What’s Navy and Gold and Feeling very Busy . . .

Classes are going well, so far. I generally enjoy the first few weeks, the honeymoon stage, I sometimes call it, before they get their first assignments marked, returned…

A late October event I’m responsible for has me stressing about some must-do-right-now’s that pose some fiddly nested tasks and deadlines. But it’s going to be a great event that should involve the larger community, and I’m excited about that.

For now, I’ve come over to Vancouver to help with the new baby and to do the Coho Run with my sister. Paul and I are hoping to get out on our new bikes, but I’m also going to have to hole up in the condo at some point and write a lecture, plan a workshop, and catch up on my email. Honestly, I think I’m actually enjoying some of the busy, for now.

Tired though? Oh, yeah! Especially since I’m not only going from 0 to 60 in the work schedule, but am determined to kick my fitness routine into full fall functionality…

Yesterday morning, for example, I really wanted to fit in a run, but I also had to catch the 8:00 ferry….for an hour run, followed by a shower and something to eat, I had to be in my running gear and on the road by 6. Didn’t make it out before 6:15, so I was really scrambling to get ready on time.

 Luckily, I’d laid out my clothes the night before, and I was showered, dressed, and finishing my toast and tomatoes by 7:45, leaving me a minute to snap this pic.

In the end, as I was running out the door, I caught a last look in the mirror, felt that the suede oxfords, comfortable as they are, were a bit too heavy for the look overall, and I swapped them out for a pair of navy-and-white slingbacks that I bought in Paris in 2007. I wrote about those slingbacks way back here in a post about why I didn’t buy Louboutins when I had the chance. . . not sure I completely agree now with my choices at the time, but I do still like the slingbacks. . . .

Again, a somewhat scattered post, which I hope you find better than no post at all. . . . And again, I’d love your comments but have no particular questions to elicit them. The outfit, by the way, comprises a white Gap T-shirt, yellow Gap khakis featured, cotton knit striped blazer, by Nice Things, bought in Bordeaux a year ago, and Fluevog suede oxfords. . . 


  1. Patricia
    5 September 2014 / 2:52 pm

    Hi Mater, I love the navy and yellow together in today's outfit, it looks so fresh. I had a look at the website for the Coho Run – what a gorgeous route! I know you know this already, but wow! you are lucky to live there!

    Have a great weekend!

    • materfamilias
      6 September 2014 / 10:05 pm

      thanks, Patricia. Hope you're having a good weekend as well. The run is very scenic…just wish I didn't have to run over the second bridge, a bit too high for me. . .;-)

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    5 September 2014 / 4:29 pm

    Love those mustard yellow jeans on you and navy seems the perfect complimentary shade to wear with them…I get stressed when I have too much to do in too little time.
    Sounds like you have some great organizational skills to help you through the busy days ahead. Have fun in Van, the weather is supposed to be gorgoeus!

    • materfamilias
      6 September 2014 / 10:06 pm

      Thanks, L. I get stressed as well, but I try to remember that this is all good stuff I'm doing…and doing it in fabulous weather, as you point out. Happy weekend!

  3. Mardel
    5 September 2014 / 9:34 pm

    Love the yellow and navy. I'm still struggling with that early morning exercise & getting somewhere on time, and am amazed at your skill in keeping it all together.

    • materfamilias
      6 September 2014 / 10:07 pm

      The early morning is tough, but the afternoon much more so for my body clock, so I'm trying to plan for a.m. success. It helps that the fall rains haven't started yet.

  4. Brenda
    6 September 2014 / 1:53 am

    You certainly are keeping busy! I love posts like this that give little peeks into different parts of your life.

    • materfamilias
      6 September 2014 / 10:08 pm

      I'm glad you like this kind of post, Brenda. It felt a bit scattered, putting it together, but then that just makes it an honest reflection of my state right now! 😉

  5. Duchesse
    6 September 2014 / 2:33 pm

    I really like your knit blazer!

    • materfamilias
      6 September 2014 / 10:09 pm

      Thanks! It's really lightweight, completely unstructured (i.e. No facing anywhere!), but I think it adds some comfy polish.

  6. Pondside
    7 September 2014 / 5:05 am

    I like the look, but agree about the shoes – though I think that if you were walking around a cobbled campus in Prague or Maastricht they would be as smart as they are practical. I can really see that look over there…………. and the slingbacks here.

    • materfamilias
      11 September 2014 / 2:43 pm

      Ah, if only I were walking around that cobbled campus. . . 😉

  7. Eleonore
    7 September 2014 / 6:18 pm

    While our weekend is almost over, you just started your big run a few minutes ago. Good luck!
    Enjoy your sunday and don't work too hard!

    • materfamilias
      11 September 2014 / 2:43 pm

      Thanks! It was a good day!


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