White Jeans and Happier Knees (Love my Physio!)

 After a glorious spring weekend, we’re back to sodden skies, but yesterday morning was still sunny and warm enough to justify wearing my new white jeans (alsoseen here).

I like this pairing with a JCrew metallic-striped t-shirt, but I’m trying to temper the newness of my size-replacement wardrobe with older pieces. Clothes or shoes or other accessories that I’ve lived with for years have always grounded what I wear, given some consistency to whatever style I might have. So many favourites just don’t fit anymore, but a few jackets & cardigans still do, albeit more loosely.

 Today, this powder-blue Bompard long cardi (a lovely lightweight cashmere) was the Oldie-but-Goldie, along with my Fluevog loafers. And I know, I know, double metallic might well be a no-no, but apparently we’re good-to-go with the double denim these days, so I’m declaring a judicious doubling of metallic to be permissible as well. You heard it here first. . . .

I wore this OOTD to my physio appointment — where many tiny needles tickled and grabbed their way into some very tight muscular knots. It can be uncomfortable, sometimes I might even say it hurts, but the release and relief is so quickly palpable that I look forward to each new pinpoint.

As helpful as the IMS (intra-muscular stimulation) was, though, it was my physio’s assessment and her reassurance that most pleased me. She’s very confident I’ll run the marathon (she’s signed up for it as well), and the plan she set out for my (non)training over the next few weeks is very similar to what I’d settled on.

I woke up this morning with very little kink in my knee and a left hip that’s so much happier (the muscular tension had, unsurprisingly, travelled right up/down the chain, and many needles hit the hip and, um, gluteal regions. . . ).

So thank you all for your concern — it looks as if I’m on the mend. Certainly mended enough to dare double-metal with my white jeans. . . . what say you? Faux pas of the spring?

And I’m curious. . . who is your first recourse for biomechanical stuff? Do you go to your GP, or to a chiropractor, a massage therapist, a physiotherapist? (I haven’t been to my doc for at least a year, but have visited my physio 8 or 10 times, an RMT a few more, never see a chiropractor).


  1. That's Not My Age
    16 April 2014 / 3:35 pm

    I know what you mean about tempering the newness – I like to blend old & new too. Your Bompard cardigan is a beautiful colour. And double metallic looks fine to me: that's not a faux pas!

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 4:59 am

      Thanks for the thumbs-up!

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    16 April 2014 / 3:46 pm

    Your OOTD looks great and double metal is all over Pinterest.
    I go to my GP first…he knows the system and has many connections and happy to refer us to others who specialize in various areas. So far I have not needed any serious intervention other than the occasional visit to the physio.
    Good to hear that you are on the mend.

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 5:00 am

      I used to see my GP first as well — we're lucky to have someone (as are you!) who can get you in quickly and make timely referrals. Now I find it faster to go more directly to the physio herself.

  3. Madame Là-bas
    16 April 2014 / 4:38 pm

    I like the double metal and I am seeing it in Paris shops. I don't have any biomechanical issues other than my ankle "giving out" with overuse. I see my GP when there is a problem. I really like the Eric Bompard sweater but can not buy a sweater in Paris as next week I will be in Shetland. It sounds positive for the Marathon. Still reading Austerlitz. Bonne journée!

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 5:01 am

      Is that the same ankle you hurt last year? You do so much walking in Paris that you've probably completely rehab'ed it!
      No wonder you're saving luggage space for a Shetland sweater — can't wait to see what you find!

  4. Lorrie
    16 April 2014 / 5:25 pm

    The double metal combined with the Bompard blue and the white denim is great. You make me toy with the idea of getting some white jeans.
    I go to my physiotherapist for my back issues. We've tried IMS but manipulation combined with targeted exercise seems to work better.
    Rain today and for the next few, hoping that the weekend is better.

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 5:02 am

      Isn't it great to have a physio who you trust? And yes, sigh, rain, and more rain, but perhaps it will all clear for the weekend. The garden's pretty tempting at the moment.

