Putting the boot to obligations!

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed this afternoon — I’ve just got home with a stack of research paper proposals and accompanying annotated bibliographies which have to be returned tomorrow. There’s a storm promised which always brings the threat of power outages, not so great when you live on a wee island. BloomingWriter tagged me yesterday with an “8 random things” meme and Dana wants to know what bags I use to cart materials back and forth to work. Too many “shoulds” when the storm on the horizon’s inviting me to curl up with tea and a book!

Luckily, the other day I discovered a wonderful site called Blogging Without Obligation, and I’m going to pay it some heed. Because “only blogging when you feel truly inspired keeps up the integrity of your blog,” I am going to write only what I want to today, although I promise that I will get to my “8 random things about me” post within the week. Perhaps I’ll post on my bag/purse/backpack solutions soon as well. In the meantime, though, I’m going to stick to my own regularly scheduled My Shoes Wednesday (by the way, did you notice that my inspiration, Manolo’s Whose Shoes Wednesday,features a male mystery celebrity shoe-wearer today?).

I’ve been holding out on you, having bought these Frye boots (model name: Nora) back at the beginning of October (in a great shop in Victoria called Footloose. They’re possibly my favourite pair of footwear now, if not ever. Besides looking great, they are stunningly comfortable, especially considering the 2 1/2 inch heel — Really! I can walk blocks and blocks and blocks in these shoes. This gently-rounded toe means no squishing of my toes, yet it looks sharp, fresh, and quite compact, I think.

You can’t really tell from these photos, but the boots land somewhere between mid-calf and knee. The gathering is neat enough that the boots aren’t too clunky to wear with a dress or a skirt, but they’re roomy enough to fit snugly over a pair of jeans (skinny are best, but I sometimes fold my bootleg jeans into compliance and tuck them right into the boot). Last Saturday, I wore them to the opera with this Graham & Spencer dress (that’s a photo I grabbed from somewhere on the web, an online shop whose URL I forgot to grab alongwith). While this length might suggest I’m dressing inappropriately for my age, I’ll quickly point out that I’m not quite 5’4″ while the model is probably closer to 5’8″ — the dress is a bit higher above the knees than I usually wear, but with dark tights, I think it was fairly respectable. You can’t tell from the photo, but the dress is heavy silk, satin at the yoke and sueded for the body — it looks and feels very sumptuous. I wore my hair up, added some long black-feathers-and-jet earrings and my boots and felt dressy enough plus was able to easily manage the 30-minute walk from our apartment.

So there you have it — my shoes for the week, brought to you with pleasure rather than out of obligation. Now I’ll go deal with one or two of those “shoulds” before I make the pot of tea that’s going to be so delightful in its contrast with what’s outside my window. You stay comfy too!


  1. Puttermeister
    15 November 2007 / 2:02 am

    Ah, the quest for the perfect boots. I’m happy knowing someone found them. My search continues.

    You’re doing a _whole stack_ of proposals tonight? If I could stick to it, I’d promise never to complain about my turnaround time again. But I know I’d break that promise within 24 hours, so I’ll just have to sit here, stunned at your grading prowess.

    The boots, I’m sure, help you to kick grading ass.

  2. materfamilias
    15 November 2007 / 2:20 am

    Puttermeister: Well, that’s not to say I couldn’t find another pair I love as well, but I’m good for now.
    As for the grading, not as impressive as it sounds — it’s a very small class, less than 20, and not everyone got their proposal in on time. I don’t want to count, but I don’t think there are more than 12 here. Further, I don’t give a mark for this part of the assignment, emphasizing instead that it’s a “threshold” requirement — if it’s not submitted in time, I can choose not to accept the final paper at all. I do read quite carefully and comment on problems with focus, etc., as well as on the need to fine-tune MLA formatting. Pedagogically, I feel like it’s a pretty worthwhile bit of hand-holding, and I think I read better papers two weeks from now because of it. So they really have to be returned asap so my people will have the feedback to digest over the coming weekend.
    And never, never promise not to complain about marking. Ranting and complaining are one of the few pleasures to sustain us through these dark times!

  3. Susan B
    15 November 2007 / 3:25 am

    I’d been eyeing those boots, glad to hear they’re walkable and comfortable.

    Good luck with all of the paperwork. Hope it goes quickly and painlessly.

  4. Susan B
    15 November 2007 / 3:26 am

    Should clarify that I’ve been eyeing the boots *online* (though I’m holding off buying anything right now with the holidays coming up).

  5. materfamilias
    15 November 2007 / 3:50 am

    Deja, so far I’m virginal in my online fashion-shopping experience. Indeed, the only things I buy online are books. Not sure I’d want to let myself loose in the world of cyber-shopping; at least when I’m limited to bricks-and-mortar there are restraints of time and transportation.

  6. Anonymous
    16 November 2007 / 5:06 am

    I love the boots. One look I’m glad
    that came back is the slimmer jean
    tucked in the boot. I think it’s such a clean look comfy and dressy
    at the same time.


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