Monday Blues–but These are Sky Blues! Bordeaux Sky, Blue!


We have an ambitious cycling itinerary planned today, 60 kilometres round-trip, over a new route we’ve worked out with a little guidebook. Last week’s 60k trip was one we’d already pedalled last year. Today’s May be more complicated: not hard to imagine some wrong turns and cranky detours.

We’ll just take care to remember that we only need to go as far as we want. The bikes we borrow are not well suited for long distance; big, heavy city bikes, very stable, but with little capacity for speed. Paul bought a very nicely designed little basket for his the other day, so we’ll throw our bags in there and a bottle of water. Jury’s still out on whether we’ll pack a picnic or just stop for lunch on the way. I’m inclined toward the latter, quite honestly, although on last week’s trip, we saw several cyclist couples picnicking under trees or in fields, and it does look ever so romantic!

By the way, the photos I’m showing you have nothing to do with our cycle route. They’re all of the statue/fountain just across the road from the Reflecting Pool I showed you the other day . . . All part of a complex Iconic Bordeaux Images.


And that blue sky so beautifully backgrounding the sculpture? That has been our almost constant daytime companion since we arrived in Bordeaux. It’s actually making me a bit nervous about today’s adventure, as I don’t do heat very well. But the temps have cooled off just a bit the last few days, and today’s high is forecast at 25. Let’s hope that forecast is realized; otherwise poor Pater will be spending the day placating a grumpy spouse. Oh dear. . .


So wish me blue skies with not-too-much heat, and I’ll wish you a Happy Monday. I’m bringing my camera along in the bike basket, so I’m sure to have a few sights to share with you soon. Meanwhile, I hope your week is off to a good start!



  1. That's Not My Age
    16 June 2014 / 8:04 am

    Wishing you blue skies, happy cycling and a lovely long lunch break!

  2. Madame Là-bas
    16 June 2014 / 1:47 pm

    Hope you have pleasant temperatures, blue skies and no grumpy times!

  3. Lorrie
    16 June 2014 / 5:24 pm

    Blues skies, a little breeze, cooler temperatures and lunch out sound like the perfect day. I hope your cycling adventure gives you just that.

  4. Susan B
    18 June 2014 / 1:56 pm

    Gah, thought I'd been leaving comments but now I'm seeing some of them haven't posted. Anyhow, hope the bike ride went well and you're sorting out the train strike situation. Those blue skies as a backdrop to the fountain are travel poster material!

  5. Duchesse
    18 June 2014 / 2:41 pm

    Magnificent plan! And if he is willing it would be fun to see that bike basket.

  6. Unknown
    20 June 2014 / 7:07 am

    Blue skies and happy riding to you!! I hope the train strike blows over quickly.


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