Weekend Doings: The Bard and The Beatles and The Big Little Mistake. . .

I’m writing this on Sunday afternoon, so that I’ll have it ready to post Monday morning. As soon as I finish, we’ll be heading to a performance of As You Like It at Bard on the Beach (a production set in the 1960s and accompanied with Beatles music. Purists may not approve, but I know from experience this will be much fun although it will certainly slash Shakespeare’s words to make room for those Beatles tunes).

Would it surprise you to know that we headed to the same performance on Saturday night? Yes, yes we did. Walked the whole way (about four kilometres) there — a pleasant enough walk, scarcely had to put the umbrellas up — and were pleased to be there fifteen or so minutes early. Worked our way up the line to have my e-tickets scanned, wondered a bit at the problem the usher was having with her little scanner, tried to enlarge the QR code box for her except that she was trying to tell me something about a problem with the ticket. Which, of course, I knew there wasn’t, so I was smiling and staying patient until I noticed that the date included the word “Sunday.” And we were still on Saturday.

Uh-oh. . . . Apparently, the show was sold out, but we could have waited to see if they could accommodate us, except that our tickets for tonight–Sunday night!– are actually quite good tickets, not likely to be available on a sold-out night.

So Saturday evening, we had a lovely long walk (yes, there AND back!) and called it a date. . . . Not completely convinced of its romantic possibilities, mind you, and my feet were really sore by the time I got home (did I ever tell you that I really banged my toe week before last, banged it so the whole top of my foot, instep and all, went all purple-y and a bit nasty, and it still gets sore if I walk too much (and maybe even more sore if I walk somewhere with hopes of watching a play, but then have to walk home again without having watched that play).

As I said, then, we’re going to a performance of As You Like It shortly, and by the time you read this on Monday morning, let’s hope we got there and our tickets were good and the play was just as delightful as the reviews promise. . . . Edited just before posting to add that the performance was brilliant, as much of a Beatles revue as of the Shakespeare play, but doing (slightly truncated) justice to the latter. Physical comedy and musical ability and skilful acting and clever set and costumes and much audience delight were ample throughout — I think the bard would have given it two thumbs up.

In case you’re wondering, I’ve decided to wear exactly what I wore Saturday — my dark blue velvetshirtdress (Vince), those metallic-gold MOMA Oxfords, a dark-brown faux-fur vest, and my chocolate-gold beads. But the fellow who takes pretty good care of me (thank you, Pater!) insists that we take the car this evening in deference to my cranky foot. . . .

Before I go, though, may I share a couple of recent annoyances, just to demonstrate how petty I can be?

A favourite stationery shop here in town — it sells the most beautiful papers from all over the world —  that uses the hashtag #stationary, in almost all their Instagram posts — yeah, really!!

And the Guided Meditation (I’ve recently downloaded an app, and overall, I’m finding it a very good way to slow down, catch my breath, and remind my shoulders where they belong) which had me visualize a stream, the burbling water, the grass around, and then asked me to imagine the “ebb and flow” of the stream — huh?? Is this a stream or a body of tidal water? — and then to picture lilies in the stream — well, first of all, lilies generally don’t grow in streams, what with their preference for having their roots in still water — but then I’m supposed to mentally place each potentially disruptive thought, as it arises, on a lily and then watch it float down the stream — Counter-productive, that particular meditation, and although the fellow had a lovely, soothing voice, I won’t be listening to it again. Picky, yes I am. . .

Since we’ve drifted a bit into random with this post, I’ll share a What a Wore photo with you and then I’d better be off. . .

 I wore this last week, in transitional weather (still sunny enough for the shades, but cool enough for a sweatshirt and jeans).  According to the weather forecast, I don’t need to bother carrying sunglasses around for the next week. . . .

I wouldn’t bother showing you this second photo except that it amuses me that our 3-year-old grandson identifies this feline as a Fox each time I wear this, although he’s begun to correct himself. . . (sweatshirt is by All Saints; I really like the relaxed fit, especially the non-hugging, split hem, slightly more length at the back)

Okay, now I’m done. . . . Hope your weekend was good and that the week ahead is shaping up to be decent as well.  . .

Now tell me, what calendar snafus have you made? This mix-up wasn’t nearly as dramatic as the time I missed a whole transAtlantic flight, but perhaps you have a dramatic story about a time you showed up on the wrong date . . . . 


  1. Taste of France
    10 September 2018 / 3:34 pm

    I had that wrong-day-with-tickets problem before….on a flight home from Prague. What a headache. No idea how I messed that up.
    May I add that I love you for knowing the difference between stationery and stationary? And for never using it's when it should be its, nor vice versa?