  5. LPC
    16 April 2014 / 5:30 pm

    Hooray! And I've never done much for my pains. Which I'm paying for now. We don't have "physios" in the USA:(

    Also, the double metal, with the Bompard pale blue, works for me.

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 5:05 am

      From what I've read, it sounds as if your physical therapists are similar to our physiotherapists, no? I find mine so much more lucky to find ways to keep me moving than my doctor — his options seem to be meds or surgery or a referral to a physio/exercise. . .
      Glad you approve of the metal-metal and the pale blue — I was pretty happy in the combo — seemed expressive of our spring weather.

  6. Susan B
    16 April 2014 / 10:04 pm

    So happy to hear your knees and hips are feeling better! I haven't done the needle stimulation, but have done the patches with electric current and it really did help. I don't think the double metallic is a faux-pas, au contraire! I love how cohesive this outfit looks, (but not too matchy) and again, think blue is so beautiful on you.

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 5:06 am

      Yes, those patches seem to be helpful too — I haven't done that for a while, but did some of that and also some ultrasound with the physio on my shoulder a few years ago.
      Thanks re the outfit — I did think I'd managed a cohesiveness that pleased me, so thanks for commenting on that.

  7. Tiffany
    17 April 2014 / 12:17 am

    I love the double metallic, especially with the white and soft blue! Great news about the knee, etc. I never see a physio but I can see that I may have to one of the these days, if I keep running and increasing mileage …

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 5:08 am

      To me, the physio really helps ward off damage — when my foot was bothering me at increased mileage last year, she set me up with exercises that really made a difference. And I came back from some Achilles stuff a few years ago thanks to another physio, whose stretches I'm pretty good about keeping up even now.

  8. Duchesse
    17 April 2014 / 12:45 am

    Sounds like you are in excellent hands. We had SNOW last night and -5 today so too early for white jeans except maybe indoors. Those metallic shoes are just great!

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 5:08 am

      I heard about that snow — tough! My cousin in the BC interior got hit by some similar weather — hard not to feel guilty about our good fortune here on the coast. . .

  9. Mardel
    17 April 2014 / 12:47 am

    My first thought on viewing your outfit was how nice the combination of the metallic in the shoe was combined with the tee and the soft, more muted blue of the sweater. Double metallic is good in this case.

    I've not always sought help in the past, to my detriment I might add, but I have paid more attention in the last couple of years and my system until my recent, more acute injury, would be a couple of private sessions with my yoga instructor who is trained in lyengar and svaroopa yoga and also practiced crania-sacral therapy for many years, then my physical therapist, who specializes in back and chronic pain patients. I need to find a good massage therapist in the area and it has proven difficult because I was spoiled by having a sister-in-law who was an excellent massage therapist, and no one has quite measured up since her death. But that could be just my expectations rather than any measure of reality, so I am determined to renew the search. I am also considering looking into acupuncture as part of future maintenance when issues begin to arise.

    • materfamilias
      17 April 2014 / 5:12 am

      Thanks for your comments on the outfit.
      It took me a while to start going for physio help — I think there's a certain stoicism or suck-it-up mentality that has to be overcome first, at least that was true for me. Plus just finding time and getting organized enough to make an appointment. Iyengar is really therapeutic, though, as I understand it (have a friend who's just finishing her teacher training in Iyengar).
      I know what you mean about finding a replacement for a massage therapist you really like. It's such a personal therapy and so potent when it really works, so very nurturing as well. Takes a special person to maintain that odd blend of intimacy and distance required.

  10. Unknown
    19 April 2014 / 11:00 pm

    So happy to hear you're healing and will be able to compete!! Who wrote the "rules" and what makes them think they know what's acceptable? Double, triple, quadruple metallic works, if it feels good. Great blue on you too!!

    • materfamilias
      20 April 2014 / 2:03 am

      Thanks Jennifer! I have to admit the "rule" is one I've adopted myself over the years: don't double-leopard, don't double-metal, don't double-denim. . . . you get the idea. But I like this combo and decided to trust my intuition for once. If I can't do that at my age, what hope is there, right?

  11. CK Physiotherapy
    7 April 2016 / 3:48 am

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