In the Looking-Glass . . .

 “No Time. No Time.” And that’s without dropping my watch in my tea, Mad Hatter-wise. . . .

But I did snap photos two mornings this week, and I thought I might show them to you. Above and below, one of the simplest outfits (if such a simple combination could be called an outfit) I’ve ever absolutely loved wearing. The dress is in a heavy poly jersey; it’s by Vince and it’s such a delicious shape, really. Feels wonderful to move in, has in-seam pockets at the hip, a great pleat for slimming its generosity, length to suit an adult, and I believe it’s pretty close to elegant for a dress that I can bike to the ferry in. With my gold Wendy B fleur-de-lis necklace, an arm party of favourite bracelets, my Hermès double-tour watch, and these simple Vince shoes, I will confess to feeling some of Lisa’s oft-cited impunity. (The dress plays nicely with heels and hose as well.)

 The same kind of assurance turned up twice this week, which was quite a lovely surprise! Those yellow Gap pants, seen hereand here, are earning their keep. Worn with the same Vince shoes, bracelet arm party, watch, fleur-de-lis necklace as shown above with my dress, I think the pants look great topped with this light merino J. Crew sweater whose loose draping matches their casual vibe without looking sloppy.

 This photo gives a better idea of the dolman-sleeve shape and the overall roominess — but it also shows that my mirror might benefit from some vinegar and elbow grease. . . .

And it’s very clear that the afore-mentioned Mad Hatter would say to me, as he did to Alice, “Your hair needs cutting.” Indeed it does, as these photos testify. I had to cancel my appointment three weeks ago in favour of some newborn-sitting. No regrets there at all, but I will be very happy to have my layers trimmed today so that bounce gets restored. Between renewed bounce and retouched roots, I hope to present a much neater, fresher look for the weekend, all the better to greet my youngest granddaughter and her parents.

I’m noticing some happy repetitions in the outfits I’m wearing and posting recently. I sense that this is me, settling into a happy groove. What about you? As the season changes, are you noticing patterns establishing themselves in what you pull from the wardrobe? Or are you making changes? (check out Sue’s post on “Turning” her closet for another perspective on seasonal sartorial habits). I’d love to hear your thoughts, if you have a minute.

I’m off to my stylist’s now — Have a Happy Weekend!


  1. Madame Là-bas
    12 September 2014 / 5:04 pm

    Your dress and your yellow pants look so natural on you. M. has left for a week of rugged camping so I am indeed "turning my closet". I am at still just under 10 pounds of weight loss and am donating some items that are just baggy and unflattering. Sweaters are starting to be considered for early morning walks. My grey denim capris have been my go-to pants all summer and I would really like to find a pair of grey jeans. Curvy petite jeans are hard to come by. Have a lovely sunny week-end with your baby namesake.

    • materfamilias
      14 September 2014 / 6:42 pm

      Congrats on that weight loss — fun to "turn" the closet under those circumstances, and a good time for editing.

  2. Mardel
    12 September 2014 / 5:32 pm

    Comfortable, natural, stylish. Such great combinations. I am just beginning to think of a change, we are on the cusp of a bit of change here and I am ready, but I am traveling south to Florida next week, where it still what I would call uncomfortably warm, so my closet isn't quite ready for turning. Soon, I hope

    • materfamilias
      14 September 2014 / 6:43 pm

      To be honest, I'm leaving the closet switch-up for another week or three — we've got more sunny, dry days coming, so layering is still the key. But it's fun to start thinking about the sweaters, isn't it? (and the knitting!)

  3. Patricia
    12 September 2014 / 7:22 pm

    Hi Mater, these outfits are really speaking to me – I love the simple lines and shapes. It doesn't hurt that I love navy blue too! I'm thinking I might look into buying the yellow pants – the more I see them on you, the more I like them. They would be a nice splash of colour in the sea of navy blue that is my wardrobe.

    • materfamilias
      14 September 2014 / 6:44 pm

      I'm glad you find a bit of inspiration here, Patricia — I've been surprised delighted to find how easy it is to wear the yellow this way.

  4. LPC
    13 September 2014 / 3:28 am

    Yes those outfits really do look fantastic. The unfussy shoes, but still edgy, the wrap of the watch complementing the dress, the insouciant yellow pants, all of it. I think those "cocoon" silhouettes, wide at the middle, narrow in the legs, look great on you. I'd look like a dirigible, you look fantastic.

    • materfamilias
      14 September 2014 / 6:44 pm

      Thanks Lisa! They feel fantastic on, so I'm glad others can see some of what I feel. . .

  5. High Heels in the Wilderness
    13 September 2014 / 3:17 pm

    You're definitely singing the "blues" with your outfits…and they look fantastic. I love blue and gold/yellow Those pants are moving nicely into a fall vibe with shoes instead of sandals. Love the shoes. Really like the shape of that dress, and the length. Clearly your lack of time doesn't affect your style!
    Thanks for the mention; it's very much appreciated! ! Now I must go and see if I can find that dress on the Vince website!

    • materfamilias
      14 September 2014 / 6:45 pm

      The yellow and navy is a combo I don't usually manage, just because I can't wear yellow. . . .at least, not near my face, which makes the pants a great solution. . .

  6. Eleonore
    13 September 2014 / 4:02 pm

    I like the way the navy of your dress/sweater and shoes holds your outfits together. It works perfectly in both cases. I also envy you for being able to wear your shoes without socks. Those times ended over here some four weeks ago. (In the evenings I even put on the woollen, hand knitted variety.) That would be the right moment for "turning the closet", but I haven't been able to do so. In part it's because there was no time with all this business of starting school again, at the same time I feel it's some kind of protest. I cannot accept that summer is over already. So I end up with my summer things cramming the wardrobe and the fall clothes piling up on chairs.

    • materfamilias
      14 September 2014 / 6:47 pm

      Oh, the shoes without socks! It's something I've had to get used to — the big problem I have is with blistering. If there's any heat at all, my feet tend to swell and then rubbing becomes more likely (I use Body Glide as a protective balm and it helps). . . .Like you, though, I will soon find it too chilly and will have to hunt out all my socks , and that will definitely make me sad, saying bye so definitively to summer. . . .

  7. Duchesse
    13 September 2014 / 5:59 pm

    I admire the dress and the pants, especially with the shoes. Wide dolman sleeve tops that create a pup tent effect, uh…not a silhouette that I prefer on anyone and absolutely cannot wear myself.

    • materfamilias
      14 September 2014 / 6:49 pm

      Different strokes for different folks, as they say. Although I'm like you in not liking the shape much if it's stiffly maintained. I do enjoy the fluidity in how it's built in this top and I have several others quite similar.

  8. Anonymous
    14 September 2014 / 3:33 am

    I just found your blog. I am in awe of your marathon at 60. I ran one at 42. Vowed I would never again and stuck with HMs ever since. But in my early 50's now……rethinking the whole marathon thing. …. .maybe at 60…….but at 60 you did it……..I am so proud of YOU!

    • materfamilias
      14 September 2014 / 6:51 pm

      Thank you! I didn't do my first HM until just in my 50s, and it took me a few years even to imagine running a marathon, then a few more to deny that I would ever want to. . . . but the idea stuck and I have to admit that I'm a little bit proud of me too! 😉 What's your running program like at the moment?

  9. Bmore Bungalow
    16 September 2014 / 1:55 am

    Those yellow pants are super cute!

    • materfamilias
      17 September 2014 / 4:27 am

      Thanks! I like them too! 😉


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