    • materfamilias
      10 September 2018 / 3:53 pm

      Ugh! It is such a headache! My 18-year-old self was devastated when I missed that flight, but at least I had relatives in the city to spend the extra days with. . .
      Hope your extended Prague stay wasn't too expensive.
      And thank you for responding so kindly to my spelling/grammar pedantry. . . Good to know who "my people" are 😉

  2. Marie
    10 September 2018 / 4:25 pm

    Count me among your people, Frances! I'm laughing at the picture of you trying to meditate as your blood pressure rises with each violation of the natural world. As for the stationery/stationary thing, my pet peeve is principal/principle. I grew up diagramming sentences and I can't tolerate mistakes in grammar or spelling. In my much younger days, I was so incensed by an error- and jargon-ridden school newsletter that came home with my stepdaughter that I marked it up in red and sent it to the principal. I cringe now at the memory.

    • materfamilias
      11 September 2018 / 5:35 pm

      Yes, that's another, principal/principle. I do understand that I'm fortunate to have a facility for spelling and many don't, but there are media and circumstances that really do call for double-checking.
      I haven't ever sent a corrected newsletter back to the school as such, but I remember one occasion when a field-trip announcement/permission slip that required me to sign-and-return came to me while I had my marking pen in hand. . . .oops! 😉

  3. nohatnogloves
    10 September 2018 / 4:33 pm

    With you re: stationary/stationery. Always check when I see it. Same for environment, having once seen it spelled enviroment. Constantly watching out for missed or mis-placed apostrophes and see them practically daily. And I am delighted at Marie correcting the newsletter. When I was a teacher it was sent to me to check and double-check before it went out. I usually subbed it properly, just to be sure. The thing about being a pedant (self-confessed) is that you are never off duty. Hope the toe improves.

    • Marie
      10 September 2018 / 6:48 pm

      Thank you for being delighted at my pedantry! The only part of that newsletter that was well-written was a column by the fym teacher.

    • Marie
      10 September 2018 / 6:49 pm


    • materfamilias
      11 September 2018 / 5:36 pm

      Mind you, when a certain president pronounces "Anonymous" in a way that suggests he spells it An-ominous. . . . 😉

  4. LPC
    10 September 2018 / 4:45 pm

    I figure I'm joining the Cranky Older Person club myself:). Currently annoyed about several things, the pettiest of which is people who mistake the angle of my driveway and park on the sidewalk so close that I have to back out carefully to avoid hitting them;). Sorry about your foot, hope it recovers fully and quickly. I loved your outfit BTW, as I do that All Saints sweatshirt.

    • materfamilias
      11 September 2018 / 5:37 pm

      Cranky 'R' Us
      At least you're not so cranky that you forget to be careful as you back out. . .

  5. hostess of the humble bungalow
    10 September 2018 / 5:04 pm

    I am annoyed at a grey haired much more senior (than this grey haired senior) woman who pushed past me in line at a restaurant where we were patiently waiting to speak to the hostess for a table…told the hostess that she needed at table for 6…she was seated immediately and her party of friends pushed past us. I do wonder sometimes about entitlement coming with age?
    The play sounds great …worth the wait 😜 and your choice of outfit sounds perfect. I do love cozy velvet for evening and must see if I can find a dress or a top.
    Enjoy that fig sourdough bread! I am salivating here!!!!

    • materfamilias
      11 September 2018 / 5:39 pm

      I've noticed this on occasion as well, and I know it doesn't serve us well as a demographic. Respect your elders, sure, but that shouldn't be used to enforce a sense of entitlement. . . Especially these days, when so many of our generation are in a much more comfortable position that the younger ones may have to look forward to. . .

  6. Mardel
    10 September 2018 / 5:51 pm

    Oh I am cranky about similar things, about the people who go to parties at my neighbor's house who always park on my grass because my house is the only one that does not have a paved parking area at the street, (although I have my own parking out back) as if their right to park outweighs my right to have a lawn. I'm fixing that in the future but still.

    I struggled that I was at a fundraiser where everyone spoke throughout the Beethoven 6th Symphony (first movement only) so that those who wished to listen could not, but then stopped to hear a quiet country singer. You could have heard a pin drop. The lack of consideration astounds me. I would like respect across the board for the performers. I would struggle with that meditation app for similar reasons.

    Mostly I think I have earned the right to a few curmudgeonly indulgences, as long as I don't hold on to them too tightly.

    I hope your foot recovers quickly and I adore that sweatshirt.

    • materfamilias
      11 September 2018 / 5:42 pm

      Ugh! I have such a tough time in situations where performers are not accorded the consideration and respect they deserve — and that consideration should extended to one's fellow audience members. I get so annoyed by those who bound for the door even before the first curtain call (while understanding those who have a disability and need to get out before the crush or those having to catch a last bus).

