Postcard from Zagreb

Hello from Croatia! We’re in Zagreb after a two-step train trip from Venice, broken by a night in Ljubljana, Slovenia–a beautiful city to which we we would love to return. As you might imagine, that three-countries-in-three-days transfer left me a bit weary, but the wonderful Dottoressa was waving to us as we walked out of the station at Zagreb and suddenly I felt ready to go.

And go we did. First, a drive around the city to admire its splendid architecture which spans the centuries and shows the wide range of cultural influences that have met here throughout history. After that, a walk to get closer to a few special sites, and then we stopped for coffee (and I discovered that espresso can be ordered with whipped cream on top. Yes, please!!).

Then more driving, a bit more walking, followed by one of the most memorable three-hour lunches of my life–and proof that Croatia produces some excellent wine. A short nap after that and then back out for a rousing, very well-attended performance of Beethoven’s 9th symphony.

Still not enough, Zagreb decided, and it sang us a rather violent lullaby, all kinds of kettledrum thunder and night-splitting lightning. I was too tired to pay it much attention, but it was a dramatic finale to an already very impressive day.

We’re meeting Dottoressa for coffee this morning and then will do some wandering on our own. I hope to give you a much better account of our visit later, but for the moment we don’t have secure Wifi, so I’m blogging with Blogger on my iPhone, and those of you who use the platform know that this isn’t a happy proposition–no way can I upload photos nor can I write very quickly on the tiny keyboard–and I’ve already got one of those pesky “Aw snap! This program isn’t working anymore” messages that  blithely ignores the crushing reality that the last x minutes of work have disappeared. But I am posting photos to Instagram a few times most day, and I think we might have secure wireless over the weekend.

And once again, thanks so much for your comments and please forgive me for not answering them, as I usually do, in favour of spending my time exploring and enjoying these new places with Pater. I have read each comment, though, and each one makes the writing time worthwhile.


  1. Georgia
    2 June 2017 / 12:46 pm

    It is so nice to receive a postcard! A three-hour lunch…what fun, I can imagine the talk. It sounds like a day to remember. 🙂

  2. LPC
    2 June 2017 / 2:53 pm

    This is the kind of travel I love best – some place new, beautiful, surprising, and with history on every wall and through every window.

  3. Patricia
    2 June 2017 / 2:56 pm

    How wonderful that you are meeting up with Dottoressa! I hope you post some photos here – would be nice to put a face to the name! Enjoy the rest of the trip.

  4. High Heels in the Wilderness
    2 June 2017 / 3:11 pm

    Have fun Frances. And say hello to Dottoressa. I feel your pain with trying to post on the move. I tried a new ap when we were in Argentina that is working much better. But iffy wifi sabotages even the best attempts:)

  5. Madame Là-bas
    2 June 2017 / 3:20 pm

    Enjoy your time in Croatia.

  6. Eleonore
    2 June 2017 / 4:06 pm

    That sounds delicious as well as delightful. Give my love to Dottoressa, please.
    I still owe you my Venice experience (last of three): nine years ago I spent five days there with my (then) adolescent son. We stayed at the youth hostel on the Giudecca island, just opposite the piazza San Marco. Very beautiful view (unless it was blocked by one of the enormous cruise ships which regularly passed threough the Giudecca Canal), but very rustic conditions. I'd rather not repeat that experience.
    As my son was not very interested in art and refused to join the cue to enter the basilica, our alternative programme centered on everyday life (we went to Murano and watched a glassblower at his work, one day we visited the Ghetto, eerily quiet and deserted because it was a saturday)and on history. There is a small museum of municipal history tucked away on a second floor just off the square, and then the museum of naval history near the Arsenale with dozens of models of different types of ships, including the life size replica of the Venetian state galley "Bucintoro". That way our stay gave me an idea of the commercial and military power all that beauty everywhere was based on.

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    2 June 2017 / 5:25 pm

    Say hello to Dottoressa…
    your postcard arrived despite your problems with Blogger.
    Enjoy your adventure in Croatia!

  8. Anonymous
    2 June 2017 / 8:35 pm

    How wonderful! Dottoressa sounds as if she set you up with some great experiences. I am curious about the food there. Perhaps you could cover that in a future post? Brenda

  9. Anonymous
    3 June 2017 / 7:38 am

    Quite a while since we were in Croatia . Nice to see those red roofs & that golden stone again . Hope you will hit the coast to add the blue sea & all the greenery . Are you trying your language skills ? We really struggled but made the locals laugh a little . Looking forward to hearing all about Dotteresa . Have fun .
    Wendy in York

  10. Unknown
    4 June 2017 / 1:43 am

    So happy for you and also us…don't you just love living vicariously…..Now Croatia is really on our bucket list. This blogging community is so amazing…..
    Thank you…..I can taste the coffee.


  11. Rosie
    4 June 2017 / 1:24 pm

    Wonderful that you met Dottoressa and definitely had a memorable visit to Zagreb …Thanks for the postcard! Looking forward to hearing more about your time with "D" later. Enjoy the rest of your travels and hopefully some relaxation!

  12. Lorrie
    5 June 2017 / 5:59 am

    It's always lovely to read of your travel experiences. I'm catching up a little, although I expect to fall behind again this week with the end of school approaching. Enjoy!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.