Random in a Time of Covid-19

Yes, yes I am working on another (continuing) post about that Kiki Smith exhibition I visited in Paris last December. But it’s much more time-consuming than I’d anticipated, not just uploading all the photos (which the interface between iPhone/MacBook and Blogger renders painful), but also doing some accompanying research. I’m finding that I’d prefer to savour rather than rush the latter, so it’s coming, but not today.

Instead, I’m going with an aleatory mix of photos arranged as they’ve uploaded — I’ve run out of energy to group them today, and that’s partly because I’m doing too much online. Besides my two Instagram accounts (I post, but then I also respond to comments), I’m also texting and WhatsApp-ing much more than normal, especially with family. Given that our gathering in Sicily this June is likely to be cancelled, it’s gratifying to follow conversations between our five scattered households. But I seem to arrive at noon every day and wonder why I’m getting so little done. Are you finding something similar?

I did finish a goofy little handknit doll for a Soon-to-Be-Five who’d requested one months ago. High content of cashmere in that red yarn. . .

I’m also onto the second sock for the Eleven, using up leftovers from my Stash.

I did an online yoga workout yesterday — bought a membership for our favourite studio, which we left behind when we moved three years ago. They’re testing out live-streaming as  a way to keep the studio viable during this time when gathering isn’t possible, and the Yin Yang class was great. Looking forward to more of that and of other classes as well. I’m also doing workouts my trainer has posted on Instagram— so far these are free, but she’s also offering Virtual In-Home training sessions, one-on-one, very reasonable. This kind of ingenuity in response to a business/livelihood-threatening situation deserves support and also supports me — especially since the gym in our building is now closed, a wise and necessary move, but this is an amenity I really miss.

Besides working out to online guidance, I’ve been walking — spotted the display above in the window of a local independent stationery store — now closed until it’s safe to open again. The responsible thing for businesses to do, but such a cost, especially to the smaller ones.

And I’m getting walks away from city sidewalks as well. We drove to Burnaby Lake the other day, walked the paths, saw a Mandarin Duck, and a swoop of dowitchers magically walking on the (ice-skin) surface of the water. And spotted many skunk cabbage which, of course, made me think of my mother(whose birthday is this weekend — she would have been 89).

Not so much exercise, but for getting outdoors (abundant sunshine and temperatures in the low teens this week, well, if 10, 11, 12 count as low teens). . . on my terrace, the brunnera is blooming

and the Star Magnolia is almost,

almost. . .

Finally, more mending. . . .

The well-worn, slightly felted cashmere sweater I embroidered a couple of years ago seemed ready for some blanket stitching on the cuffs.

I think I’ll add the same along the hem, but I’m trying to do this incrementally and judiciously. We’ll see.  I wore this outfit (pairing the sweater with the leather skirt I bought and modeled back here on our second-last restaurant meal, a dinner date with Pater a couple of weeks ago, when the world was different. . . .

Also in the category of last-for-a-while, I picked up mending and repairs yesterday before my gem of a neighbourhood cobbler closed up her shop for as long as is necessary. My metallic oxfords got re-heeled ($35, very well spent, the second, perhaps third time I’ve had this done since I bought the shoes in Portland fall 2017). Also spent $74 getting new soles and heels on the Acne Pistols I’ve had for about eight years. I don’t wear these much anymore–the heel height is no longer in my comfort zone–but I think they still deserve to be well maintained, and I do enjoy wearing them occasionally if we’re driving rather than walking.

And finally, I took my leather jean jacket in for repairs — $35 to patch a rip on the left sleeve (which matches a rip I had patched a few years ago on the right sleeve!).  Picked it up yesterday before that shop closes down for a while as well. . . Again, money well spent in renewing a garment that had fallen out of favour with me over the last year, but is now back in regular rotation.

Note that while I’m still wrapping a cashmere scarf around my neck, I am sporting my pink Oxfords. Springtime!!

Okay, that’s a wrap. A Random wrap, yes, but considering it’s the second blogpost I’ll publish today, I’m patting myself on the back. You might like to check out my reading blogfor the other post — and if you’ve finally got time to read and are looking for recommendations, you’ll find them by browsing both my posts and the readers’ comments over there. Years of them!

And you know, no Social Distancing here on the blog, so jump in and enjoy the company of fellow readers here in the comments section. Feel free to chat among yourselves. I’ll be reading — after a necessary break from the screens.

Take care,

Wash your hands,




  1. Maggie
    20 March 2020 / 9:06 pm

    Thanks for the post. This social distancing has been a challenge, and we've only been doing it for a week!

  2. anonymous
    20 March 2020 / 9:31 pm

    Love, love, love that knit doll!


