Running Rachel Rocks the Race!

Yet another “little” sister for me to boast of: My sister Rachel ran the Half-Marathon part of the Vancouver International Marathon yesterday, and not only beat her personal best, but was in the top 5 finishers in her age category!! I’ve been waiting for the official times to be up before I posted, but I can’t wait any longer, so I’ll just say that Rachel quoted me a time of 1:38!! (her personal best was 1:42).
Rachel only took up running post-35, but she’s taken to it with a vengeance. This last year, she’s been working with a personal trainer and recently scored a birthday gift of a GPS-equipped pace-keeper — she takes her running seriously, but I assure you, she enjoys it as well! I think 5 of us sisters have done half-marathons now (Hilary’s done marathons as well), but Rachel’s way ahead of us and inspiring us all the way. You go, girl!


  1. Anonymous
    5 May 2008 / 9:29 pm

    Thanks Frances, I’m lucky to have siblings that inspire me. No aches or pains today so clearly my training paid off. Man that ice-cream tasted good yesterday – a whole tub of haagen-daz sticky toffee pudding.

  2. Anonymous
    6 May 2008 / 2:28 am

    my running partner is leaving me in the dust. the really annoying part is she probably looked really cute after the run too!!!
    Here hard work definitely paid off I wish I was as focused as her.
    Running with your adult sibling is an opportunity you should never pass up. It’s really good way to get to know them.
    p.s. Kathy has also run a marathon.
    and she’s signed up for Victoria in Oct.

  3. materfamilias
    6 May 2008 / 4:34 am

    Rachel: I’ll bet ice cream’s never tasted so good!
    Hil: Considering you just ran the Boston, you’re hardly a slouch yourself! But you’re right, Rachel’s really been focused.
    Why didn’t I know Kathy had run a marathon. And Victoria? Really? Wow! I’m thinking of doing a half again this fall, but it all depends on how the Achilles behaves in the next few months.


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