  7. Madame LĂ -bas
    10 September 2018 / 9:04 pm

    A really bad error in time happened on my first honeymoon in October 1974. We had very little money, no credit card and my first husband had an CPAir employee pass for us to return from Rome. He overlooked the asterisk on the schedule that told us that the flight left an hour earlier after Thanksgiving. We were stranded with no money and no flight home that day. He had to negotiate an advance on his pay cheque so we could afford a night's stay and food in Rome. I hope your foot improves.

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 12:59 am

      Oh wow! That must have been so very awkward for your ex. . . Good story, though!

  8. Anonymous
    10 September 2018 / 9:16 pm

    Maybe not a dramatic calendar snafu, but certainly a red-faced one! My husband and I always arrive on the early side for any event, so we thought nothing of the fact that the community hall was almost empty when we arrived for an important and controversial town meeting. Lots of chairs had already been assembled and several people were bustling around setting up speakers' tables and sound systems. We took seats at the back where we could make a quick getaway if things turned boring and sat down to wait. And wait and wait! Lots of activity but no audience yet, except for the two of us in the back row. Finally I asked one of the sound people what time the meeting started and of course the reply was "tomorrow." Did we ever feel foolish!
    And PS, my pet peeve is also the misuse of its and it's. Using it's as the possessive has almost become the accepted norm it seems.
    Frances in Sidney

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:03 am

      ha! Do you think all those folks setting up tables and speakers noticed you and wondered what you were doing?
      In the last few years I was teaching (University English and Literature) I found it a lost cause to try to teach the difference between its and it's — and I tried to reconcile myself by remembering the arbitrary nature of the apostrophe at its inception. Predictive-text auto-correcting has put paid to the last chance of distinguishing the two correctly, I suspect, but I'll die trying 😉 and at least I'll have good company (by the way, do you notice that because of that auto-correct feature, you often receive texts or emails that refer to you as "France"? I'm trying to decide whether it's better than "Francis". . .

  9. Lorrie
    11 September 2018 / 12:29 am

    Like Francis above, my ire rises when I see its and it's misused. It happens so often! That meditation would annoy me, too.
    I find it difficult to dress for these days – not quite autumn nor summer.
    Friends attended As You Like It and thought it very entertaining with all the Beatles' music. I'm wishing we had organized ourselves enough to attend.
    I do hope your foot heals quickly.

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:04 am

      You would have loved the production, I'm sure, but even living as close as we do now, we almost waited too late to get seats. . . .

  10. Anonymous
    11 September 2018 / 12:34 am

    Boy, oh boy! Am I with you on your irritation with spelling and stream activity mis-observations!

    Re #stationary … bless their hearts (my favorite insult sans curse words).

    And re the ebb and flow of streams, all of which are headed downhill and FLOW thanks to gravity, which does not EBB! … Jeez Louise!

    The moon or stars or something must be fluxing or flummoxing or flatlining, because I've also had that kind of day. I'll spare you my complaints. And to think I was recently feeling so awesomely woo-woo.

    I must meditate on this new direction tomorrow morning. Wait … that's not what meditation is for. Rats.

    Ann in Missouri

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:06 am

      Ha! I do an "Oh, sweetheart" that's something like that "bless their hearts," except more up front and personal (so used only rarely).
      I know! The logic of the ebb and flow harshed my mellow, as some kids you to say.
      Glad to hear the woo-woo didn't completely dominate. I mean, I love Goldie Hawn, but (kidding 😉

  11. K.Line
    11 September 2018 / 3:06 am

    I can't get over #stationary. I think you should let someone know!

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:08 am

      Can you believe I left one of those carefully moderated comments on their IG (you know, first you say something really nice about their products, then you make the small criticism, then you soften with a wee bit of humour — as in, I'm glad that you're stationary 'cause I love having you in my 'hood). . . and there was never any reply at all. I'm watching like a hawk, and it does seem they're not daring to use the word at all since #hahaha

  12. Unknown
    11 September 2018 / 7:22 am

    A water lily loves water…in fact thrives there 😉

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:08 am

      Yep, but it doesn't want to float down a stream 😉

  13. Anonymous
    11 September 2018 / 8:21 am

    We also attended that Bard production and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wrote Christopher that we had enjoyed it and felt it was more value for the $ compared to our dinner that night.

    Once I got a cheque from ICBC for fourty four dollars. I telephoned them and told them the correct spelling is forty and to please inform the person who is writing the cheques of the correct spelling.

