What’s in the Mailbox?

Finally home yesterday afternoon after almost two weeks away, thinking I’d stop in to my Pilates class on the way, having missed so many, but the weather turned nasty — thick sloppy snow swirling wetly in gusts of wind — and all I wanted was my big leather armchair and a cuppa. You know the feeling?

And I got home, and there was this:

A package festooned with wonderfully exotic stamps. From Finland!

Inside, a beautiful postcard of a far-away scene, on the back a hand-written message froma Blogging friend I’ve never met

A friend who is so thoughtful that as well as sending me a beautiful piece of art I’d won at her blog, she also sent along a wee bit of art and whimsy for my granddaughter Nola.  A wee bunny, felted in wool, adorably soft and squishy, all of two inches high, the most daintily stitched little eyes and a dear little ribbon. Look at that bunny tail! Cuteness.

But let’s move along to the pièce de résistance, shall we?

Drumroll for the unveiling, please?



It’s so beautiful, as we might all have expected from knowing Mette’s sensibilities and aesthetics, so wonderfully shared on her blog. An astonishing piece of clay capturing the essence of an egg in a much heavier form which nonetheless has an egg’s sense of beautiful fragility which is somehow still solid and practical.  One of the most elemental of shapes that deserves our contemplation even though we pick them up by the dozen at the grocery store.

The surface has that matte texture of eggs that manages to be right at the precise border where smooth becomes rough — and when I shake the egg gently, there’s something that rattles mysteriously, ever so lightly, inside. Truly, this piece is a small wonder, and I will treasure it carefully.

It may not yet have found its permanent home here, but for now, I think it sits very well in this small bowl of handmade glass with some driftwood, an urchin shell, and the remnants of robins’ eggs

Another view

But it also suits this hand-painted ceramic bowl I picked up at a second-hand shop some time ago, nestled beside a piece of a wasps’ nest, another sea urchin shell, and a dried starfish. The egg is proportioned well to match the huge feather nearby and could belong to the great blue heron you might barely discern in the miniature watercolour nearby.

What a delightful way to arrive home, to a package linking me, across a continent and an ocean, with such blogging warmth, such a lovely piece of art now nestled near my big armchair reminding me daily of a friend across the world. Thank you so much, Mette, for this gift, and for the gift you give us all in each of your posts.  By now, you should know that I truly appreciate — I love it! — this charming work by a Finnish artist


  1. Susan B
    4 March 2011 / 4:47 pm

    Oh, that's such a lovely objét d'art. It fits in well with your aesthetic sensibilites too.

  2. mette
    4 March 2011 / 5:02 pm

    Dear Mater, I was so very pleased to read your post of the little egg I sent you. I think that it already found it´s right place in your home. Both arrangements look fine.
    I felt proud posting it in our small post office, not many packages here, get posted to Canada!
    Have a relaxing weekend. Mette
    xoxo to Nola!

  3. NancyDaQ
    4 March 2011 / 5:54 pm

    How lovely! Both pieces are wonderful.

  4. LPC
    4 March 2011 / 6:18 pm

    I think there's no better place it could have landed. And I hope Nola always loves the story of her bunny.

  5. Susan Tiner
    4 March 2011 / 6:26 pm

    The egg is beautiful. But do you know what is even more beautiful to me? Your very thoughtful thank you post about your friend.

  6. La Belette Rouge
    4 March 2011 / 7:05 pm

    What lovely things to receive. I am particularly smitten with wee bunny. Adorable.

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    5 March 2011 / 1:35 am

    It looks like it is very much at home with your collections…and what a sweet wee bunny for Nola!

    This beastly weather does make one want to sit and sip teas….enjoy your weekend and hoping that Hydro stays on…the lights are all aflicker here.

  8. Anonymous
    5 March 2011 / 6:22 am

    What a wonderful welcome home. And the wee rabbit…Nola will love it.

  9. materfamilias
    5 March 2011 / 3:45 pm

    Pseu: I think so too.
    Mette: It's fun to think of you carrying it into the post office — and covering it with all those wonderful stamps.
    Nancy: Isn't it great!
    LPC: I love thinking of that — her telling the story of the bunny's travels.
    Susan T: Aw, thanks! It really is a delight.
    LBR: I know! Almost as cute as a Westie! or a weasel!
    Hostess: It's been nasty, hasn't it — today's beginning quite nicely, though, so let's cross our fingers for more of the same.
    Terri: She really will — it's so cute!

  10. Mardel
    6 March 2011 / 3:23 pm

    How beautiful it is, and it seems quite perfect that it found its home with you along with its adorable traveling companion.

  11. Judith
    6 March 2011 / 5:30 pm

    Such a beautiful egg,and displayed to perfection.
    Love that wee rabbit. Ida

  12. materfamilias
    7 March 2011 / 12:06 am

    Mardel: Isn't it perfect? and, as you note, so perfectly accompanied.
    Ida: A new commenter — welcome! and thanks for commenting — the bunny is going to win my granddaughter's heart, I know!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.