  3. Sue Burpee
    21 March 2020 / 12:57 am

    Love that leather jacket, Frances. Especially with the tan scarf. Youy scarf up well, girl. 🙂
    Hope you're hanging in there. Sounds as if you are.
    I made a major decision today to cancel my hair appointment next week. My hairdresser works out of her home, one client at a time. And for a while both Stu and I thought keeping my appointment would be okay. Now we're questioning that decision. So I will be without colour or any professional hair care for ten weeks if I'm able to keep my May appointment. Who knows if I'll even be recognizable by then. Ha. I may have to get Stu to cut my bangs. Gad! There's a blog post in there somewhere I'm sure.

  4. Anonymous
    22 March 2020 / 12:17 am

    I tried to leave a comment on your reading blog but it didn't seem to work. But thank you for your recommendations. I tend to spend too much time reading the news on CBC and definitely need a diversion!
    Stay well.
    Frances in Sidney

  5. Lisa
    22 March 2020 / 3:59 am

    Your social distancing strategy sounds expert. Get what you most need, avoid the rest.

    And I like that sweater more and more as you make edits. It's a tossup now between the sweater and that truly cute poupée.

  6. materfamilias
    22 March 2020 / 4:24 am

    Maggie: It's tough. . . I'm afraid we'll soon have lockdown/sheltering in place imposed because of level of non-compliance. . .
    SLF: Oh, thank you! I hope our little guy does. . .
    Sue B: I don't have a choice about my hair dresser anymore, but when i still did, I was wrestling which way I'd go (my next appointment is still weeks away). Had come down on the side of Probably Not. . . I'd love to be able to pay her for the cancellation, though. It's the only income for mine, and she and her fellow stylist rent the salon as well — pretty scary to have no income coming in. . .
    Frances: I've been monitoring comments because of spam — your comments visible on the blog now. Thanks!
    Lisa: I think the sweater might become more convincing the more I add to it — like those crazy jeans back in the 70s. We'll see. . . And I'm glad you like the doll, plus now I'll have to remember to tell him what a doll is called in French. He's turning Five and alert to all the possibilities for scatological humour. 😉

  7. Anonymous
    22 March 2020 / 9:31 am

    It is so nice to read,watch and hear some nice things. Thank you Frances
    This morning we've had a couple of earthquakes in Zagreb,the worst 5.5 at the Richter scale. Earth is still trembling…There are a lot of damages in the historical centre,buildings,hospitals (patients are evacuated from old hospitals),churches,the cathedral (for you who know)….luckily,there are not death people,so far ,but there are a couple of dangerously injured ones. The epicentre was 5 km from my home
    Stay well and safe

  8. Eleonore
    22 March 2020 / 2:31 pm

    Dottoressa, I heard about the earthquake on the news this morning and was worried about you. So glad to read here that you are safe. All the best to you!
    Frances, I agree with Lisa – your sweater is getting better and better. One day it will end up an all-over embroidered one-of-a-kind garment.
    There is no strict lockdown here, we are just "advised" to keep our distance and only go out for shopping, working or seeing the doctor. (We also may go running or for walks, as long as we do not do it in groups.) Some people took some time to understand the urgency of all this, but by now it seems to be working. On the other hand there are a lot of self-styled policemen around (mostly virtually) who discharge their own panic by screaming at people over the internet. I feel it really takes some effort to stay away from them.

  9. Mary
    22 March 2020 / 7:06 pm

    Not on other social media so (thank you, Frances) using this medium to express my relief that Dottoressa and her family in Zagreb are okay following the earthquake. She was the first person I thought of when hearing about that quake. Stay safe and take care where/when you can.

  10. Carolpres
    22 March 2020 / 8:13 pm

    Frances, hugs on your mom's birthday. My mom would have been 91 on the 18th, so I have a sense of how you're feeling.

    Sue, I'm in LA County and they announced last night that nail and hair salons must close. I cancelled my regular (bi-weekly) mani/pedi this week – it just didn't feel right – and I expect that my 4/2 hair color and bangs trim will also go by the wayside.

    Dottoressa, I'm glad you're safe!

  11. Anonymous
    23 March 2020 / 6:32 am

    Dear Frances,Lisa,Eleonore,Mary,Carolpres and all of my friends here,who were thinking about me and my Zagreb,
    Thank you so much!
    My heart is so full
    Stay safe

  12. Anonymous
    23 March 2020 / 6:48 am

    <3 to Frances,A.in London,Lisa and Victory for their mails. Thank you!

  13. Duchesse
    23 March 2020 / 12:49 pm

    I love your visible mending! It you think a contrast colour on the hem is too much, a matching blanket stitch or one just a slight bit lighter (so, I guess dark grey) would always work.

    We had a loss of possibilities yesterday when the city announced the closure of all public parks. (I assume too many persons were congregating there.) So I go out early in a.m. to walk the city streets.

    PS I had an email from Cara, who sent both of us the same WAPO article. It may have gone in your junk box.

  14. Duchesse
    23 March 2020 / 12:51 pm

    Back to say, the closure of salons might be an incentive for women to experiment with going to their natural colour. Literally a "silver lining"?


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.