    My husband got his flight time for Hong Hong mixed up. He was to continue on to Hanoi. At 7:00 am while in bed he tells me he thinks he may have missed his flight to Hong Hong. He thinks it left at 1:00 am instead of it leaving at 1:00 pm. I said don't think get up and check. Sure enough it had left at 1:00 am. We had to go to the airport to straighten things out. The Cathay Pacific agent was excellent. Flights were fully booked for 2 days but she put him on standby and when we came back later in the day he was able to get on a flight. There were no extra charges. Fortunately he had planned to arrive in Hanoi a day early before starting on a group cycling trip so this delay didn't cause him any major problem.

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:11 am

      Ugh! fourty-four! Someone's Grade Five teacher must have given up way back when 😉
      Your husband was very lucky — I'm amazed that he would have wanted to stay in bed, needing you to prompt him to get up and check.
      I've heard that Cathay Pacific treat their customers well — this confirms that rumour.

  14. Eleonore
    11 September 2018 / 9:28 am

    Your objections to the mixed imagery of your meditation app made me laugh. Starting an inner argument with that soothing voice isn't really relaxing, is it? Maybe you should let go, put all your needs for precise language and correct grammar on lily leaves and watch them float down the river… Trouble is, they will come back with the ebb (just kidding). I hope you can find a replacement soon to keep your shoulders in their place. Have you ever tried Qi Gong? You don't have to talk (nor to listen to other peolpe talking) while doing it.
    All the best with your foot.

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:14 am

      You're right — sometimes too much knowledge is an annoying thing 😉
      But how could anyone think that lily leaves float down a river?!
      No worries, though, because the app offers so many more better guides, and there's also an option just to set a time and choose a restful accompaniment of sound.
      Never tried Qi Gong, but I do keep meaning to get back to yoga.

  15. Anonymous
    11 September 2018 / 9:50 am

    So sorry about your toe-hope you are feeling much better
    Recently,I'm annoyed about lot of things…..other drivers,selfish people,transitional weather etc
    Yes,I'm very sensible about spelling,writing,ignorance…in croatian
    Here,I have to be relaxed….or stay silent

  16. Mary
    11 September 2018 / 11:07 am

    I agree with all you say…along with most of the commenters. I will add the incorrect use of 'then' and 'than' to the list of aggravating errors. Laughed at the meditation app error–that would absolutely drive me crazy. I can imagine you nicely floating in your meditation only to hear those jarring lines, sitting up and saying, "What? What?" Bah!

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:15 am

      Yes, "then" and "than — such different meanings, how can they be confused?!
      And you've visualized my meditation frustration exactly. . .

  17. Lynn
    11 September 2018 / 4:49 pm

    Do take care of your foot — I've had three surgeries on my right foot, and i'm not sure it's ever recovered from the abuse. We once scheduled a trip to Central America and I did not book a hotel for one night. Luckily the hotel had room, but my children have never let me forget it. Who and whom are high on my list as are number and amount. My students keep writing about the amount of people, which just drives my crazy.

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:19 am

      Thanks — I'm trying to honour my foot's needs, but I wish it were more accommodating to mine. . .
      Oh, you were lucky in Central America — I had less luck once, decades ago, in Paris, but at least I was solo, and they did manage to find me a room, although I had to cross the Seine for it.
      Yes! to frustration over number and amount, echoed, of course, in the inability to distinguish between "less" and "fewer." . . .

    • Marie
      12 September 2018 / 9:57 am

      I'm always irritated by those supermarket lines: "12 items or less."

  18. sandra
    11 September 2018 / 6:00 pm

    Always looking for a good guided meditation… leaving aside the improbabilities of that one meditation… would you share what app you are using?

    • materfamilias
      12 September 2018 / 1:20 am

      A friend recommended Timed Insight, and so far I'm finding it helpful — there are courses within it available for purchase, but there are also many free options. Jennifer Piercy's Yoga Nidras for sleep are especially good. . .

  19. Ceri in Bristol
    13 September 2018 / 9:49 am

    Delighted to see that your white jeans are still on active service. I'm still marching mine out too. I think they look rather smart in the autumnal light over here and they certainly do on you over there.

    Completely agree re the incorrect word usage and the grinding of teeth that ensures. And yes, Marie, those supermarket till aisles for 12 items or less really get me. My local supermarket apologises for lack on stock on shelves with a sign saying that they are doing their upmost to get more in… And can I throw Polite Notice into the mix? Where has that come from? I thought it was from odd officious types putting up notices in the hope that anyone thinking of turning in their driveway, stepping on their grass or the like would misread Polite as Police and back off for fear of arrest. Biggest explosion from me came with the renewal notice for my professional body's membership subs. It speaks of practicing… In this neck of the woods we spell it practising. And an institute which caters only for those in England and Wales – indeed calls itself the ICAEW – surely should know better. I'd cancel my membership if only I hadn't gone through so much pain to join…


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.