Untitled Post

I’m finally grabbing a few minutes to post some photos, but I’m frustrated with the limitations of the mouse pad on my wee Netbook (which otherwise is so convenient!) — can’t seem to manipulate the photos as I’d like to, so I’ll just present them in the order in which they arrive.

We’ve done so much in our first few days here. Let’s see: visited the Tate Modern (and that could be a whole post on its own, obviously — Francis Bacon, Jackson Pollock, Barnett Newman, Kandinsky, among other highlights) and strolled the Southwark area on our first day, then went back out Friday evening to see a show — The Thirty-Nine Steps — in the West End. Yesterday we visited the British Museum, taking in the exhibit advertised in the poster in the photo just below — The Remaking of Iran.

The photo below is of me on the Millennium Bridge which we crossed to get to the Tate Modern — it’s a beautiful pedestrian-only bridge offering stunning skylines in every direction. I don’t find London anywhere near as beautiful as Paris, but I’d say its skyline is more dynamic, more architecturally varied and interesting. Here I am back at the British Museum in front of a temporary landscape exhibit featuring plants from the Indian subcontinent — rather impressive for a temporary garden, probably erected in several days — there’s a substantial banyen tree, several decent-sized palms, bamboo, etc.,

I’m afraid I’ll give you vertigo jumping from one scene to another in these photos — but I don’t want to complain too much about the Netbook — it’s been so handy being able to check e-mail, Google for local information on trains, museum openings, and sundry other items.

The next photo is taken from the Cafe on the top floor of the Tate — what a brilliant view it offers of the river with the boats and behind them all the City — I’d read about this view in one of IndigoAlison’s posts and had to check it out for myself. In this photo, you can see the Millennium Bridge

and below, here am I again on that bridge . . .

We’ve been walking for hours each day — today was an especially long walking day with us heading out from our hotel near King’s Cross Station and walking to the Victoria & Albert Museum via Hyde Park, enjoying crowd-watching all the way. We checked out some of the fashion exhibits at the V&A and then wandered Kensington-Chelsea, enjoying lunch and a glass of wine at a pleasant Italian eatery. I have to say that the wine and the heat (pleasantly sunny here) combined to make us much less energetic on our return trip which took us through St. James Park, past Buckingham Palace, along the Mall and very gratefully to the National Gallery where we repeated yesterday’s wonderful cream tea — could anyone actually manage to eat that huge dollop of clotted cream?!

Let’s see, what else? Well, we so much enjoyed last evening’s performance of Haydn’s Creation at St. Martin in the Fields that we plan to get tickets to the show this Saturday when we pass through London again after Birmingham. For now, though, it’s an easy evening tonight — just after 8 p.m. and we’re revived by a wee nap so off soon either to “our local,” McGlynn’s ’round the corner, or perhaps yet another fabulous tandoori meal — Pater just can’t get enough!


  1. Miss Ripley
    31 May 2009 / 8:24 pm

    Thanks for sharing the fabulous pictures! Your post is giving me itchy(er) feet! I look forward to your next update!

  2. Patricia
    31 May 2009 / 10:37 pm

    I love your outfit and especially the blue bag. We will be in London for a day in early July, staying in Wimbledon so we can visit a friend near Croydon but also get into central London on the underground. I rather think our day will tend towards the more overtly touristy, since we’ll be with the boys. Also looking forward to your next update. I believe Birmingham has a nice jewellery quarter, will you have time to visit? Patricia

  3. girlcook
    31 May 2009 / 10:44 pm

    Great that the weather is behaving. Looks like you are keeping busy and making the most of your vacation.

  4. Susan B
    31 May 2009 / 10:46 pm

    Looks like a great time so far. Glad the weather’s cooperating!

  5. Anonymous
    31 May 2009 / 11:21 pm

    you’re doing my kind of holiday!
    I’m itching to get back to London.
    I love the everything about this post. Pictures of Cider and Food would be nice too!

  6. Leona
    1 June 2009 / 2:26 am

    Thanks for the update. It sounds like you’re having a fabulous time. I just love the hustle and bustle of London. Will you have sometime to shop, or are you saving the shopping for Paris?

  7. La Belette Rouge
    1 June 2009 / 6:49 pm

    Where is Indigo? Please post about your meet up.

    It looks like you are having a fantastic time. Keep it up!!!

  8. indigo16
    1 June 2009 / 9:41 pm

    I am impressed you are posting on the move. Thank you for a lovely afternoon, hope Stomp was not too loud! I agrree London does do a mean curry.

  9. Mardel
    1 June 2009 / 11:03 pm

    It sounds, and looks, like you are having a fabulous time! Thanks for sharing with us.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.