Stormy Weather

I’m not sure how I caught this fabulous blue in the very early dawn this morning. In the next photo, below, taken only seconds later with the same automatic settings on my little Pentax Optio 4 mp, the indigo is already fading. This freighter is full of sailors who are going to spend their Christmas far from home, I guess. They’re all waiting now for a pilot boat to guide them into harbour so they can either load or unload. When we got home from a party in town last night (a Buffy-and-Angel party, whoo-hoo!), their Christmas lights were lit — a string of golden lights outlining the ship’s hull, quite festive.
They’ll be used to much worse seas than this, of course, but still, it’s quite dramatic out there this morning. When I look over my left shoulder as I write this post, here’s what I see
Thought I should try to get a better picture of the storminess for you. Can you see that big log just to the left of the arbutus tree — it’s being bounced around as if it were weightless and if Paul gets a decent chainsaw, it could be heating our home in a few weeks.
Here I’ve zoomed in so that you can see the froth as waves hit shore.
Despite the drama to our northeast, heading inland on the island the weather feels quite mild, Paul tells me, back after checking to see how our boat fared in the night’s winds. So I think I’ll head out for a walk soon. Later today, we’ll head to town again for an open house. I’m sure I’ll return from that, as I did from a beautifully-decorated home last night, wondering if we should give in and start doing a Christmas tree again — for the last few years, we’ve been using a large piece of arbutus we found on the beach and festooning it with white mini-lights and not much else. I’m adding to that this year by filling vases with white and red flowers, greenery and gold highlights, but so far, it’s fairly subdued around here. What a difference from all the years when I had four children at home!

Now perhaps you can help me out a bit: I’m curious to know what the effects are of posting too regularly, if there’s such a thing. What I’m wondering is if readers tend only to read the latest post — if so, by posting today am I guaranteeing that posts I worked on last week will tend not to be read? Or do you scan titles (and photos perhaps?) to see what catches your eye? Do you like to see new posts almost daily? Or do you sigh an exasperated sigh at yet more words? I know that I tend to be wordier than many bloggers — wanting a writing venue was one of my primary reasons to start blogging. And I know many of you are pressed for time. So as I hone my blogging strategy, I’d appreciate some feedback. If you could either comment below or take a second to vote in the poll to your right, I’d be very grateful.


  1. Susan B
    16 December 2007 / 10:41 pm


    I think you should blog as much or little as you feel inspired to do. I check in here every couple of days. Sometimes I read the longer posts; sometimes I’m too pressed for time and come back a few days later and scroll back down to the ones I thought would be of interest.

    Your photography skills are quite enviable. Give me a 35mm SLR loaded with b&w film and I can do amazing things, but have so far found myself flummoxed by digital photography. Kudos!

  2. girlcook
    17 December 2007 / 1:19 am

    mum, I love the new layout of your blog. It is a lot easier to read this way.
    The photos are pretty great. Good on ya!
    I can hear the waves beating the shore to a sandy pulp. Is the wind dipping it’s dancing partner(the alder trees beside the house) and rattling the windows? I love that part.

    Oh, and I read only the new posts, and only if there are pictures in the post . (I like shiny things too;))


  3. materfamilias
    17 December 2007 / 4:01 pm

    girlcook: you’re sounding pretty romantic-nostalgic (not to mention poetic!) about the storms here. Someone’s missing the coast?
    and btw, if you only read the new posts, you’re going to miss the shiny in Friday’s “Fashion Flashback” — and I was curious to see if you’d remember that dress.

  4. paris parfait
    18 December 2007 / 6:26 pm

    Such gorgeous, gorgeous photos! Wow!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.