A Bit of Random Including Some Rome and an OOTD. . . .

Photos throughout this post are of the gorgeous, expansive Piazza Navone in Rome. The statuary in the fountains tells magical, mythical, wondrous tales. . . 

Random Observation #1: While Grandmothers awaiting the imminent arrival of new grandbabies are not subject to the same discomfort as the pregnant mother (a discomfort magnified exponentially by summer heat — I’ve done this a few times, so I know!), some Grandmothers are sitting on a barrel-full of anxiety mixed in with their happy anticipation. Ask me how I know. Due date: August 12th. . . .not too long now. . .

I rarely wear shorts, but this summer I bought two pairs of Gap’s Roll-up Boyfriend Shorts, and then I didn’t roll them up (gasp!) — this pair are in a linen-cotton blend, and I was very comfortable in them, and I think they don’t look too bad. Worn here with a COS top I bought in Bordeaux. And my Birks, of course.

Given that my granddaughter immerses herself in the world of Her Little Ponies, I had to snap these photos of what appears to be a mer-horse. Apparently, she visited the same statue the following week, and she was quite pleased to recognize it in my photos.

Below, same plaza, but by now you might now I can’t resist shots of the architectural colours.

Random Observation #2:   Grandparents whose granddaughters go to bed easily at a reasonable hour and who sleep until at least 8:30 the next morning (ours is still sleeping as I write this — it’s 9:32 AM, hurrah!) are grandparents who will happily invite said granddaughters to visit for a week, maybe two.

The second fountain includes a grotto . . .

And while its monstrous creatures and its humans twisted into dramatic poses might not initially seem to have any connection with my random observations, perhaps my next random observation might suggest a link. After all, where does the creativity that inspires the stories that inspire these sculptures begin? In boredom, perhaps?

So here is Random Observation #3 for you:. There is much to be said for a child who can entertain herself. I recently readthis very good, short articleby Michael Harris, the author of The End of Absence: Reclaiming What We’ve Lost in a World of Constant Connection. While worrying about the developmental consequences of digital overload, the author points to the importance of what I might call boredom in a child’s life, the prod to daydreaming, to creativity, to developing her own entertainment. So I have been quietly thrilled and very satisfied to watch Nola play by herself for an hour, sometimes two, moving toys through various roles while conducting elaborate conversations and singing a rich repertoire of clearly made-up songs in a wealth of genres. Yesterday’s action, she explained to me, involved Two Sisters Fighting over a Lost Treasure. There were complexities of plot worthy of a Jeffrey Deaver novel! Character development seemed a bit thin to me, but it was beginning to move beyond the predictable bad-good binary into the subtleties of why evil actions had been deemed necessary.

And I’ll close by assuring you that I’m not the least bit bored watching the girl. The weather, however, has the potential for a bit of that “Ho-hum, just another day in Paradise” (at least until I have to do anything away from the marine breeze). Off for a run now, before the day gets too hot. When I get back, I’ll check for comments, see if any of my random observations have triggered a response. You know I always like to read what you’re thinking. . . .


  1. Anonymous
    30 July 2014 / 6:57 pm

    Thanks for the pictures of Rome! My husband and I are off on an Italian adventure in late October, Florence, Pisa, Cinque Terre and Rome are the current plans. As the plans are only loosely made at the moment, they are subject change.

    The shorts and top look great, comfortable yet fashionable! Perfect for sightseeing. Hope your run went according to plan, think I will head out and run too!

    • materfamilias
      31 July 2014 / 2:29 pm

      That's a great prospective itinerary! We definitely want to get back and see more of Italy.
      I hadn't realized how much running and cycling you were up to until I spent some time catching up on your blog — and in the heat too! you do well!

  2. Anonymous
    30 July 2014 / 9:21 pm

    I am so jealous — although one son is married, no grandchildren in sight. I hope I'm not too old to play if one ever arrives!


    • materfamilias
      31 July 2014 / 2:29 pm

      I'm sure you'll find ways to be playful when the time comes!

  3. High Heels in the Wilderness
    30 July 2014 / 9:35 pm

    I have a couple of pairs of those Gap boyfriend shorts. They are great for travel because they look good neat and pressed or cool and crumpled. And they look great on you. But…darn…I'm so envious… Birkenstocks! I tried really hard to find a pair that I could wear this year…with no luck. I'll just have to covet them on other people.

    • materfamilias
      31 July 2014 / 2:32 pm

      Honestly, I find simple dresses cooler and more comfy than shorts, but my daughter advised on the packing this year and really recommended a pair — for a countryside walk, even a bit of a hike, they do make more sense.
      As for the Birks, I've been wearing a version of these forever and ever (and trying not to be annoyed that the fashion world is trying to make them their own at the moment!) — I'm envious that you can manage to walk in your pretty sandals — I really need something more under my soles.

  4. Susan B
    31 July 2014 / 1:57 am

    Oh, that was one of my favorite spots in Rome! Sadly, we didn't linger too long as Monsieur was on a gelato-quest. I love that top you're wearing! What a fabulous print. Here's hoping the next grandchild arrives on time and smoothly. My son was due Aug 1, and born on Aug 9, so I definitely relate to the very-pregnant-in-hot-weather scenario!!

    • materfamilias
      31 July 2014 / 2:34 pm

      Oh, I know that Man with a Mission syndrome all too well. And what better to Mission for than gelato. The top is pretty, isn't it? They also had this print in a simple shift, but I really needed one more tank/tunic more than a dress. It works well with white jeans. Oh, yes, if you delivered August 9th, in LA, you definitely get that scenario! (she's pretty cranky!)

  5. Eleonore
    31 July 2014 / 12:54 pm

    Piazza Navona is so beautiful! I was there in spetember last year with my students, and they were duly impressed. And isn't it fascinating to think that this lovely, absolutely urban square was a stadium once in Roman times (for athletic competitions, not the bloody stuff) – thence the oval shape.
    I keep having mixed feelings about shorts. They look great on you, still I don't think I could make myself wear some except in the garden or on a boat. I love your top. Those are my favourite colours!

    • materfamilias
      31 July 2014 / 2:36 pm

      It is fascinating, indeed! So much (all?) of Rome is like that — overwhelming, really.
      As for the shorts, I think they're a bit too loose, really, but I can't bear anything more fitted when it's really hot. And I would prefer a skirt or a dress, but there are times (boating is a good example) when the shorts make much more sense.

  6. Catherine
    1 August 2014 / 12:00 pm

    I love those 'another day in paradise' days. Rome looks stunning and is definitely on the list! Are the Birkenstocks comfortable for city sightseeing? I need a pair of shoes that I can walk quickly in (I never dawdle) but don't rub and leave me with achy feet.

    • materfamilias
      3 August 2014 / 9:11 pm

      For my foot, at least, the Birkenstocks are so comfortable — I have often walked 10-15 city kilometres in them. Because my feet swell at the least bit of heat, a closed shoe just won't do, and Birks are the sandal that give me the support and comfort that work.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.