Yoke a-tanglin’

I’m having such fun with this pattern, the Tangled Yoke Cardigan. I’ve been a fan of Eunny Jang’s since I first discovered her blog, See Eunny Knit, still accessible although she hasn’t added to it since she took on the editor’s role at Interweave Knits. I was astonished at the quality of writing, at the creativity, at the thoughtfulness, and at the erudition of this very young auto-didact (I remember reading one post which revealed that she was then about 22, and had eschewed university in favour of getting out in the work world on her own). She is revered among knitters for the clean, contemporary lines of her garments, the way they update traditional techniques such as Fair Isle and cables and argyles. As well, she is known for giving brilliantly clear tutorials — I have yet to take on a project with steeking, but when I do, I’m pleased to know that Eunny’s tutorials are preserved for easy access on her old blog.

What tickles me inordinately in this pattern is the way the cables snake around the yoke giving the illusion of stocking stitch running horizontally over the fabric beneath. In fact, two stitches at a time are coaxed sideways and up to meet other pairs doing the same from another direction, crossing over and under each other to form sinuous loops working their way across the upper chest, over the shoulders and ’round the back. Brilliant! These 18 rows, with between 250-300 stitches per row, are complicated, but I would knit this sweater again almost immediately, it’s been so satisfying.

I have another 8 rows of cabling, then another few centimetres of plain stocking stitch on the yoke before I start on the short-row shaping, which will be a first for me — that’s fun as well, after 50 years of knitting, to be learning something new. From what I’ve heard/read, this shouldn’t be too complicated, although I’d like to avoid gaping holes (!) — I’ll see what I can figure out on my own, and if I can’t grasp it after a few tries, I’ll stop in to my LYS and get someone to show me how to finesse this new technique. After that, it’s just the buttonband, grafting the underarms, and voilà, a new wool sweater, just in time to pop in storage because the sun, as you can see above, seems to be coming back into my life. If it takes finishing a wool sweater for that to happen, I won’t complain!


  1. Susan B
    29 March 2009 / 2:54 am

    You might as well be speaking Greek, but the sweater is lovely!
    😉 Kudos!

  2. materfamilias
    29 March 2009 / 3:47 am

    Sorry, Pseu, it is an entirely other language, isn’t it!

  3. Susan B
    29 March 2009 / 3:55 am

    That’s ok, it was very amusing.

    BTW, are you going to be around (in Vancouver and environs) in June? We’re contemplating a short Vancouver visit…

  4. materfamilias
    29 March 2009 / 5:53 am

    Pseu: We’ll be back around the 20th and I’d love to show you ’round — hope you can plan your visit to coincide with the last third of the month!

  5. jillian
    29 March 2009 / 4:06 pm

    Looking good!

  6. Mardel
    29 March 2009 / 7:42 pm

    Oh t he sweater sounds so lovely, and I have admired that pattern but not knit it. Perhaps I should. I can think of no higher knitting compliment than “These 18 rows, with between 250-300 stitches per row, are complicated, but I would knit this sweater again almost immediately, it’s been so satisfying”.

    Onto my “to knit” list this must go immediately. Of course that list could populate another universe.

    The short rows will be fun and I am sure you will grasp the technique and the possibilities, quickly.

  7. Trish
    30 March 2009 / 12:42 am

    Just fantastic! What yarn is that?

  8. materfamilias
    30 March 2009 / 12:57 am

    Thanks, Jillian.
    Mardel, it’s true! I did have to very carefully, stitch by cabled stitch, have to undo a row here and there because my count was off, but I still enjoyed it! Just hope the short rows are as fun.
    Trish: isn’t it pretty?! It’s Rowan’s Felted Tweed (alpaca, merino) — really like it!

  9. Duchesse
    30 March 2009 / 1:48 pm

    I am in awe. Please post a photo of entire sweater when finished; it’s an intriguing design.

  10. materfamilias
    30 March 2009 / 2:44 pm

    I’ll be sure to show it off when it’s done, Duchesse.

  11. Anonymous
    30 March 2009 / 7:49 pm

    Gorgeous sweater…good luck with short rows. I’ve only ever done them once, and I did need help.

    However, I’m still fairly a beginner knitter, so you should have fun with this new shaping technique.


  12. materfamilias
    31 March 2009 / 4:05 am

    Thanks Christine. I’m a bit nervous about it, but the women at my LYS are great, so I know I’ll have help if I need it. I’m convinced the short rows will be well worth mastering, as they seem to be ubiquitous these days.


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