Cable Front Pullover — finished!

I began this sweater last November following Wilma Peers’ pattern (Cable Front Pullover) from Fall 2006 Vogue Knitting and finished it by March at the latest. I blocked it, sewed most of the seams together and then couldn’t figure out how the front cable sections attached to the shoulders and back. So it languished for a while, and then I hauled it into my LYS where Lynette figured it out, explained it to me (recommending that I should rip out and re-knit a short portion of one of the pieces which she thought wasn’t symmetrical with the other), and by the time I got home, I’d lost the visual. It then languished all summer, although occasionally I’d think of bringing it in again and doing the stitching right at the shop. Then it was September, and I was back teaching again, and the not-yet-together sweater was sulking in a bag in the closet. Finally, last month, I asked at the shop and was told that one of the part-time workers sometimes did finishing work for cash. I asked, she agreed, and the rest is history. I felt the teeniest bit of shame that I paid rather than stitched, but, you know, not so much! Picked it up yesterday and wore it to work today with a fitted, lightweight turtleneck underneath. It’s a lovely weight to wear like that and also works well with a cami under it — in which case the yarnovers at the sleeve seam show a cheeky bit of skin.

Above is a closer look at the way the two cabled centre panels twist and then fall apart in an inverted V at the bottom. And below you get a better idea of the texture and weight of the fabric.
The pattern called for Classic Elite Yarns cashmere/mohair blend, Charmed, which is probably a wonderful yarn, but I can’t find it locally and if I could, my online research suggests I couldn’t afford it! I substituted Rowan’s Kid Classic (70% lambswool/26% kid mohair/4% nylon). Charmed is 119 metres for the 50g, while Kid Classic gives 140 metres, so it’s similarly lofty. I worked on 5.5 needles and got gauge, and I’m really pleased with the fit (I knit the smallest size — it’s a very loose-fitting pullover).

Coming up next: 8 random things about me. Stay tuned!


  1. Susan B
    16 November 2007 / 1:53 pm

    Very cool and unique! Love the mix of greys.

  2. jillian
    16 November 2007 / 3:17 pm

    Looks wonderful! A classic color combo too. There are definitely times I’d love to hand over that last bit of finishing, and I don’t even usually mind it! Whatever gets it done – and now you have a wonderful new winter sweater!

  3. Gina
    16 November 2007 / 5:12 pm

    It looks wonderful. Don’t fret about the paying for finishing. I hate it myself. It feels like an insult that I have to knit the garment and then put it all together… Can’t that just happen overnight while all of the pieces are hanging out together in my knitting bag?


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