how’m I doing so far?

Pretty soon, I’ll have a whole month of blogging under my belt and I’m still having fun. But I’d like to know what you think from the viewing perspective. My Counter shows that I’m getting a gratifying enough number of visitors, many of whom are coming back to give me a second look, but very few of you are leaving comments. I get that; I was a self-confessed lurker at many sites for many, many months. Shyness, lack of time, concern about privacy, or just not noticing that Comments link at the bottom of each post — maybe not being sure how to enter a comment (it’s actually easier than it looks, and you can just click on the Anonymous option). But if you don’t feel comfortable leaving me a comment (altho’ they’re so encouraging, so welcome!), maybe you could take a minute for my poll. It’s just on the right sidebar, and I’ll keep it up there for a week to collect responses and see what visitors want more or less of. Please note that you can choose more than one answer. Given my last post, I suppose I should have given you a chance to vote for more or less nudity, but I’m already committed to at least one more nudity post — with pictures! Check this site soon.


  1. Anonymous
    27 July 2007 / 11:23 pm

    I vote for more gardening info–surprise surprise! but you’re certainly holding my interest! (and thanks for the tip re posting anonymously–this looks easy) Lisa

  2. materfamilias
    28 July 2007 / 12:14 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. materfamilias
    28 July 2007 / 12:21 am

    Hey, Lisa — thanks for the comment — and for the reminder that gardening is something I could include on my poll. I did try adding it after reading your comment (and that’s what the deleted comment above said I was doing), but Blogger wisely reminded me that polls can’t be changed once the voting has begun– wouldn’t I make a great politician?
    I did take a few new garden photos the other day–and I’m really loving how the bamboo is so coming into its maturity now

  4. Anonymous
    28 July 2007 / 12:56 am

    Just found your blog through your comment on the yarnharlot’s site. I loved your comment about running away on the ferry from VI to Vancouver and back again. Sounds like a plan – although now I don’t have children at home but I sometimes feel the need to get away from everything.

  5. materfamilias
    28 July 2007 / 1:20 am

    nice of you to stop by, Chris–isn’t the yarnharlot great? — are you a West Coaster, too, that you can consider the BC Ferries as an escape plan? Or is your escape even more dramatic?

  6. Anonymous
    28 July 2007 / 3:15 am

    I really enjoy reading your blog.Thanks for the invite. I like leaving comments but I try to limit myself so doesn’t look like I check my computer everyday.
    In your poll why didn’t you give us the choice for more Buffy updates?

  7. materfamilias
    28 July 2007 / 3:21 am

    Hey, Hilary, are you a Buffy fan too and I never knew it? What about Erica? Maybe we can have a Buffy night for the Schmidt clan — Bronwen, Rhiannon, and Megan have all watched it back when it was on TV — I own the whole series plus all of Angel and I’m on my second viewing now, just getting into Season 4 again.
    And I know what you mean about the computer-checking visibility–when Megan had her blog, I had to force myself to wait for Rachel to be the day’s first commenter ’cause it just looks lame to be the mom that’s right on the kid’s cyber-doorstep!

  8. Schmidtstars
    28 July 2007 / 4:17 pm

    Of course I went for the Family dirt!! Great Blog


  9. Anonymous
    28 July 2007 / 6:44 pm

    yes I’m a West Coaster – living on Vancouver Island near Duncan. The yarnharlot is great – did you get to see her in Victoria?

  10. Anonymous
    29 July 2007 / 3:10 am

    Hi, I vote for more amateur philosophy and cultural reflection!! I wanted to comment on your thoughts about literature as a tool for change. I just finished A Casual Brutality by Neil Bissoondath and thought he addressed some very interesting comparisons between his fictional Casaquemada and Canada . . . his feelings that even in “dirty” places such as Kensington Market, Canadians were still just “clean” and only ever attempting at true diversity and true struggle. Anyway I’m going to take up way to much room if I continue on this tangent, but thanks for getting my mind of things other than children and diapers! Your blog is my escape and my last remaining connection to academics, well, for the mean time anyway! Thanks!

  11. thethinker
    29 July 2007 / 5:57 am

    I notice that about my blog as well. I can get 100 hits and only have 10 comments.

  12. materfamilias
    29 July 2007 / 8:47 am

    Chris, Duncan, we’re practically neighbours! but no, I didn’t get to see the yarnharlot in Victoria, unfortunately
    Caitlin, sounds as if you should stop by my office for a chat — I’ve got some reservations about Bissondath but he’s worth chatting about
    and thinker — I’d say that ratio is about right — and have to say I was a non-commenter myself until I started my own blog

  13. Anonymous
    29 July 2007 / 1:04 pm

    I’m enjoying the blog as is. Gardening is good, but as I am in Zone 4 I will be too envious of your growing season!

  14. materfamilias
    30 July 2007 / 5:49 am

    Mary Lou — I know, we’re really lucky here on the Coast–altho’ we don’t generally have enough real summer heat to get basil going well and waiting for tomatoes to ripen can be frustrating.

    Thanks to all of the commenters — that “14” looks impressive, even if six comments (including the deleted one) were mine 😉


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.