Five Things on a Rainy Friday

Last weekend, we had our two oldest g’daughters (7 and 3) sleep over, and then we’ve had the pleasure of the 7-year-old’s company for three full days this week, so that blogging time has been very limited. Next week, I’ll be looking for blogging minutes in the remote corners of the clock as well, since the moving truck will (finally! I’m so ready for this!) be gathering our boxes from storage and delivering them to our new home. . . .

But I did manage to squeeze out Five Things for this Friday — you will note that they skew heavily toward the Nana side of my life!

1.  We hiked the Grouse Grind again this week, but this time we did it at a 7-year-old’s pace — which turned out to be a surprisingly decent pace.  Also surprising was how little the 7-year-old complained on what is really a demanding workout — although she was quick to emphasise, on the way home, that she won’t be wanting to do it again this year. At all. (apologies if you’ve seen these photos already on Instagram)

2. As this post title notes, rain is colouring my world grey and wet and cool today — it’s been tiptoeing around the edges of the days here for the last week, but it settled in quite seriously yesterday.  We’d popped out for a celebratory dinner last night (I’ll tell you in #5), but were home cozying up with a movie by 8:10, when I happened to glance out the window and see that it looked — well, Dark, out. You know, dark and stormy? As in  Fall . . . Dark. . . Shorter Days, Longer Nights . . .Winter Coming. . . .

Could it be? Is summer really coming to an end? Are you ready for that?

3. Thanks to my daughters’ prompting, I finally got to a yoga class last week. It was pretty cool to be in a class with two adults I grew from scratch, and I was so pleased to find that the studio feels like a good fit and is only a ten-minute walk from our new home.  I bought a ten-session pass and plan to get to another class this weekend. Ideally, two or three classes a week will become a nurturing habit, but I’m going to be patient with myself in establishing that. Just have to remember how good I feel in Shavasana. . . .

4.  As for feeling good, the seven-year-old and I flooded the room with endorphins this past week reading Junie B. Jonesbooks out loud to each other. Truly, there’s nothing like watching a newly competent reader — whom you have watched grow far too quickly from infancy — reading aloud to you with lively expression, “doing the voices,” and, especially, cackling with delight at the book’s abundant humour.  She belly-laughed to the point of tears a number of times, and let me tell you, Pater and I found that laughter pretty contagious. When her dad picked her up yesterday before dinner, his schedule was seriously interrupted by a rereading of a surprisingly high number of “the best parts” — which had completely retained their power to reduce us to giggles. Highly recommended for Sixes, Sevens, and probably Eights. And the odd Sixty-Somethings. . . πŸ˜‰

5.  And what were we celebrating (see #2), you might wonder? Well, after an entire summer of playing nice and waiting patiently and ignoring any possibility of Things-That-Could-Go-Wrong with our Contract to Purchase, yesterday morning  (after one nasty shock of our bank messing up so that instead of funds being neatly transferred by wire, Pater hopped on his bike and pedalled madly off to arrange a bank draft which he then delivered to the notary’s office so that she could walk it to a bank branch. . . kickin’ it old school still works, but it was a bit hairy there for a half hour or so) yesterday morning, as I was saying, we got the call that the deal had been officially completed.  Possession date isn’t for a few days, but it seemed worth raising a glass of bubbles (mine filtered upward through a lovely CrΓ©mant de Bourgogne, his ascended through a pint of Warsteiner Dunkle Lager).  Home Sweet Home, can’t wait to build a new nest. Pictures here, next week, as we gradually unpack and figure out what goes where.

But for now, Pater and I are heading off for another French lesson. And those of you in North America, at least, are getting ready for the last long summer weekend, your Labour Day picnic baskets ready. . . May the ants and the rain spare your celebration, but if those two picnic-spoilers are persistent, may you find a cosy spot indoors to contemplate the upcoming joys of fall. . .  Happy Weekend, wherever you are and whatever the weather. . . 


  1. Linda
    2 September 2016 / 3:50 pm

    Raising a glass of iced tea to you from Bordeaux and about to meet Lezzles where I may have something stronger. What an immense relief that must be to you to have reached the point where it all feels solid.

