Family Celebrations and Obligations . . .

A very busy weekend, familias-style. Saturday night, our kids celebrated Pater’s retirement with a pizza party, homemade dough and toppings for customizing. Nola had a great time with aunts and uncles to indulge her every wish.

We started the evening with Sparkly prosecco to celebrate the Sparkly ring on Daughter #3’s left ring finger, given to her by soon-to-be Son-in-Law Rob, pictured below. Congratulations! Much happiness!

I also got other pockets of Nola time on the weekend, some solo baby-sitting while everyone else in the family hiked the Grouse Grind — girl’s reading up a storm here, but she can still flash up a “Cheese” and big smile as soon as she spots a camera!

And we did an all-day-all-night stint of N-sitting as well, which included a trip to the Petting Zoo. Goats are not shy. Nola can be. Thank goodness for Granddads.

I’m grateful for all your thoughtful comments to my post on my teenage perspective on my visual self, and I’m beginning to work on the follow-up post, but meanwhile, we’re picking my Mom up today and bringing her back to the island with us for a few days. I’m partly inspired by Diana Athill’s Somewhere Towards the End, which anyone at all concerned with facing old age with dignity and style should read. I quoted from her here and here but I’m also very moved by her comments about caring for her mother and her response to her mother’s death. And I think she’s spot on about the good fortune of those aged who still enjoy making things — and for so many, that “thing” was a garden, and my mother’s had to give hers up.

So we’ll take her back to ours and see if she can still enjoy that kind of creative and physical puttering. I’ll let you know.

With any luck, I’ll also find a minute to tell you about a couple of movies I think you’d enjoy. Meanwhile, let me know what you’re up to this week.


  1. La Belette Rouge
    30 August 2010 / 8:44 pm

    I am out of town for less than two weeks and Nola is a BIG girl. When did this happen?? Congrats to Pater!

  2. Laura
    30 August 2010 / 9:51 pm

    What a gorgeous family you have! And so many things to celebrate…I still remember those pizza nights when I was little. My mom would make the dough and we all had the chance to put our own toppings on. You're bringing back such fond memories!

  3. Mardel
    30 August 2010 / 11:45 pm

    Oh Nola is soo big! And what lovely family time you seem to be having. Enjoy these waning days of summer vacation, and time spent with your mom.

  4. Duchesse
    31 August 2010 / 12:10 am

    I've broken my blog-cation for this (and will troll back for more Nola pics!) Congratulations to M&R! When is the wedding? I read "Somewhere Near the End" with complex feelings about the writer; the subject is on my mind continually. Wish you a warm visit with your mother.

  5. Tiffany
    31 August 2010 / 12:23 am

    Wonderful engagement news! How lovely for everyone. And Nola looks so grown up (shiny hair!) … how quickly it goes.

    Best of luck with your mother's visit. I hope she is able to enjoy your beautiful garden.

  6. materfamilias
    31 August 2010 / 5:24 am

    LBR: I know! Isn't she growing?!
    Laura: So many good family memories are about food, no?!
    Mardel: It's funny, we get so busy with family I start to feel a bit harassed, and then I realize how lucky I am and how much fun we're having! There's a difference between fun-busy and stress-busy!
    Duchesse: I think the wedding will be next summer — there's talk of a certain small flowergirl . . .
    And yes, that's a topic that gets in one's head.
    Tiffany: Imagine a product that could get hair as shiny as that! And thanks for the good luck wishes — I'll feel better for having done it, no matter how it goes, so I'm hanging on to that notion.

  7. indigo16
    31 August 2010 / 2:33 pm

    The word that resonated with me the most in that pot was prosecco, how sad is that? But I am back at work with a grade 'A' stinking cold having promised my self a dry September! So of course what do I hanker after (apart from something to stop my dripping nose)?
    Congrats to your daughter, and good luck with mother!


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