perhaps, this mix of warmth and fragrance and enough allusion to exotic places (India, Paris) marries the two otherwise very different meals.

Now I’m wondering what Pater’s planning for dinner, what he’s putting in the grocery cart right about now, given that he was recently out playing in the snow himself . . . .

So tell me, chez vous, has the weather affected the food you’ve been making and/or eating?


  1. Patricia
    25 February 2014 / 11:23 pm

    Hi Mater – we had home made pea and ham soup for supper this evening!

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 12:40 am

      Yum! Perfect for the season!

  2. LPC
    25 February 2014 / 11:30 pm

    Even in our 70 degree weather, curried little lentils sounds wonderful.

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 12:40 am

      I thought I'd have some leftovers for today, but apparently Paul thought they were wonderful too . . .70 degrees? Really?

  3. Susan B
    25 February 2014 / 11:31 pm

    Oh, I love dahl! I'm so enjoying your wintery scenes, though I'm sure it's not quite as magical when you have to shovel it!

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 12:42 am

      It's enough of a novelty that the shovelling was just another workout for Paul, who loves activity of most kinds and even did our elderly neighbour's walk as well. If it went on and on and on as it does back East, I'd be singing a different tune!

  4. Lorrie
    26 February 2014 / 12:46 am

    It was a weekend for stuffed pork tenderloin, soup and more soup. The curried lentils sound so yummy. Your island wears snow beautifully.

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 12:43 am

      That's the perfect menu — stuffed pork tenderloin is such a warming dish, in so many ways. And soup, of course.
      I have to agree — our island does snow well! Thank you!

  5. hostess of the humble bungalow
    26 February 2014 / 12:48 am

    Hmmm….sounds like chocolate might be in the forecast !

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 12:43 am

      You're a great meteorologist! 😉

  6. Pondside
    26 February 2014 / 4:52 am

    We were snowed in for a bit and still have lots in the ground. I spend the days napping and being waited on, sipping soup and tea – very cosy!

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 12:44 am

      You needed that, didn't you?! I'm glad you were able to stay home and cosy.

  7. Madame Là-bas
    26 February 2014 / 2:52 pm

    I enjoyed our snowy days and made a large pot of turkey chili and banana muffins. I love the snow when I don't need to go anywhere.

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 12:44 am

      Yumm! Chili really hits the spot on days like these. And I agree with you — snow is great if there's nowhere important to be.

  8. Miss Cavendish
    27 February 2014 / 1:07 pm

    I made dal just the other night! My children prefer a cream dal, which our local restaurant serves, but I make it without, thinking that the cloves and cinnamon and ginger can stand on their own. This winter I have failed to keep up my cavewoman menu that I so enjoyed during the summer and fall. Green smoothies, no matter how delicious, are just too cold for winter dining and baked goods too alluring. I will try to locate my discipline in the next couple of weeks.

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 2:56 pm

      I suspect I'd prefer a cream dal as well for taste — hard not to! But this was really good and for four servings (ha! my husband made that suggestion into a joke), it used only two tablespoons of butter. As you say, the spicing (mine had turmeric, cumin, garam masala, some red pepper flakes, ginger) made it lively enough. As for the difference between a summer and a winter regime, food-wise, I think the cold requires a stronger response than that found in a green smoothie! My discipline has definitely wandered a bit in this recent bout of snow and ice.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.