
An emotional week, bookended by deaths: a friend Monday, a beloved 90-year-old uncle today. And yesterday afternoon we welcomed our newest grandchild, watched our daughter-in-law nurse her baby, our son swaddling and rocking… Pure Joy

No photos of baby yet or any sharing of more details until the young family catches their breath, but I do have pretty photos of the view from our well-appointed room at the Laurel Point Inn and our brief walk before breakfast, before we drove back to the hospital for a second visit, and then the longer drive up the island, back home. Suspect we’ll be driving those 90 minutes between our city and Victoria much more often now.  


  1. LPC
    7 March 2015 / 4:18 am

    Congratulations on the safe arrival of the new one, sorry for the passing of the others.

  2. Lorrie
    7 March 2015 / 5:51 am

    Congratulations on the birth of a new little one – such joy! Life really is a mixed drink of joy and sorrow.

  3. Madame Là-bas
    7 March 2015 / 6:40 am

    Congratulations on your new arrival. I am sorry to hear about your uncle. These years seem to bring so many losses of loved ones!

  4. High Heels in the Wilderness
    7 March 2015 / 1:02 pm

    Wow…what a roller coaster of a week, emotionally. Congratulaions and condolences. Sorry that sounds a bit flip… it's not meant that way:)

    • materfamilias
      9 March 2015 / 12:21 am

      I didn't take it as flip — thanks, Susan.

  5. Duchesse
    7 March 2015 / 1:18 pm

    A new life begins, a long-lived one ends. Time to feel deeply. Looking forward to seeing photos of the new grandchild when time permits.

    • materfamilias
      9 March 2015 / 12:22 am

      It's true, isn't it. . . there are times when it's simply important to feel, deeply. Even sadness is worth its own time. Thank goodness it's balanced by joy, at least for us, now.

  6. Anonymous
    7 March 2015 / 2:20 pm

    What a challenging week (in that being very happy can be as complicated as being very sad)! I hope you will have the time and energy for some self-care time in the days to come. And thank you for the spring glimpses – I'm still seeing inches of snow and icicles out the windows here and suiting up for 20 degree dog walks.


    • materfamilias
      9 March 2015 / 12:21 am

      Spring is coming, even to you in those very cold places. It's on its way. Promise!

  7. Unknown
    7 March 2015 / 7:36 pm

    Many years ago, when my Father died, I traveled across the Country with a baby and a small child because I knew that being around new babies and small children can temper grief. I hope the new baby, and your other grandchildren, can provide a much needed balm during this trying time.

    • materfamilias
      9 March 2015 / 12:20 am

      Thanks for this, Sarah — I'm finding so much joy in this new little one and we have our 6yo granddaughter visiting this week, a real balm.

  8. Pondside
    8 March 2015 / 7:40 am

    Congratulations on the birth of this newest grandchild. You are certainly in that place between sorrow and joy, but I hope that the joy of new life will sweep you forward in its wake.

  9. givi
    8 March 2015 / 9:28 am

    Joy and sorrow hand in hand. Congratulations and condolences.

  10. Eleonore
    8 March 2015 / 4:00 pm

    Congratulations! I very much hope you find the time you need for both sorrow and joy.

  11. Mardel
    9 March 2015 / 12:56 am

    Congratulations on the new arrival. A post filled with beauty, joy, & longing.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.