Denim Skirt, Easy, Eh?

This denim skirt (Mother, Easy A, hence my little pun above, wince. . . ) kept catching my eye — I think I saw it first on Girls of a Certain Age and then it showed up on You Look Fab and of course once (or twice) I clicked on the link to check it out, it started following me around, winking at me from the corner of the screen in those devilishly tailored ads that insinuate their temptations into our unguarded moments.

Nonetheless, I ignored the temptation for weeks. Then I started listening to the voice that reminded me that I’d been looking for the perfect denim skirt for ages. Then just when I thought I might responsibly choose this new sensible wardrobe addition, they were completely out of my size. My Mastercard was saved.

Until they replenished the stock or someone returned a too-big or too-small or not-quite-room-in-this-month’s budget skirt in exactly my size. And I did the deed. Ordered. Waited and waited. Picked up the package. Nervously tried on the skirt, knowing that returns are always a hassle (except for the wonderful Gap which makes them brilliantly easy).

And I am a very happy camper. This one’s definitely a keeper, even if I have to hike it up rather indecently to ride my bike to and from the ferry. I could have wished for a walking slit, for a stride of more than the 18-20 inches this gives me, but I love the hint-of-90s length and silhouette, reinvigorated by just-soft-enough denim in a wash I love. Also enamoured of the raw hem. And the back pockets are flattering! Just sayin’ . . . .

Wearing it here with that faux fur vest, a Banana Republic scarf, and a cozy grey Bompard v-neck pullover. Boots that I bought in Paris 3 or 4 years ago. (by an Italian brand, Ink, bought in a shop in the heart of St. Germain, I can’t believe what a mainstay these have become — I wear them at least once a week.)

Interestingly, I recognize as I look at these photos how comfortable I am with this basic formula, probably because of the years in uniform at my all-girls Catholic high-school. Simple skirt, simple top, black oxfords — even the scarf might be seen as a replacement for the necktie we wore (tied our own, although a few of us may have cheated with clip-ons). And this skirt would have passed the Sister Superior test of having us kneel on the floor while she checked distance between knee and hem. The denim, of course, would not pass muster. . . .

So, let’s see, questions for you: Do you have a great denim skirt or are you still looking or have you no interest in such a garment (they can be tricky, I know!)?

Do you order online often? regularly? Is that a bit dangerous or do you have some sensible parameters in place? And how often do you have to return items? Is that a hassle? Or do you have a system?

And if none of these questions grab your attention, just comment at will. I’m always pleased to hear from you. Happy Wednesday!


  1. LPC
    15 October 2014 / 3:51 pm

    I was thinking, "Why does that look so good on her?" Hypothesis: really suits your long-legged proportions. Also, you're adorable:).

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:16 am

      Ha! Hard to be long-legged when one is 5'3", but I love you for thinking that! 😉

  2. That's Not My Age
    15 October 2014 / 4:04 pm

    I have a couple of denim skirts that I haven't worn for a while, much prefer them over tights in winter so might have to break them out again. I really like the wash & the shape of your new denim skirt – oh and the raw hem!

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:17 am

      Funny, I too like them better over tights in winter although I love the idea of them in summer. Just never really feel as if they work, at least not on me. . .

  3. Lorrie
    15 October 2014 / 4:28 pm

    The length and shape is wonderful on you. This post triggers memories of denims skirts I have loved….and a sudden desire to own another one. Your whole look here is perfect!

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:17 am

      Thanks, Lorrie — I'm really pleased with this one.

  4. Anonymous
    15 October 2014 / 4:38 pm

    Really suits you! I've not worn a denim skirt since (there's a photo somewhere …) I handed in my prefect badge on the last day of term in nineteen-seventy-oh-dear-quick-change-the-subject. On line shopping, I find works very well if replacing/duplicating something I know. Less well (e.g. cardboard coat from Anthropologie, fitting not at all chinos from Inez de la Fressange @ Uniqlo) when seduced by some blogger's enthusiasm. Hope I've learned my lesson …

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:19 am

      I have to beware of seduction by blogger entthusiasm as well! Not sure what precisely a prefect badge is, but I remember 197* well enough to happily change the subject with you 😉

  5. Madame LĂ -bas
    15 October 2014 / 4:41 pm

    You look so natural in the denim and blue! I'm thinking that as we progress in the 7th decade, our look reflects who are now and our past experiences. I have had many denim skirts and the one that I loved best was worn with clogs and a bulky blue sweater in the 70's as I made my way to university classes usually with a toddler in tow. I need to press my current A-line and get out the tights for the rains have begun.

