Right There, in Black and White, The Writing, er Painting, is on the Wall . . .

 More images from the Vancouver Mural Festival today, these ones taken last week while the artists were still working to complete their walls for the thousands of visitors that would view them on Saturday and Sunday. Here, we watched @tylerkeetonrobbins work on this magnificent black-and-white, sumptuous, intricate, dazzling mural titled Trees Burn While Flowers Bloom. Go here for  a video of festival-goersviewing the completed mural (which is on the side of the Nuba restaurant on 3rd Avenue — yummy Lebanese food).

 I’ve visited the wall a few times since and I expect to visit often in future. I’m mesmerized by the textures and the play of large geometric shapes with smaller ones.

To me, the brush strokes make the work surprisingly sensuous for something that’s painted on a cinder-block wall.

 Part of the fun of the festival is being able to watch these artists (all of whom submit applications in a very competitive process, and then, if chosen, are assigned walls whose owners have offered them up for to be painted — this is not your everyday street art nor is it graffiti).

I mean, talk about plein air painting!

 I love discovering small vignettes within the work, that curving, stepped path to that elliptical doorway, for example, with the pennant/flag flying above. . .

I know. Not many words again today. It’s been a very busy week, and I do have lots to tell you later. But later it will have to be. My trainer awaits for our 8 a.m. session, then I’m meeting a visiting-from-out-of-town friend for lunch and some art-viewing later, and we’re taking two little girls to a show this evening. (If you suspect I may nap all day tomorrow in recovery, you might just be right! This retirement gig can be exhausting 😉

Happy Friday! Comments always welcome, below. . . 


  1. dottoressa
    18 August 2017 / 3:31 pm

    It is really beautiful and I like the whole concept,the contest and everything. Although we have a few good street art artist (lunar,oko….), we have a lot of ugly ,illegal slogans or very simple paintings as well,not ralizing what an embellishment it could be

    • materfamilias
      20 August 2017 / 3:48 pm

      I've just looked up Lunar and Oko, and their work is great — I hope one of them may some day come to our Vancouver Mural Festival (which does invite international artists). I especially love Oko's work — magical, and so intricate. Maybe I'll get back to Zagreb someday and see it IRL.

  2. Madame LĂ -bas
    18 August 2017 / 6:44 pm

    That is amazing! So is your schedule. I just got back from my 2 hour walk with my brother. He's going to start the Camino next Friday so we were practising French and Spanish. He's walking alone and wants to be with Europeans. I was just telling a friend about Nuba. She hasn't tried Lebanese food so it's worth a visit. What show are you taking the little girls to? They must enjoy having a local nana.

    • dottoressa
      19 August 2017 / 5:46 am

      Madame,what an adventure ,spiritual and physical,for your brother!
      My friend is planning to start it next year,alone too
      All the best

    • materfamilias
      20 August 2017 / 3:49 pm

      I agree with Dottoressa about your brother's adventure. As for my schedule, yes, it was verging on too much but I've had some rest since. . . We went to Theatre Under the Stars' Mary Poppins. So much fun, even if it really challenged the little one's bedtime…

  3. Elle
    18 August 2017 / 9:53 pm

    The Mural Festival is such a fine idea, a great addition to your beautiful city. As a fellow introvert, I can't imagine seeing up your schedule. Although I find there is something utterly different about the company of beloved children.

    • materfamilias
      20 August 2017 / 3:51 pm

      It was a bit much, the schedule, but I've got a few resolutions that are pushing me on a bit. Chill time followed. And, as you say, the children's company is quite different. . . I get back more than I give. . .

  4. Anonymous
    19 August 2017 / 12:46 pm

    Yes, that schedule sounds like at least one day of recovery will be needed! I love the idea of a mural festival; I wonder how quickly street level art is changed by the addition of later slogans etc? I guess tolerating that is part of the task of the street artist!


    • materfamilias
      20 August 2017 / 3:52 pm

      I'll share some photos of murals painted a year ago for the 2016 festival — graffiti painters so far have been quite respectful of these works.

  5. Melanie
    19 August 2017 / 5:49 pm

    Wow. That is one of the most engaging black and white murals I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing this. Now I know where to go.

    • materfamilias
      20 August 2017 / 3:52 pm

      This whole area is full of mind-blowing work, Mel. We'll have to do a walk. . .

  6. Marsha
    19 August 2017 / 6:34 pm

    Today was a good day for me to see a post that was primarily art. Also, I have been meaning to tell you that the photograph at the top of this blog unfailingly cheers me!

    • materfamilias
      20 August 2017 / 3:53 pm

      I know — this art is what we need these days, isn't it? And thanks — somehow the photo cheers me too 😉

  7. Unknown
    19 August 2017 / 10:32 pm

    What a wonderful mural…..wish there were more hours in a day……maybe next time, and do a mural tour.


    • materfamilias
      20 August 2017 / 3:53 pm

      Good idea. . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.