a paris labyrinth

It’s difficult to keep track of what we’ve done — I keep a record in my little Moleskine which I carry everywhere, but without consulting it, our days blur into a whirl of museums and brasseries and galleries and shops and parks and . . . A labyrinth of activities but not as peaceful as this one winding up a small hill in the Jardin des Plantes.

Here’s a view from the top of the labyrinth of nearby residences.

And here’s a magnificent Cedar of Lebanon, one of the variety of specimens labelled throughout the park — a stunning size, and the cones are striking as well.

Here’s the view of the top, taken before the climb.

Today we were at the Pompidou Centre taking in a fabulous, fabulous exhibit of Kandinsky’s works as well as briefly looking through another impressive show of Calder’s sculptures. Add to this many kilometres of walking, considerable window-shopping, a wonderful lunch back at Cafe des Musees (where they serve a scumptious Dacquoise) and you can see why we’re ready to nap at 6. Ready to, but not . . . instead, were heading out to see a French-subtitled Japanese film, under the leadership of a Parisien friend . . . a very cultural day, to be sure. I might be ready for a day of crass shopping tomorrow!


  1. Susan B
    12 June 2009 / 6:04 pm

    Ooh, Kandinsky!!! I hope you've taken some pictures to share.

    Jardin des Plantes is one of the Paris gardens we have not yet explored. Looks like something to add to the must-do list for our next visit. Thanks for sharing Paris with us!

  2. Duchesse
    12 June 2009 / 6:50 pm

    I'm hoping by our next visit the greenhouse at the Jardin des Plantes, closed years for restoration, will be open. The exhibits sound divine- and you have stamina! Without a nap I would pitch a fit. But it is SO hard to stop when there is so much to see.


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