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:20 am

      Ah yes, I can picture that combination perfectly. Were you able to find childcare at university for your little girl? Not so easy back in the 70s, I know. . .

  6. hostess of the humble bungalow
    15 October 2014 / 5:06 pm

    It has been years since I owned a denim skirt…
    I love the way that you have styled yours. The vest and scarf with a cozy sweater are perfect for our Fall weather. I have found myself grabbing my Barbour vest and layering it over top long sleeved sweaters and tops and pairing it with jeans or pants.
    Years of dressing in uniforms must have a profound influence on ones style….fun to see your fashion posts again.

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:21 am

      Yes! I'm really finding the vest and scarf a great combination for this transition time. Keep watching the forecast to see if frost's on the way, but so far we've been getting off easy!

  7. Pondside
    16 October 2014 / 3:37 pm

    That is definitely a keeper! I have a summer denim skirt – love it as an option to shorts – but haven't found a fall/winter version that grabs me.
    I'm not much of an online shopper, except for books. I buy my own locally but send books-as-gifts overseas using the wonderful Book Depository.

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:23 am

      I've kept an eye out for a denim skirt for the last couple of years. Too often they end up bagging out just enough to look bulky. And the ones that are cut slim enough have generally also been short. Not a combo I need. The slim and long feels better for my age, somehow.
      Books are one thing I do buy online — I'd buy locally if I lived where you do and could pop into Munro's regularly. Drool . . . .Haven't heard of Book Depository. Will have to check it out.

  8. Catherine
    16 October 2014 / 5:25 pm

    I should have known! Catholic, all girls school, Nuns and the dratted skirt test… I can usually spot a fellow traveller down that route across a crowded room, and there you are across the ocean in Canada!

    I have an old M&S denim skirt, similar length, with a kick pleat and it just goes on and on, year after year. In fact, I must dig it out as it needs an airing – thanks for the reminder.

    As for mail order, living in deep countryside I do it all the time and do agree about the hassle of returns, which is the big deterrent, and the disappointment when it's not what you hoped it would be. The only company that really makes it easy is Boden – do you ever use them? So quick and easy and a firm favourite. I probably return at least half of everything I order but the keepers go on year after year. Happy shopping!

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:27 am

      Yes, I have that uniform drill down pat and all the accompanying ritual. . . 😉
      I love the idea of a denim skirt with a kick pleat. One of my daughters had one with a number of knife pleats, partially round, really cute. I've seen Boden stuff in other blogs and like the look of many of their pieces, hear good things about their quality. The problem with ordering from overseas has been at customs (spent a fortune on a book from the Tate Modern — shipping and customs fees were more than the 25 pounds the book cost!)

  9. Ceri
    16 October 2014 / 11:21 pm

    Well, you look lovely in your denim skirt but they're not for me. I've never found the perfect one – either the denim was stiff as a board and made me look like I was wearing cardboard, or else it was too soft and soggy and just looked baggy and sloppy.

    I second Marianne's comments on Boden. They seem to keep their sizes true to form and while some of their colourways are a bit winsome for a woman of maturing years, I do wear to death some of their plainer things. Definitely worth a look each season.

    As to other mail order, today I was expecting a delivery of a pair of boots from a company I have not used by mail before (Clinkards for your British readers). Was very impressed by the service and despite my fears that buying footwear online was asking for trouble I am delighted to report that I lucked out and my new boots are a perfect fit. Hooray

    • materfamilias
      17 October 2014 / 1:28 am

      Sounds as if you've made a few attempts chasing the elusive perfect denim skirt, though, as had I. Crossing my fingers this will hold its shape.
      Hooray, indeed, that your new boots arrived with no problem and even better, that they fit perfectly. Enjoy! Perfect time of year for a new pair of boots.

  10. Duchesse
    17 October 2014 / 2:42 pm

    I have always loved denim skirts and you are right, can be tricky, look mumsy. Not on you! They need some kind of cool detail like your frayed hem.

    • materfamilias
      19 October 2014 / 2:35 pm

      I think the danger of the mumsy factor is even higher for those of us (that would be me!) who are short and solid and short-waisted. I'm loving this one, and I'm glad at your thumbs-up!


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