    • materfamilias
      3 September 2016 / 3:47 pm

      Saw a photo on IG — you met up at L'Ecole due Vin, centre-ville, right? Loved being able to picture the two of you there — wish I could have joined you (perhaps you could hop back over when I'm there in October-November?)

  2. Belle
    2 September 2016 / 4:41 pm

    That mad dash must have made the celebration seem that much more deserved! Congratulations and enjoy dreaming your way into the next chapter.

    • materfamilias
      3 September 2016 / 3:47 pm

      True — a bit of drama does heighten the achievement! Thank you!

  3. High Heels in the Wilderness
    2 September 2016 / 10:29 pm

    Watching kids read on their own (and love it) is priceless isn't it? Happy almost moving day. Phew… that must be a relief! And soon the unpacking. Gulp. You may need more wine:)

    • materfamilias
      3 September 2016 / 3:48 pm

      It is priceless, indeed. And yes, it will be a relief, except that there is then all that unpacking to do . . . As for the wine, well I'm heading to the perfect spot for that in a few weeks. . . πŸ˜‰

  4. Anonymous
    3 September 2016 / 7:32 am

    Congratulations! It is an important step!
    It is also so nice following Nola's steps-reading,hiking-isn't it beautiful to have such a company?
    Looking forward to see photos of your new home πŸ™‚

    • materfamilias
      3 September 2016 / 3:50 pm

      Dottoressa, it was just wonderful to have that company — we are fortunate to have these years when we're still able to hike and she's already strong enough. Of course, we're on different curves for physical strength, so we grab the moments when the window's open! πŸ˜‰

  5. Catherine
    3 September 2016 / 12:57 pm

    Exciting news! I bet you can't wait to make a start on those packing cases, bringing your new home to life. Have a good weekend x

    • materfamilias
      3 September 2016 / 3:50 pm

      You know it, Marianne! I'm really looking forward to just sitting in/with that space and seeing what works, what's needed, etc. Thanks!

  6. Anonymous
    3 September 2016 / 1:05 pm

    How lucky to have so much Nana-time, and congratulations on your move!


    • materfamilias
      3 September 2016 / 3:51 pm

      It's the best kind of luck, you're right! And thank you!

  7. Rosie
    3 September 2016 / 6:32 pm

    What lovely family time …hiking with your grandaughter(then such fun and laughter reading together) and yoga with your daughters. So many opportunities now you all live closer to each other. I can picture Pater cycling speedily to enable the financial side of your apartment purchase to be finalised. Phew! Palpable relief πŸ™‚ I'm really looking forward to seeing pictures of your new home … hope the final hurdle is cleared smoothly.
    Take care ..

    • materfamilias
      5 September 2016 / 6:16 pm

      Thanks, Rosie. We're feeling so fortunate to be able to see so much of these two families — if only our other two were closer, but still. . . very lucky!

  8. Leslie in Oregon
    4 September 2016 / 12:06 am


    • materfamilias
      5 September 2016 / 6:16 pm


  9. Eleonore
    4 September 2016 / 10:30 am

    It's always the same, isn't it? In the most crucial moments the modern media fail and you have to fall back on the physical transfer of bodies and objects. So glad you made it.
    For me, unpacking would definitely be much more fun than packing. I hope you can enjoy it, at least from time to time.

    • materfamilias
      5 September 2016 / 6:18 pm

      It's true, Eleonore! We've become so dependent on ephemeral technology we don't understand and on relationships with voices on telephones located who-knows-where. In cases like this, it would be so reassuring to have a human being we could shake hands with taking care of the essentials for us.
      And you're so right — unpacking will be so much more fun!

  10. Lucille
    4 September 2016 / 9:59 pm

    There are three really important names in that line up of characters so even though I've never heard of Junie B. Jones I'm going to stock up for when my little 2 year old gd can suddenly read aloud. We have such a laugh already… Glad that completion went through despite the little hitch. Let the fun begin.

    • materfamilias
      5 September 2016 / 6:19 pm

      Now I'm curious about the three names and how they line up in your family constellation. Isn't two-year-old laughter, shared, just the best?!


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