New Scarf Proves its Worth!

Here’s an important Style Lesson from a Nana: CPW (cost per wearing) is not the only measure of a garment’s worth. GEV (grandchild entertainment value) should be factored in as well.

For example, a certain small person was becoming the tiniest bit fractious after a morning of visiting–we took her to visit the great-grands, who manipulated us into getting back into the car for a half-hour drive to visit our niece and her wee one — and we all know the options for fun in a car seat are limited.

But we also know grandmothers have a few tricks up their sleeve, and in this case, Nana had one wrapped around her neck. I just got it last week — it’s a small-tablecloth-size in quite a fine fabric, perfect for draping.

Une Femme never shows you this particular scarf-tying method, does she?! Maybe she doesn’t know the value of a good game of peek-a-boo . . .

It’s fun! Try it! One more time . . . Now wait a second, build the suspense, in a puzzled voice, ask “Where’s Nola?”

and then . . . Peek-a-Boo! And laugh your sillies out! Wasn’t that fun?!

Gas for car ride: $10

Nana’s scarf: $55

Nola’s smile: Priceless!


  1. Susan B
    25 April 2010 / 5:18 pm

    Priceless indeed! Et très, très mignon!

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    25 April 2010 / 6:44 pm

    Sooo cute! what a sweet smile she has…funny I just read Faux Fuchsia's blog and she has her nephew in scarevs as well…

  3. Mardel
    25 April 2010 / 10:08 pm

    How precious. Priceless indeed. I think the grandchild entertainment value is an important guide.

  4. Patricia
    25 April 2010 / 10:53 pm

    Small children never seem to tire of peek-a-boo, do they? Years ago I used to babysit the kids of my boss in Germany. We would play that game and for quite a long time the youngest used to think my name was "Peek-A-Boo"! The day he first called me "Patricia" was quite a sad one for me! Patricia

  5. materfamilias
    26 April 2010 / 1:23 am

    Isn't she just, Pseu? Of course, I might be a tad biased . . .
    Hostess: I noticed that too! cute coincidence
    Mardel: Yes, I'm trying to figure out how to extend that GEV to other items — many baubles might have a high GEV, for example . . .
    Patricia: That's a charming anecdote — thanks for sharing it.

  6. La Belette Rouge
    26 April 2010 / 5:55 pm

    ADORABLE! That is one happy, chic and fashionable granddaughter you have there. The scarf ain't bad either.;-)

  7. Glennis
    27 April 2010 / 3:26 am

    Lots of fun!! Tres elegante.

  8. materfamilias
    27 April 2010 / 4:26 am

    Thanks, LBR and Aunt Snow, for your discerning eyes and welcome comments. . .

  9. indigo16
    27 April 2010 / 12:42 pm

    Woah, she is growing up REALLY fast.
    I am reminded by this game of the one in Ice Age! Which still makes me laugh

  10. Duchesse
    28 April 2010 / 11:36 pm

    Cou-cou! So much fun, and you have the memories on film.


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