Dressing for the Dance. . . for Watching it, that is. . .

 Zig-zagging back and forth from Vancouver this week — back on the island yesterday so that I could go to a performance by Compagnie Marie Chouinard. I wouldn’t have gone if a friend hadn’t asked me weeks and weeks ago — I said “yes” after realizing I’d be in Reading Break, so a gentler schedule, but without thinking of the grandbaby due to enter the world sometime this week. I’ve worried, since, that baby-meeting might trump dance-viewing, but so far, all’s quiet on that front.

So very glad I said “Yes.” In fact I’m hereby resolving to say “yes” to more contemporary dance performances in the near future. The link above contains video excerpts that might help you see why — exciting, fresh, innovative, moving, amusing, compelling — and beautiful! How beautiful the human body is in its movements and its intelligence and its emotions, dance reminds us.

 And then we were treated to an after-the-show chat with two of the dancers — wonderfully illuminating discussion that pointed to the depths of experience and time and experimentation that the 75 minutes of actual dance drew from. Plus the astonishing revelation that the three or four dancers who took turns at the piano playing Satie’s Gymnopédies learned to play, some of them almost “from scratch,” specifically for this programme. As a long-time piano teacher who has prepared many students for conservatory exams, I was amazed at this challenge, this commitment to understanding the music, to changing one’s body by asking something difficult of it.

If there’s no opportunity for live performance near you at the moment, I see that Wim Wenders’ gorgeous film, Pina — a documentary film about the legendary German choreographer Pina Bausch — is available on Netflix, here in Canada, at least. Of course, viewing it that way won’t yield the same 3D experience I enjoyed before I posted about the film here. But I suspect there will be enough to grab your attention and hold you mesmerized in front of the screen — last night’s Co. Marie Chouinard performance has me antsy for a Pina rewatch, and I’m sure it will hold up on second viewing.

 I’ll admit to thrashing around a bit at the last half hour, trying to find something to wear — I wanted to dress up a bit for a live theatre performance, but I also needed to ride my bike to the ferry and to fit in with the crowd on a mid-week evening in a casual-dressing small city audience. A few items got rejected, a few outfits wouldn’t work because I’d left part of them behind in Vancouver, but this came together and I was really pleased with it (although I’m not completely convinced by the partial tuck). The flat shoes were an experimental concession, not so much to the bike as to the steep boat ramp of a low tide. I wasn’t sure they could work with this skirt length, but I liked the combo so much I may even wear it to the opera in Vancouver Saturday night.

 Interesting that Sue at Une Femme d’un Certain Age should have posted on her version of Classic today, because I’ve been recognizing that I’m moving toward my own iteration — which seems to be something involving clearer, simpler shapes and proportions that work for me. I also love that she’s using the term “Flattering Enough” — It covers what I decided my flat shoes were, with this outfit — clearly, a heel would have given me a more flattering leg length, but I opted for a funky comfort that, I thought, was “Flattering Enough.”

And made me smile. Thanks to Pater for following me outside with the camera to give my What I Wore photos a change from that mirror.

So have you been fortunate enough to take in a contemporary dance performance recently? Would you like to? Have you ever? And I know I’ve chatted about Pina here before, but some of you weren’t visitors then, so let me ask again if you’ve seen it? and if so, did you love it?

And, of course, I welcome any comments I haven’t posed questions for. I just like to hear from you. . . 


  1. Susan B
    25 February 2015 / 10:29 pm

    Really love this outfit! I think the half-tuck adds an interesting line, creating a bit of asymmetry. I love that necklace especially, and the soft glow of those beads. So glad you enjoyed today's post, and thank you for the mention!

    • materfamilias
      26 February 2015 / 4:29 am

      Thanks, Sue — and yes, I very much enjoyed your post today. You are so thoughtful and articulate.

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    26 February 2015 / 1:51 am

    You look great! I love seeing you outside with the beautiful garden and seaside so close…thank you to Pater for snapping these images…and I so love that necklace which I am thinking might be gumball pearls!

    • materfamilias
      26 February 2015 / 4:31 am

      Thanks! I've got a bit more leisure daytime this week with Pater around, and if he's good enough to take the time, I try to be patient and keep my smile going while he sets up the shot. 😉 The necklace is actually made of chocolate gold beads (with one white gold, just because). . .

  3. Patricia
    26 February 2015 / 4:01 am

    You look lovely – your chocolate pearls are really a signature piece, aren't they? (But I don't think we've seen them for a while.)

    I don't believe I have ever been to a contemporary dance performance – to be honest, I'm not sure if it would be for me. But I'm glad that it all worked out and your could keep your date. Now all the best for that new arrival!

    • materfamilias
      26 February 2015 / 4:34 am

      I really do like these beads, yes, a gift from Pater a few years ago, and I don't think I have posted a photo of them for quite a while.
      I haven't seen a lot of contemporary dance, but enough to know I like it. I agree that it's not for everyone, but I think if the company is a good one, you'd be surprised how pulled in you will be, and how quickly. . .

  4. Mardel
    26 February 2015 / 6:00 pm

    Really like this outfit, and yes the beads too. Somehow, with the flats, it looks very modern and seems just right for a modern dance performance. I rather like contemporary dance.

    • materfamilias
      26 February 2015 / 9:34 pm

      Thanks, Mardel. I remember that you like contemporary dance and that you actually got to see Pina Bausch's company in live performance twice! Lucky thing!

  5. annie
    26 February 2015 / 6:51 pm

    Love the skirt. Smart casual is good. Esp. necklace. Decided to rock an ankle boot with a dress today…great response. Felt tall and almost leggy. Note use of rock. Feel like a young person…

    • materfamilias
      26 February 2015 / 9:35 pm

      Oh, I love to think I might be Smart Casual. And I'm certain you absolutely Rocked that ankle boot-dress combo. Better than a young person would have, even. . . 😉

    • annie
      26 February 2015 / 10:28 pm

      Girl,I totally rocked it.
      Love the youth speak. It amuses me to use it…

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2015 / 3:18 am

      you wield it well! 😉

  6. LPC
    26 February 2015 / 9:02 pm

    I saw this last night and wanted to wait until I'd thought about it but I still mostly wanted to say, I think you look beautiful. The black and brown suits you so well – and the elegance mixed with the flat shoe irreverence seems perfect. As does the half-tuck, a nod to modernity.

    • materfamilias
      26 February 2015 / 9:37 pm

      Thanks! I'm surprised how much I now like the black-and-brown on me. Would never have crossed my mind before 50, perhaps not even then. . . I did wonder what you might think about the dance, you being a longtime afficionado, at the very least from following your daughter through her training. But it's rather too big a topic to tackle, isn't it?!

  7. Georgia
    27 February 2015 / 1:38 am

    There is something about the mixing of neutrals that really appeals to me right now…along with the flats…it looks so clean, simple and chic. Lovely!

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2015 / 3:19 am

      Thanks! I'm really pleased with the look as well, so much so that I'm studying it, trying to fix the lessons in my mind's eye. . .

  8. Moonboots
    2 March 2015 / 4:18 pm

    You look amazing. It is good to see you through paters eyes and camera lens. You blow away any misconceptions of what 60 looks like. I only hope I'm as strong as you are at 60.

    • materfamilias
      2 March 2015 / 4:44 pm

      Aw, thank you . . . and I'm pretty sure you'll be even stronger. Look at you now!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.