not all rainbows but still (very still)

Can you bear a few more weather/view shots? I can’t help but be mesmerized by the rich variety of different horizons that modulate in front of my windows over the course of days, weeks, months, and seasons. The morning after the rainbow, a day that turned out quite dull and overcast began so beautifully that I took my camera into the still-mostly-dark dawn to capture the subtle shades. These shots were taken more than an hour before official sunrise, so that I lengthened the time the lens was open (in fact, all I did was suppress the flash and make no other adjustments — kept setting on Automatic). You’ll notice that I used (indeed, have) no tripod, so lack of steadiness was a factor — there’s some doubling of the image, perceptible mainly where there are lights in the distance. But I’m pleased with the effect, purely amateur-rookie, but mine, all mine.

Yesterday’s weather surprised me by being splendidly fall-gorgeous, clean-swept by a door-rattling, tree-stripping wind that stirred up the spicy-earthy smell of the leaves covering the ground. I’m not sure I’m ready yet for the heavy storms of fall and winter with their attendant power outages and cancelled ferries, but I admit the wind was exhilarating. And we switched the curtains over last weekend (okay, Pater did, but it might have been my idea) from the summer white linens to these orange velvet(een?) ones I showed you back here. Indeed, if I could light up the wood stove and cuddle in on those windy days, I wouldn’t mind them at all. And I must admit I’m looking forward to wearing my coats, scarves, and hats again — and I have a fabulous pair of long black leather gloves with great zippers (they’re sexy-dramatic but not too much) on hold. So I’m adjusting to the change of season. How ’bout you?


  1. Susan B
    8 October 2008 / 2:50 pm

    Gorgeous shots!! I love being up before sunrise, and especially being outdoors. There’s such a sense of serenity and connectedness in it. It’s going to be 90F here today, so YES, I am so ready for some cooler autumn weather.

  2. La Belette Rouge
    8 October 2008 / 2:52 pm

    The photos are fantastic–lush, moody and all together beautiful. Love!
    As to change of weather, it is going to be 92 degrees here in sunny Valencia. Summer will never end and I am not at all happy about that.

  3. Anonymous
    8 October 2008 / 9:57 pm

    I agree – lovely photos. I’m enjoying fall here – cool mornings, but most days are warm enough for a cardigan instead of a coat. I found that fall came and went far too quickly in most of the places I’ve lived in in Canada. Here in Budapest we are surrounded by forests and beautiful autumnal colours. Patricia

  4. Duchesse
    9 October 2008 / 12:34 am

    What a treat! Love changing curtains or upholstery with seasons (the most I muster is taking off the flannel sheets)! And the gloves, intriguing. Request a photo if you get them!

  5. Mardel
    9 October 2008 / 2:05 am

    Oh what lovely photos you have posted today. They are just gorgeous and I love the mood.

    Nice fall weather has been around here since the weekend and I am reveling in the pleasures of boots and sweaters. Although I would probably miss the winter, I do so think I would be perfectly content somewhere where the weather ranged between about the 40’s for the winter daytime low and the mid 70’s. Keep dreaming I know.

  6. materfamilias
    9 October 2008 / 4:28 am

    Pseu: Yes, and you’ll be finding some of that fall weather very soon, won’t you?! Paris, here comes Une Femme . . .
    LBR: Thanks! So hard for me to imagine those kind of temps in October — wouldn’t mind trying them out though . . .
    Patricia: Out on our coast, the fall colours can often be cut short by a mild, soggy week or two followed by a few big windstorms. I loved the stunning foliage between Ottawa and Montreal any time I was there in the fall — truly brilliant!
    Duchesse: Have only begun changing the curtains the past two years and it’s a fun way to mark the seasons — before that we had no curtains at all, since we look out to the beach so privacy isn’t an issue.
    The gloves are black so I’m not sure how well they’ll photograph, but I’ll try once I have them.
    Mardel: That’s about my temperature range as well — I’ve always lived on this Coast, so I’m used to a temperate climate and think it’s well worth putting up with a little rain (well, a lot of rain!)

  7. indigo16
    9 October 2008 / 12:01 pm

    The photographs are very beautiful, I would reccomend you had them printed matt onto some slightly rough fibre paper as they are so painterly.
    I have a set of curtains currently in the dry cleaners £90!! plus we need new curtains for the girls bedroom and hall way. When all I want is a nice new coat. hey ho!
    I enjoy winter when it is dry and crisp, not wet and windy. We currently have the former, the low sun is lovely for photgraphing in.
    My tights finally went on this week and I must say I enjoyed rotating some of my clothes. I find winter much easier to dress for than the summer as I am less disapointed.

  8. Anonymous
    9 October 2008 / 12:50 pm

    Oh, don’t get me wrong – fall in Canada IS beautiful. It just seems that before I know it I have to be putting on a puffy jacket and snow pants to go to the grocery store! :0)

  9. dana
    9 October 2008 / 4:19 pm

    What beautiful nocturnes! The last is my favorite, the shakiness only adds to the painterly quality. I second the comment saying you get them printed on a nice rag stock.

    It’s been an extremely wet summer here, so our grass is still green and needs cutting, unheard of in October! We are starting to see golds and reds peeking through the green. The green usually has a tired look by this time of the year, but as it’s still so lush, we’re expecting a spectacular fall. Temperatures are cool mornings, shirtsleeves afternoons, which has been absolutely lovely. I always wish we could keep this phase of fall a little longer before having to get the coats out.

  10. Susan B
    9 October 2008 / 5:36 pm

    materfamilias – I’ve tagged you for a quick-n-easy meme!

  11. materfamilias
    10 October 2008 / 2:55 am

    Alison: Thanks so much — means a lot coming from you, and I may actually try having these printed this way.
    Dry and crisp is pretty rare for us in the winter and generally means colder than usual — I’m a baby about the cold, so I’d almost prefer rain.
    Patricia: I’ve never had to contend with eastern winters, so it’s easy for me to admire the brilliant falls without worrying about what they signal.
    Dana: Thanks for the encouragement re the photos. I agree about these fall days as perfect to dress for but all too short a season.
    Pseu: it does look like fun — I’ll be a few days before I get to it, but it will give me an easy post — probably while you’re away, you lucky Femme


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