Running into Art. . . .

 Between all the belated birthday lunches and dinners with one sister, breakfast with another, I had calories to run off while I was in Vancouver. My usual Saturday morning long run was cancelled on account of a huge blister (city walking, new shoes, no socks — all combined to do what a full marathon didn’t!). But by Sunday morning, I’d found and applied a great Dr. Scholl’s product, and headed out for my first long run (18 kilometres) since the BMOVancouver. . .

I’ve told you before how much I love this very photogenic run out to Spanish Banks and back. And I’ve also shown you its enhancement via an art installation of red umbrellas. Well, when I ran it Sunday morning, I was delighted to see another piece of art, this one considerably less ephemeral than the umbrellas were. . .

These huge sculpted pieces of salvaged fallen collectively form a work called Public Furniture / Urban Trees by the Brazilian artist Hugo Franca, and they grace our Vancouver beach thanks to the Vancouver Biennale. The orange netting around the work suggests to me that the installation may not yet be complete, but perhaps it’s simply an attempt to keep the public from clambering over their new “funiture.” If so, good luck with that — I note someone’s already added a small Canadian flag (misguided patriotism, it seems to me!).

Seen in person, the pieces are even more sensuous than they appear here . . .

 Back home on the island now, I’m continuing to run, but now it’s from chore to chore as I go through all those pre-travel lists.  As I think ahead to the sights I’ll see over the next month, moving from London to Bordeaux to Paris to Puglia to Rome, I’m pleased to remember the riches we have at home, the new discoveries to be made even on routes we’ve traveled daily.

Do you find the same thing? What discoveries have you made just around the corner lately? I’ve got to run now (buying a new swimsuit today, wish me luck, never a fun task!), but I’ll be back to read your comments soon. . . . have a lovely day!


  1. LPC
    27 May 2014 / 5:16 pm

    I continue to envy you your running, and rue the muscular calves that rip my ligaments and other muscles from my shin bones:).

    • materfamilias
      30 May 2014 / 3:38 pm

      My calves can give me grief as well, although not as severely as yours, sounds like. I have a daily routine to try to keep them lengthened, but it's a continual battle. . .

  2. K.Line
    27 May 2014 / 5:41 pm

    Oooh, I've got one! In my hood, a couple of square miles ish, there are Neighbourhood Watch signs. Lately, someone's been changing the pic in the middle of the signs and switching them up for X Files or Power Rangers pics (etc.) It's hilarious – and unexpected.

    • materfamilias
      30 May 2014 / 3:39 pm

      Perfect example! I love being surprised right in my home ground (well, good surprises, at least. . . )

  3. Susan B
    27 May 2014 / 10:22 pm

    What a fun installation! My daily walks have me noticing how everything seems to be blooming a bit more exuberantly this year, probably because of the unusual spells of heat in May. Glad you found something for the blister.

    • materfamilias
      30 May 2014 / 3:40 pm

      Exuberant blooms — spirit-lifting, for sure!
      I'm packing the blister remedy, crossing my fingers my feet will toughen to the new shoes quickly . . .

  4. Madame Là-bas
    27 May 2014 / 11:03 pm

    I get blisters when I walk a lot without stockings. They are so painful!!! I have been noticing waterlilies and iris blooming in our ponds. M. LB released some fish and we are hoping that they will survive. We look for them every day. Good luck with the swimsuit.

    • materfamilias
      30 May 2014 / 3:41 pm

      I've spotted waterlilies blooming in our island pond and meant to get back for a photograph. It will be fun for you to watch those fish over the summer (if the herons and kingfishers and raccoons leave them alone!)

  5. Ceri
    28 May 2014 / 11:20 am

    These unexpected oases of delight are lovely, aren't they? Whether they be official installations or just a pretty piece of garden amidst a desert of uncared-for patches. They brighten the soul.

    As to the swimsuit shopping – definitely not something to brighten the soul. I am pale skinned and burn in the sun, rather than tan, so I have to look out for a colour that goes with ghoulish white. And also lobster pink. Plus I am tall, so I find that the ones that are cut up to here and down to there are an affront to public decency on me… A trial, for sure, but hope you come up with something splendid

    • materfamilias
      30 May 2014 / 3:42 pm

      Oh, me too, Ceri, on the non-tanning, although not on the height. But the SA was so helpful and patient and I did end up with some suits I like (got 2 tops, a bottom, and a one piece so now I'm done for a few years, I hope!!)


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