Cold and a cold . . .

Okay, I probably should have stayed home Friday night, cancelling on dinner with our friends. But our social life has seemed sparse to me lately, and I sometimes wonder if I’ll have any girlfriends left by the time I retire. So I pretended I was fine and enjoyed a lovely meal and catch-up conversation, exchanging grandchildren stories and tales of travel, ’til I was hit by a sudden wave of exhaustion and worn vocal cords. The cold outside and, especially, travelling across the harbour and then biking across our little island, didn’t help. I woke up Saturday morning with a wicked baritone — hmmmm, that sounds more fun than what I meant! I had the baritone voice, I should clarify, rich, deep, sultry tones, disarming, alarming. . .

Today, I could only manage squeaks and squawks. I haven’t changed out of my pjs since Friday night (although I’ve managed to mark close to 20 papers!). I’ve gone through half a box of Kleenex, but worst of all, I’m stuck inside while we have this outside.

Luckily, the front of our home is almost all windows, so I can at least enjoy the view. And since my voice is so squeaky, I’ll give it a rest and let the photos do the talking.

Hope you’re all staying well,

staying warm,

and enjoying the views around you.


  1. LPC
    6 December 2009 / 8:48 pm

    Aw. Sending hot lemon vibrations.

  2. Duchesse
    7 December 2009 / 12:33 am

    As my mother would say, perhaps you are overdoing, dear? Sleep, tea with lemon and a speedy recovery.

  3. Susan B
    7 December 2009 / 12:36 am

    Hope you feel better soon! I'm envious of your front view, though.

  4. Angie Muresan
    7 December 2009 / 4:48 pm

    So sorry to hear that. I've also been sick, nursing my bronchitis all weekend long. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. jillian
    7 December 2009 / 6:23 pm

    Oh no – get well soon! Hot toddy time 🙂

  6. materfamilias
    8 December 2009 / 2:57 am

    LPC: That's what I'm missing — hot lemons! NeoCitron is my sub-in.
    Duchesse: Yes, I've heard that before . . . time to slow down, I know!
    Pseu: Yes, as I say, if I have to be stuck inside, at least I've got a great view.
    Angie: Oh, I hope you're feeling better soon as well.
    Jillian: Yes, wish we'd stocked up on some rum. In a pinch, though, I'm thinking some mulled wine might do the trick. . .

    8 December 2009 / 9:45 pm

    Waking up with a baritone was hilarious. Hope you're feeling better. It looks like you're living in paradise — ok, cold, but still. . .

  8. La Belette Rouge
    9 December 2009 / 4:52 pm

    Sending huge vitamin C filled hugs and steaming bowls of matzo ball soup. Feel better!
    p.s. Another cure that I like is chamomile tea, honey, lemon and Jack Daniels and then watch a Cary Grant movie.

  9. Mardel
    10 December 2009 / 10:38 pm

    Oh, I hope you are feeling better.

    Belette's cures sound like something worth staying inside for.

  10. materfamilias
    12 December 2009 / 1:15 am

    It is a beautiful view, Tish — it's since been replaced by clouds, with snow threatening . . .
    LBR: Oh, those are great cures!
    Mardel: Don't they?!


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