Sneezing and Street Art and Travel . . .

My big commitment of the day seems to be seeing how many times one can sneeze consecutively without imploding. So far, I’m at 12 times, and I’m wondering what other stages this cold will reveal.

In between sneezing, I’m enjoying reading through, and responding to, my students’ proposals for their final papers. Both 1st-year and 4th-year classes offer some gems and some duds, and I’m already trying to figure ways to guide both varieties toward a final version that I’ll enjoy reading and marking in a few weeks. The countdown has begun — only five more weeks of classes left before the exam period. Time to begin imagining my summer break, and we’re in the throes of booking flights, trying to figure out efficient train routes, nailing down accommodations, and making sure our passports are up to date. More on those plans later.

For now, I’ll share this wonderful example of street art from the wall of a cinema (La Clef) in Paris’ 5th arrondissement. . .  Imagine what celluloid wonders this young boy is peering at, film a key to unlocking the universe of the imagination. . . .

There are many ways to travel. . . .

Where have you been, through film or book or plane or train, that’s still echoing for you?

Or where are you planning to go, or visiting imaginatively?

Spring needn’t be the only thing that Springs Forward. . .

(if you want to travel backward a bit, though, here are links to my posts for last week:

Sunday’scouch cocooning and sketching

Tuesday’s images from my Vancouver run

and Friday’s five things


  1. Lorrie
    10 March 2014 / 4:08 am

    Oh dear. A late winter cold is less than fun. Hope you soon feel better. We were out on the water with friends this afternoon, enjoying the lighter skies and relative warmth. Travel anticipation this summer is taking the form of looking at sea charts and deciding where we want to go in the boat. However, Europe is likely in the works for 2015. England and Spain this time, with a short stopover in France. Lots of anticipate. Planning is part of the fun in traveling.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2014 / 2:17 pm

      What fun you'll have getting to know your new boat — our island and the surrounding waters are a great place to be in the summer! And being able to plan ahead to that Europe trip? Very exciting. All in countries whose languages you speak well, lucky you!

  2. pomomama
    10 March 2014 / 4:13 pm

    Get well soon from the cold. I sneezed yesterday – this would be a crap week to be sick and the Wee Guy is looking a little red eyed … As for the travel planning, I've done mine. Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Venice coming up sooner than I think is comfortable for me. Better get organised

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2014 / 2:19 pm

      I hope you stay healthy! I've skirted this bug so far, but I've seen it take down everyone around me. Feeling much better today but being careful as I've seen it bounce back and back and back in others.
      I love the sound of your itinerary — some great cities there! When's the trip?

  3. K.Line
    10 March 2014 / 7:46 pm

    Feel better soon! I'm just trying to keep my head down. But I do have a very exciting trip planned – thing is, it's top secret at the moment.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2014 / 2:19 pm

      Oooh, hush-hush! intrigue! All the better. . . can't wait for the big reveal. . . .

    • K.Line
      14 March 2014 / 7:41 pm

      I have to keep it secret for a while (maybe I'll email you :-)) in case my husband reads my blog – which NEVER happens so I don't know why I'm worrying. It's his 50th birthday and I've got craziness planned. I've actually planned a secret trip to throw him off the trail of the real secret trip. I'm crafty.

  4. Tiffany
    11 March 2014 / 12:44 am

    You poor thing. A cold is never fun.

    Sadly, no travel plans here, unless you count the possibility of Boston 2015 – first Spouse has to run a qualifier … Then we have to find the airfares 🙂 We have been invited to a wedding in Hong Kong in September and would love to go (went for the first time last September) but it's highly unlikely. Am heartily sick of my city right now.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2014 / 2:22 pm

      I'd say Boston definitely counts. And I hope Hong Kong works out — all travel seems quite daunting from where you are (from this perspective) but you Aussies end up absolutely everywhere! Funny that you'd get sick of your own beautiful backyard. I ask myself why I'd want to leave mine in the summer when it's so great here, but that's the only time I can leave work. . . I'm more likely to be sick of my corner in the long grey winter rains. . .

  5. Angela
    11 March 2014 / 1:37 pm

    During heavy training last year I seemed to get one cold after another- weakened immune system couldn't resist grandchild germs 🙂 Hope you make a speedy recovery.
    Oh yes, dreaming of next trips… Hawaii next week, then back to Africa in Sept/Oct- this time to SA's Drackensberg mountains and the iSimangaliso wetland national park region. But especially looking forward to a BC summer.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2014 / 2:25 pm

      So far, I've been really lucky, missed all the colds that caught my husband, one by one — and I get exposed to all sorts of bugs by my students. I'm really hoping this one passes easily, crossing my fingers.
      Wow! those are two very cool upcoming trips. Hawaii next week? Perfect timing — you'll get a huge boost of sunshine to launch you into spring and by the time you get back, I think it will have made some serious headway here. After all, it's supposed to be 10 degrees today — and sunny! Scarcely need to light a fire in the woodstove!

  6. Duchesse
    11 March 2014 / 6:14 pm

    Planning a week in NYC at end of May. Le Duc turns all the planning over to me- as he says "this is your town". I feel definite pressure in that, but also the joy of anticipation. Next year he turns 60 and is already pondering where he would like to go for that milestone birthday. (I'm trying not to exert influence.)

    • materfamilias
      12 March 2014 / 7:47 pm

      We keep promising ourselves that we'll get back to NYC — we spent a week there back in, hmmmm, 1987 or '88. Obviously far too long ago. What an exciting trip to look forward to — so much to see there! (I saw the write-up for a fab. photog. exhibit at the Met, a Paris photographer from pre/during Hausmannization. I'd love to see it!)

  7. Ceri
    11 March 2014 / 7:49 pm

    Hope that the sneezes have not developed into something more dramatic. It was payback time for me last week when I caught myself smugly saying that I hadn't had a cold for at least the last two winters. So 24 hours later I woke to 48 hours of ghastliness, then a day of general weediness and then right as rain. Weird and very definitely hoping that no one else gets it…

    As to travel trips, I'll tempt the gods of smug again by saying that my husband has booked us a few days away next week and won't tell me where. Can't wait

    • materfamilias
      12 March 2014 / 7:48 pm

      I seem to be getting off fairly lightly with this cold, knock on wood. (I should be careful as I might have been guilty of some health-smugness myself, and might be getting payback as well)
      Ooooh, so romantic to be heading away to who-knows-where. Don't forget to report back!

  8. Mardel
    12 March 2014 / 11:55 pm

    Oh dear! I hope you are feeling better, and that those vacation plans at leas warm your spirits and chase the sneezles away. I don't have a cold but must have been caught by a sympathetic sneeze when I saw your title.

    • materfamilias
      13 March 2014 / 7:12 pm

      I'm getting to better, although I'm being a big guarded as I've seen this one have a significant bounce-back factor in others. Thanks!


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