Word-less Wednesday — Last of the Year . . .

 This group of Barrow’s Goldeneye ducks drew me to the beach with my camera yesterday, against the freezing temperature — bright sun always heightens the contrast of their dramatic colouring, those white patches flashing enigmatic semaphore signals as they dive and turn and rise up to flap their wings just above the water’s surface.

I never get close enough to capture their energy, not with this lens, but let me cheat a bit and give you a slightly better idea of what I see when I look out my window. . .

A show worth stepping out across the beach for. . .

 Not that the beach doesn’t have its own charm. . .

One last day to savour the flavours of 2014 before we fling ourselves into whatever 2015 may bring. 


  1. Susan B
    31 December 2014 / 5:27 pm

    I'd love to spend a few hours just scrambling around your beach. What lovely photos. Happy New Year, F., to you and your family!

  2. Eleonore
    1 January 2015 / 1:54 pm

    The colours of a sunny day in winter have their very special beauty, I find. Those clear blues, pinks, yellows and whites. Your photos capture them wonderfully.
    Happy New Year from this side of the globe!

  3. Marie
    1 January 2015 / 6:18 pm

    Such beauty!


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