knitting update

I’ve finally finished my Chevron scarf (pattern from Last-Minute Gifts), thank goodness — the knitting seemed to go on and on forever. Not surprisingly, I suppose, given that this Handmaiden Cashmere (sooo yummy!) is a fingering/sock weight. It was one of those impulse buys that really suggest I shouldn’t visit my LYS (Local Yarn Store for you muggles) so often. Except that if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have found this, and I do think it’s a gorgeous colourway. The green’s perhaps a bit greener, less yellow, than it appears in this photo. Now I’ll tuck it away ’til the weather gets cooler — it might be a gift, but I do think it suits me quite well, so who knows?
I’ve also finished the socks I was knitting (Yarn Harlot’s Basic Sock Recipe) in the Noro Kureyon Sock yarn, and will have photos soon. And I’ve almost finished the body of the mohair sweater I’m knitting for a friend, so just the sleeves (just?!).

Which progress, I decided, meant that I was justified in casting on for theGathered Pullover(Ravelry link — Interweave link here) I’m going to make with the Handmaiden Flaxen (such a delicious blend of linen and silk). Here’s the swatch I knit up first — right now I’m about six inches into the body (knit to the armholes in one piece on circs). I’d love to get it done in time to get some summer linen happiness out of it.

Here’s the Gathered Pullover as it appears in Interweave. I’m going to make it longer, of course, and there’ll be a bit more drape than appears in the photo.
I’ve also picked up the Shetland Lace scarf I’m knitting in a rich brown/cream/grey Seasilk colourway and hope to make some progress on that, eventually perhaps casting it off before Fall. I see Jared’s posted a pattern for a simple but effective beanie that I admired last winter when he showed us one he’d made for his brother, and I’d love to cast on for that. You non-knitters who were nonetheless interested enough in my post on Jared a week or so ago to have a peek at his blog might also be interested in knowing that one of his designs was just featured on the cover of Vogue magazine. Well, okay, Vogue Knitting, but still . . . Very cool!
So there’s my knitting update.

On other fronts, our septic system is working again, and I have renewed my appreciation for the wonders of sewer technology. With everything copacetic on the island, I packed up and headed to Vancouver where I took Pater out last night (to Lolita’s, always fun, always good food, and only a few blocks away) to celebrate his birthday. Right now, I’m headed out for a seawall run in the rain, and then I’m going to go pick up my mom and take her for a bit of downtown shopping and then lunch with her granddaughter (my daughter, Rhiannon, to be specific). Later today, I’m going to get working on another Eating in Paris post. Hope you’re savouring this last wee bit of July.


  1. Jane
    30 July 2008 / 6:54 pm

    You sound as if you’ll be keeping busy. The colours do go really well together in that scarf. Happy knitting

  2. Susan B
    30 July 2008 / 10:18 pm

    Love the colors in that chevron scarf, so perfect for autumn!

    Glad everything is back to normal with the septic tank. We really take things like that for granted until they stop working.

  3. materfamilias
    31 July 2008 / 12:07 am

    376: can’t take any credit for the scarf colourway — that’s all thanks to Handmaiden, but I do agree that their combinations are great
    Pseu: Yes, we do! And I’m very glad to be able to take the septic for granted once again!

  4. Anonymous
    31 July 2008 / 2:33 pm

    Keep the scarf! I think you are right to lengthen the pullover (we say jumper here), it looks just a tad too short on the model.
    Happy Birthday to Paterfamilias from me, oh and the rest of Australia.

  5. Duchesse
    1 August 2008 / 12:04 am

    Your knitting is so refined and current! Yes, keep the scarf!

  6. materfamilias
    1 August 2008 / 4:42 am

    cybill: Pater’s grateful to have all of Australia’s good wishes;-)
    duchesse: thanks!

  7. jillian
    1 August 2008 / 3:53 pm

    Keep the cashmere scarf!!

    It’s gorgeous.

    That Gathered Pulli will be wonderful in the linen blend, perfect drape.

  8. jillian
    1 August 2008 / 3:53 pm

    Keep the cashmere scarf!!

    It’s gorgeous.

    That Gathered Pulli will be wonderful in the linen blend, perfect drape.

  9. indigo16
    1 August 2008 / 9:24 pm

    The scarf is so Missoni, very beautiful. The grey jumper looks great too, although just looking at it has added another bead of sweat to my already over heated body! I never knew England could be this humid.

  10. Unknown
    21 February 2010 / 2:30 pm


    I was wondering what pattern was used for the Shetland Lace scarf? It is beautiful.

  11. materfamilias
    22 February 2010 / 3:57 am

    Hi Kittykat,
    Not sure which Shetland Lace scarf you mean — I've knit two different patterns that I've featured on this blog in the past. One is a cherry-red Icarus shawl, pattern by Miriam Felton; the other, modeled elsewhere on the blog by my son-in-law (yes, really!) is Birch, a Rown pattern. Hope this helps.


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