What I Wore, Festive Dinner with Sisters

My “What I Wore” feature has been sadly neglected for the past several weeks — and now that my research leave has begun, I’m afraid my sartorial range may be quite constrained. But here’s a photo from the week before Christmas of an outfit that got me through a few casual-festive functions. I thought of this yesterday whenTish posted about the very glamourous classic she recommends as a wardrobe staple, “Le Smoking.” My new Smythe blazer — scored at half price when Christmas shopping early last month — might not quite reach the heights of the YSL tuxedo jacket, but with its (slim) shawl collar and bracelet sleeves (with a neat button-and-ruching detail at the cuff), it can move easily from jeans to dressier jersey pants (as I wore it here).

It’s great to tone down a print dress, looks smart over a white v-neck T, is cut slim enough to fit under most of my jackets and coats, and in fine black wool, can be worn whenits flashier Smythe sister is just too bold.

To head for drinks and dinner with three of my sisters the week before Christmas, I snuck in some sequins — they’re shining quietly above on the tank top, a body-skimming knit in a fabulously useful length. I wore this tank and pants on Christmas morning with a thigh-length steel-grey cashmere cardigan, elbow-length sleeves, and I was surprised at the spontaneous compliments the outfit garnered from my daughters.

Such a fun evening we had — my 17-year-old rockstar nephew stopped in to say “hi” and snap this shot. He was Christmas shopping in the neighbourhood and we joined him later to help him choose the perfect gift for his girlfriend — he found the jewelry choices at Blue Ruby rather overwhelming, but his aunts got him sorted . . .
One of the highlights of the holiday season for me. And I wore

Blazer: Smythe; sequinned tank top: Gilmour; slim black jersey pants: Linda Lundstrom

Shoes you can’t see: Fluevog


  1. Susan B
    30 December 2010 / 1:57 pm

    You and your sisters have the look of a fun bunch!

    I love this jacket on you. I keep meaning to seach our this brand. Last year I bought a J.Crew lightweight wool tuxedo jacket which is quite versatile, but I do love those bracelet sleeves on yours. And yes to the tunic-length tanks! I love your version with sequins. They are so very wearable and versatile.

  2. K.Line
    30 December 2010 / 2:56 pm

    Just wrote a comment that got eaten! Gist was that you look like you're all having a great time – and you all have the same adorable nose! 🙂 Nola looks just like your sister on the far right…

  3. LPC
    30 December 2010 / 5:04 pm

    I, like Deja, am quite impressed by this Smythe brand. You look great. There's a local boutique, right across from one of our deluxe grocery stores, that carries the line. I might just pay them a visit.

  4. materfamilias
    30 December 2010 / 6:05 pm

    Pseu: I deliberated over the sleeves — but at half off, this was $200 less than the version with the full sleeves, and I decided I was still likely to like the bracelet length for quite a few years, although it's not as classic.
    K — Grrr! Mine was eaten over at your place — what's up with Blogger-Google!? I hadn't seen that resemble between Nola and Leona. . . N is so like her dad (and his little nephew) that it's hard to get past that, so it's fun to have more objective eyes point out likeness.
    LPC: I've been happy with the one I picked up in the spring, having seen the brand featured for years on celebs in InStyle — I like their interpretations of classics — with a twist, and in good fabric with solid construction, nice tailoring details. And they're Canadian, making good on a bigger scale, which pleases me. . .

  5. K.Line
    30 December 2010 / 6:09 pm

    Don't worry, your comment is there in full! And Blogger made me respond in 2 comments because, apparently, my first one was too long?? What's up?

  6. Tiffany
    30 December 2010 / 9:38 pm

    Great jacket. Now you've got me hankering after something similar … And your sisters do look like fun! I wish we could see the sequinned tank too (how very on trend of you).

  7. Lesley
    30 December 2010 / 11:04 pm

    I absolutely love that, well, I was going to say jacket, but I see that for you it's a blazer and that a jacket is something you might wear on top of it. So now I'm wondering if this is a British/North American terminology clash. Anyway, whatever you call it, it is timelessly elegant!

  8. materfamilias
    31 December 2010 / 12:41 am

    k: Blogger told me the same thing — I mean, I know my comments are long, but really!
    Tiff: If you click on the photo to "embiggen" it, you get quite a decent view of the sequinned tank — it's much more subtle than the description suggests, thank goodness. As for my sisters (of whom we're missing three in the photo!), they really are a fun bunch, good people I love to spend time with.
    Lesley: Funny, I tend to use the words interchangeably, although I always feel more clear when I say "blazer" as "jacket" can also mean the outerwear version. I'm always confused by those who say "jacket" when I would say "coat" — the latter being reserved, to me, for at least 3/4 length, generally knee-length or longer. . . I do think that despite the shorter sleeves, I'm going to count on this jacket/blazer for many, many years to come.

  9. jillian
    31 December 2010 / 3:05 am

    That is a fantastic jacket! I love the outfit too – yeah for tunic tanks. Happy New Year!!

  10. Agnes Beauty Corner
    31 December 2010 / 12:07 pm

    Really like your outfit!:)


  11. materfamilias
    31 December 2010 / 4:23 pm

    Jillian: Thanks, and Happy New Year to you as well!


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