Scenes from a lovely day

I’m going to show you a few scenes from our very happy Christmas Day. First, in case you’re interested, the Christmas Eve tourtière was fabulous — we got home from Victoria about 6, I rolled out the pastry, piled in the filling I’d made earlier, threw the pie in the oven and by 7:30 we were enjoying it with a fresh green salad, some well-aged cheddar, and a choice of relishes — absolutely a tradition-in-the-making! As we were distributing pieces, someone did say what a good picture the tourtière would make with the first wedge cut out like one of those artful food shots, and I thought about getting my camera, but then we collectively shrugged the shoot opportunity away and got into the serious business of eating together.

First up, Rhiannon shows off her matching beanie and fingerless mitts — she seemed to really like them and they certainly look good on her. A fun, quick, and rewarding knit.

New books are always a big part of Christmas around here. Adam’s already absorbed in Anthony Bozza’s tale of Guns N’ Roses, Slash, a gift from Bronwen.

And this book, also a gift from Bronwen to Adam, was a huge hit all day, reducing some of us (I’m not naming names . . .) to tears — it’s hilarious, if you’re at all susceptible to poo-poo jokes, and really, so many of us are! It’s actually also full of fascinating and apparently credible information about the lower regions and activities of our digestive system.

Here Paul’s telling Bronwen and Adam something about our gift to them which they’ve just opened. It’s a painting by Leanne Brusatore, an emerging artist from the Cowichan Valley whose work we love — she does wonderful things with surface texture and colour. This painting is part of a series she’s done exploring her fascination with crows. (Later, I’ll show you the painting we gave our other daughter, Megan, from the same series.)If you click on Leanne’s site, you’ll be able to see this painting a bit more clearly and you’ll note that the dark element in the centre of the lower third of the painting is a feather.

And back to the reading. I have to admit that this is my very favourite part of Christmas, when all the preparations have paid off, gifts have been opened and enjoyed, folks are fed and happy, and we can settle down, content in the good company nearby but free to sit with a good book (or a magazine from a stocking, as Bronwen does here).

And one more shot, just ’cause I really love this one — isn’t she lovely?


  1. girlcook
    27 December 2007 / 11:04 pm

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  2. Gina
    30 December 2007 / 2:53 pm

    I am heading out to the bookstore post haste! I must find a copy of that book about poo. I have the perfect recipient in mind.

  3. JuliaR
    31 December 2007 / 3:08 am

    Speaking of poo, you will probably also love “How to Sh*t in the Woods” by Kathleen Meyer and published by Ten Speed Press. It is written by a female back country trekking guide and is actually a very practical guide on how to pee in the woods also, and not pee into one’s boots. Deals with not contaminating your camp site and other things. And nicely written as a bonus.

  4. materfamilias
    3 January 2008 / 2:33 am

    Yes, Juliar, that one’s a classic — I’m sure it’s been reprinted several times. This one is perhaps not so practical although there’s tons of info on “the science of poo” — what’s too too funny are the names assigned to the various shapes and deliveries!


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