Dialling it Down, 2 and 3

Although the dark colours in this shirt make it compatible with cool-season wear (and that’s what it was originally sold as), I realized as I scooped it off the (60% off!) sale rack last month that its fairly lightweight cotton made it very wearable in the summer as well. So that while my earlier postshowed a cool-weather approach, I thought my next two responses to Karen’s challenge would mix the shirt into my spring/summer wardrobe.

Here it is worn open for an extra layer over a white t-shirt and a long white skirt, summer staples both. A simple chalcedony necklace and my new black sandals, and I’m good to go. I could spend a comfortable day running errands in this, yet feel dressed enough to meet Pater for dinner. Perfect.
Except that Karen, in her comments on my last Challenge post, suggested I amp up the volume a bit, shoe-wise, so that while I’ll happily wear the black sandals, I might also try these funky little aqua flats which the chalcedony echoes nicely. Plus I realized I’d need a bag, and since I’m thinking summer fun but also errands, this straw bag seemed perfect.

Twisted shirt: Dezigual, new

white t-shirt: Gap, last year

white skirt: Gap, last year

chaledony necklace: Chan Lu, had this for years and years

black sandals: HushPuppies, new

aqua flats: Khrio, three or more years old

straw bag: Roxy, probably five or six years old

The last challenge response that I’ll post here (although I’ll be carrying on here — I can see so many possibilities now!) takes a similar approach, layering the shirt, cardi-style over a black summer dress. Again, I’ll show you my first attempt and then show you the change Karen’s comment prompted.
I have a simple clutch, very dark green, that I’d carry with this, but it’s in our Vanc’r apartment right now, so I can’t show you, but I will also end up carrying my straw summer bag with it — I use it so much in the summer!

And with Karen encouraging me, I thought I’d better try this with coloured shoes as well. Since I don’t have Pseu’s gorgeous oranges Fluevogs, so inspiring!, I grabbed the red Fluevog sandals I’ve had for four or five years.

Silver, multi-strand necklace: costume jewelry bought a couple of years ago at local boutique;

Black cotton sleeveless dress: Gap;

red sandals: Fluevog

So there you have it: Three Kinds of Twisted! Thanks so much for the inspiration, Karen, and for the feedback along the way — this is fun! You should all try it . . . Une Femme has; Check her version out here.


  1. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    19 April 2010 / 11:08 pm

    Great outfits Mater! Love the coloured shoe choices!

  2. LPC
    20 April 2010 / 12:01 am

    OK, so I love that white with the shirt as a jacket. So summery, so young, so where is the garden and the dreams of my future!

  3. Susan B
    20 April 2010 / 12:05 am

    I love this shirt as a jacket! I love the contrast it creates with the white ensemble, and the black is very sophisticated. I could also see your gold cydwoq shoes with either of these, but do love those blue-green shoes with the chalcedony necklace. Well played!

  4. hostess of the humble bungalow
    20 April 2010 / 2:10 am

    I am liking the white with the shirt as a jacket…and sandals…I can see you at the art gallery or an outdoor cafe…I can see this look with some heeled boots too.
    Chalcedony reminds me of the ocean and beach glass.

  5. materfamilias
    20 April 2010 / 5:12 am

    Thanks, Imogen!
    LPC, you have such a way with words — you make me chuckle!
    Pseu: You have a very impressive memory! I'd forgotten completely about those shoes — they're in the closet in the apartment in Vanc'r and you're right — they'd be great with these outfits, especially with the white skirt. I'll have to dig them out.
    Hostess: You're right that this could work with boots, but I can't even think of boots in the summer. Don't know how the youngsters do that!
    And I agree with you about the chalcedony evoking summer and beach glass . . .

  6. Anonymous
    20 April 2010 / 5:35 am

    Now you've got it! Love the colored shoes and that straw bag is great with the top–pattern mixing! Now, write all the details of these outfits DOWN so that you can repeat them exactly as shown.

  7. mette
    20 April 2010 / 5:50 am

    I like 1 and 3 best. The first one is so summery and the shirt has such interesting motifs on it ! Love your creativity!

  8. Tiffany
    21 April 2010 / 12:16 am

    Great ways of working that shirt! All this Polyvore on the Floor action is making me want to actually buy some clothes so I can do the same thing …

  9. materfamilias
    21 April 2010 / 1:34 am

    Karen: Thanks for the inspiration! And even though I first thought that writing it down would be unnecessary, I only have to think of myself rushing in the morning, muttering "What to wear, what to wear" . . .
    Metscan: Thanks! You're very generous given how different your own style is — much more elegant than mine!
    Tiffany: It's such fun — go for it!

  10. La Belette Rouge
    21 April 2010 / 1:40 am

    I do admire how you manage to work this outfit in so many ways. So creative! I like it best with the thongs.

  11. Mardel
    21 April 2010 / 4:09 am

    Wow, you are really making great strides with this shirt and the way you are putting it together. Inspiring! I love that first look, so summery and fun; it reminds me of fun and laughter and summer parties. Then, with the black, the shirt becomes so sophisticated; sophisticated yet witty with all those colored shoe choices..

  12. indigo16
    21 April 2010 / 12:24 pm

    It works really well with the white, I also like the last image with the red shoes.
    I have to say I would struggle to wear such a pattern yet I love the shop the shirt originates from. They have a huge branch on Regent Street. The skirts and dresses are amazing too. I would however love to wear this in Cornwall, so I guess it has to do with the relationship between the quality of light/climate & pattern.

  13. materfamilias
    21 April 2010 / 4:10 pm

    LBR: Thanks, Belette. I think the thongs are my more natural choice as well.
    Mardel: Isn't it interesting what a different vibe the shirt has depending on the accompanying neutrals? I wore it yesterday with a black t and grey-cream linen tiny-check pants with a red belt. Totally different look again — surprisingly versatile piece!
    Alison: I'll have to check that shop out — this shirt reminded me a bit of Save The Queen gear . . . And oh, I have to get to Cornwall, one of these years . . .


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