A Stylish New York Invitation

Look what I got in my emailbox over the weekend, along with a sweet note from Alyson, whom Paul and I had a delightful dinner with in London, summer before last. . .

What fun it would be to hop on a plane in time to have Alyson sign a copy of her much-lauded Style Forever for me! Sadly, I had to RSVP in the negative, but if any of you are within striking distance of this event, I’m sure it will be a fabulous event. Even before meeting her in person, I loved Alyson’s sensibility from what I learned of her through her blog, That’s Not My Age. And then, at some point, through Twitter, I believe, she realized that I was impatiently waiting for Craig Taylor’s book The Londoners to be released in Canada. Can you believe she offered to send me a copy from London? And she didn’t know me except through social media? Yes, it’s true! Now that’s stylish.

And testimonies to her sartorial style abound as well. She’s been cited by The Guardian, written for The Daily Mail, been named one of “10 best fashion blogs for grownups” by Good Housekeeping. I love the wonderful illustrations by Leo Greenfield I’ve seen reproduced from her book, both those representing various fashion muses and celebrities and those representing the Style Tribes Alyson sketches for readers to understand our own preferences so we might better hone them. But so far, I have to admit, I’ve only seen reproductions online. It’s true! I haven’t got my own copy yet, the book not having been released here until we were traveling out of the country. I’ve been checking my mailbox daily, having finally ordered it last week, and I’m looking forward to a delicious afternoon with it very soon. And wishing I could hop that plane, join the celebrations, and get it signed!

So tell me: have you read it? What’s your Style Tribe? (Confession: I took the quick quiz to see which I was, and found I combined Casual Glamourpuss and Ageless Rocker — except that I read and remembered it as Ageing Rocker!) Any of you going to get to New York for that launch? I could settle for visiting vicariously through one of you.


  1. Anonymous
    3 November 2015 / 7:51 am

    Ageless Rocker/Grown up tomboy. I mis-read it too.

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2015 / 4:20 pm

      'cause really, Ageing seems more realistic. By 62, I'm afraid Ageless is no longer a credible concept. . .

  2. Anonymous
    3 November 2015 / 12:08 pm

    I read it and,both the book and illustrations , were a great pleasure.
    I'm split personality,basically subtle,classic and minimalista with a tomboy,fabulous femme and ageless(?? ) rocker moments! But I do not wander,these are constant elements of my syle. Loner-she-wulf? But I am sure that a lot of us are there

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2015 / 4:22 pm

      I'd probably want to fold in a scoop of classic as well, D, and I like your observation that the combination is constant. I'd say that is true for myself as well, that there are certain Tribes I have consistently found myself comfortable to move in, although I'm not truly committed to any single one. And Dottoressa Loner-she-wulf? Great nom de plume!

  3. Duchesse
    3 November 2015 / 12:21 pm

    That category approach reminds me of another book I really liked, Style Statement, but perhaps gets you there more concisely. But now I realize lifestyle has so much to do with it- if I can't clean it myself, I don't buy. IMO it's a better approach than the body shape one, which many times confounds me. Anyway, I'd love to take you, Ageless Rocker, to my local dive bar!

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2015 / 4:25 pm

      I absolutely agree! Lifestyle is paramount. There are gorgeous clothes I believe would express important aspects of myself, but I haven't the life to wear them in. Nor am I willing to have anything dry-cleaned anymore, because of the inconvenience, the expense, and, above all, the environmental implications.
      And this Age-ing Rocker thinks it would be a hoot to join you at your local dive bar! (although my Introvert Self is wondering how many drinks I'll need first)

  4. Madame Là-bas
    3 November 2015 / 12:41 pm

    Older and bolder for me..It would be fun to jet to a launch party in NYC. I would agree with La Duchesse that lifestyle does indeed influence choices at this time of life. I wear a lot of casual with an occasional dressier piece for dinners out or musical events.

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2015 / 4:26 pm

      Yes, I can see you loving the Older and Bolder — that fuschia is perfect for you!

  5. Lorrie
    3 November 2015 / 3:53 pm

    Minimalist with an edge to bold for me. This is a new blogger/author and I'm going to be spending some time reading her blog. How generous Alyson is in offering to send you her book.

    • materfamilias
      3 November 2015 / 4:28 pm

      That's succinct and it captures you well, Lorrie, at least what I know of you from our IRL meeting and from your blog. I think you'll really enjoy Alyson's blog — and book, too, if you get a chance to pick it up. The book she not only offered to send me, but did buy me a copy and packaged and sent it to me, refusing to let me pay, was not her book, but one by my daughter's highschool friend Craig Taylor, a fabulous book about Londoners, that both Alyson and I had been following reviews of. I've just ordered my own copy of Alyson's book from Chapters — it should arrive anyday!

  6. LPC
    3 November 2015 / 5:23 pm

    I wish I were going!

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    3 November 2015 / 5:35 pm

    Oh wouldn't that be a fun event to attend… her book is on my list of reads.
    I took the quiz and Scandi Chic was the result…I think that I am a blend of many styles and what I wear depends on my mood and what I am dressing for…bridge, mah jongg or dinner out.
    Hope you are all over jet lag and back into the swing of things.


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