comfort dressing in a slightly (?) campy sweater

I can’t believe we have a snowfall warning today! Although we regularly get late-winter snowfalls here on the Island, they always come as a bit of a shock, given that we’ve got crocuses blooming all over and the daffodils are several inches high. Today’s warning doesn’t look as if it will amount to much, but some comfort clothing is definitely called for. Especially since I have to go in today and sit through a Faculty meeting in the a.m. and a Department meeting in the p.m. This little frou-frou number (by Simon Chang, a Canadian designer) looks more convincing on me than it does hanging, but I was too shy/rushed to do the self-portrait thing. When Deb showed it to me last fall in my local favourite boutique, From A to Zebra, I agreed that it was cute but my inner voice was saying “too cute.” Still, I tried it on, and was instantly convinced — the elastic-panel belt creates a strong waist which is usually a challenge given how short mine is. The knit wool fabric is so comfortable to wear — light and warm, but not suffocating. The fur trim is removable, and I assumed I’d mostly wear it without but have surprised myself by leaving it on and liking its close-too-campy effect. I love the peplum-y back, and of course the silk georgette animal (leopard? ocelot?) trim sold me!

I love a piece like this that does all the work — I just need to put solid neutrals underneath — probably plain back slim pants today, or I might even just wear my jeans. The shape works well with a pencil skirt, but seems to me to demand heels and I’m happy to oblige. I like wearing it with a simple short strand of pearls and matching earrings, which to me, anyway, make the whole thing a slightly ironic reference to “Ladies Who Lunch” dressing, a status I’d never quite be able to achieve!

Cross your fingers for me , would you, against the possibility of a snowfall? If we’re going to have snow, I’d at least like to get a snow day out of it, and this week is Reading Break!


  1. Susan B
    25 February 2009 / 5:43 pm

    Oh, I am so envious!!! That’s the kind of piece I’m always on the lookout for but that never seems to cross my path. Love it!!!

  2. Duchesse
    25 February 2009 / 6:57 pm

    I looked at the piece and just started to beam. That tells you everything, doesn’t it?

    Cozy, warm, fun… and hope you don’t get more accumulation (of snow, that is)!

  3. TheSundayBest
    26 February 2009 / 12:02 am

    Sometimes all that gets me through meetings is looking at my colourful socks.

  4. materfamilias
    26 February 2009 / 3:58 am

    Pseu: yes! I could see you in this, for sure!
    Duchesse: Thanks! I can’t believe I almost passed it up — good to have a shop where they know what’s “really you!”
    Thom: Oh yeah, you would’ve needed some good colours in those socks today — two excruciating hours in the a.m., then two more in the p.m. and all the time me thinking of stuff I really wanted to get done . . . thank god for clothes with humour!

  5. Gina
    26 February 2009 / 2:32 pm

    I love it! Please add Simon Doonan’s Eccentric Glamour to your reading list; you will have a renewed interest in purchasing more items like this jacket.

  6. materfamilias
    27 February 2009 / 1:46 am

    you know, Gina, I gave away a copy on my blogiversary last year and wish I’d browsed through it first. I’ll have to pick one up for myself — love the title!

  7. Anonymous
    28 February 2009 / 12:15 am

    I absolutely love this. And with the fur trim, it’s campy, fun and eccentric. Just look at that chiffon leopard too!

    Mater, you tend to think you are going overboard when you’re really not. All the things that you “push” yourself with stylewise are so good, so personality-filled. You have tremendous natural instinct. You just have to decide to work it. Not all the time, but if you play around like this with your clothes, you’ll be ready to clash to match when you really feel like showing your true colors!

  8. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    28 February 2009 / 8:08 am

    I love this – and it mixes texture with pattern and has a great creative edge. I love it when you find a great boutique who stock clothes that actually fit you (there is one here that I love, and unlike many boutiques where little fits me, my favourite is a plethora of choice!).

  9. Anonymous
    28 February 2009 / 3:40 pm

    IMogen, I want to go to that store when I am in Melbourne next!

  10. materfamilias
    28 February 2009 / 4:19 pm

    Karen: You may be right about my inner eccentric duking it out with my inner shy self, but I have to say that once I tried this sweater on there was no hesitation, and I’ve ended up wearing it so much! Thanks so much for the comments on my natural instincts and thank you for helping hone them.
    Imogen: The only trouble with my little boutique — and perhaps this is the same for you — is that I like to cruise by regularly just to check out the always-arriving new stock and also because I really like the owner and her staff — she often serves up a glass of wine to customers at the end of the day, especially on Fridays. You can imagine that this can be an expensive situation (altho’ it’s not an overly high-end spot, tending to top out at $400 bags and $900 coats). But even tho’ it’s in my wee city of 80,000, I have probably bought more favourite items there than anywhere else (and I’m in Vanc’r 2 weekends a month).

  11. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    28 February 2009 / 10:44 pm

    I have a boutique like that – but I wear the stuff for years and years and it never goes out of fashion because it’s not ‘in’, and it’s good quality.

  12. materfamilias
    1 March 2009 / 5:18 pm

    Imogen: me too!

  13. Anonymous
    3 March 2009 / 1:38 am

    Mater, the reason you didn’t hesitate with this piece is that although it “mixes it up” it’s still all NEUTRAL!!! So if this is what you feel comfortable doing, try mixing more neutral prints and cranking back on the color and see how you feel.

  14. materfamilias
    3 March 2009 / 2:20 am

    interesting — and the mixes I recently posted were pretty neutral as well. But I have some surprises for you coming up — some in the next day or two and then one I just spotted in my closet today that I’d like to test out with you. It’s all fun, and I thank you for opening my eyes to this play!

  15. Unknown
    29 April 2009 / 9:13 am

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