A Brief Intermission . . .

I find I need to hit the Refresh button here.

I don’t know that I’ve ever taken a full week away from the blog in the more than ten years I’ve been blogging, and it feels as if it’s time to do that. I expect to be back here by the end of the month, perhaps even before that, but I’m going to see if I can hold off for the week. I will probably post a few photos on IG, especially since we’ll be road-tripping a little. . . .

Be sure to check back next week though — I’m pretty excited to be hosting another Garden Visit here.  We’re heading back to Europe for this one, but that’s all I’m going to tell you for now. . . .

See you soon. . . .


  1. Anonymous
    20 September 2017 / 4:57 pm

    Enjoy the break. Change is as good as a rest – so they say…

  2. Patricia
    20 September 2017 / 7:18 pm

    Hi Frances, enjoy your break. We've just returned from our trip to Europe (Germany and Budapest) so I'm playing catch-up with blogs and the rest of life. Looking forward to the new garden tour!

  3. Maggie
    20 September 2017 / 11:33 pm

    Hope you find refreshment!

  4. Unknown
    21 September 2017 / 4:02 am

    Good for you!!! You have to do what feels right. I will be over there someplace next week.

  5. dottoressa
    21 September 2017 / 5:51 am

    Enjoy your break!

  6. Katherine C. James
    21 September 2017 / 7:20 am

    You are a generous and prolific blogger. Taking some time for you seems like a wonderful idea. I look forward to what you choose to discuss when you return. Relax and enjoy. We will be here waiting to welcome you back.

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    21 September 2017 / 4:24 pm

    Have fun on your road trip and I hope that you feel a rush of energy after your week hiatus.

  8. LPC
    21 September 2017 / 4:59 pm

    Enjoy! I love my weeks off, and my months off, but I've never wanted to stop altogether. I will be so interested to see how you feel and what you think on your return.

  9. slf
    21 September 2017 / 5:48 pm

    I hope your break is refreshing. I look forward to your return. You are so constant and prolific.

  10. Anonymous
    21 September 2017 / 7:42 pm

    You are doing the right thing . It's good to stand back & have a think . Enjoy the break .
    Wendy in York

  11. Lorrie
    22 September 2017 / 12:49 am

    The need for a change of pace is a good thing to recognize.

  12. Ceri in Bristol
    27 September 2017 / 8:53 am

    Frances, you are so prolific a writer (and so diligent in replying to all of our comments) that you must get very over stretched so I hope that you are enjoying your short sabbatical. Had to tell you that I thought of you and your practice of travelling with just a carry on suitcase last week when we were in Spain. Made sense at the time to take one large case between us – but then it wouldn't fit into the boot of the small hire car and when it came to packing and repacking (we stayed in three different hotels) the amount of stuff and the ploughing through of his stuff to get to mine was a real pain. One small carry on each is the way to go for us in future. This should also prevent my husband taking three spare tops (for a seven day trip) just in case… no wonder we only just made the weight limit.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.