Colour, please!

It’s been dreary and cold this last week on the West Coast, and I’ve been dreaming about spring in Paris, especially since The Sartorialist is posting street fashion from that city right now following the same défilés as Café Mode is covering, and then Une Femmeadded links to a site that features Paris fashion for travelers planning to visit (and wanting to know how to pack and to dress while there). We’ve been thinking about getting the dates organized for our trip this May/June, but it still seems too far off. Nevertheless, all this chat has me thinking about spring days wandering the Paris streets and coming across such delights as this charming graffiti on this venerable old building. Unfortunately, I didn’t note where I found it, precisely, but I know it’s Left Bank, somewhere between the Eiffel Tower and St. Germain (closer to the latter) maybe on Rue Grenelle or Rue de la Université. Here’s a better view of this cheery, cheeky face, irresistible on a winter’s day far from Paris.

Trying to find some colour in the winter, I checked out the shops yesterday and made a few (ahem) purchases at Banana Republic where there’s a slightly nautical thing going on with some fun punches of colours — some citrus which doesn’t really work for my colouring, but some of the newer blues as well. Tried on a great graphic-patterned black and white dress — sheath/shift with great length sleeves, short, but not too (important at my age, even for these Pilates-toned pipes — kidding!), but left it for now. Prices always drop so much over a few weeks at BR that I thought I’d see what happens. As well, it’s very cute and quite flattering, but it’s also perhaps too distinctive to be very versatile in my wardrobe — you know, “Oh my god, is she wearing that black-and-white dress again?”

Now I’m off for a run in the drear and then we’re going to see if our crèpe place is open after their long New Year’s break. Have to get to the Roy Arden show at the Vancouver Art Gallery ’cause this is the last weekend it’s on. Then I’m very excited ’cause I’m meeting an almost-ready-to-defend-her dissertation friend for drinks at The Sylvia later — haven’t seen her for way too long so it’ll be quite the chat! And planning to see Juno this evening (saw No Country last night – whew! hard-hitting, Coen brothers!). So there’s the schedule and whoops! where’s my naptime?


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