Summer Already? Bordeaux . . .

 You can see how delightfully sunny it was when we arrived in Bordeaux, but you might not know from my dress how warm it was — sadly, the possibility of 23 degree weather wasn’t a possibility we packed much for.

 Pater’s a bit better off, but not much (he doesn’t have to wear opaque tights together with knee-high boots!)

 These school girls in their uniforms have a plan for cooling off — love the classic (Wallace-like) water fountain. But the older girls below are dressed to take advantage of the early taste of summer. And you’ll notice the crowd on la pelouse behind them — most of them heeding the admonitions to merely repose, not play, on the grass. . .

 This very suave couple was as warmly dressed as Pater and I, but looks considerably more sophisticated.


 No sophistication here, but The Gallic Rooster on the Monument in memory of the Girondistes impresses from his perch . . .

 and the Monument’s background, the Ferris Wheel, added to the festive energy of Friday’s warmth. . .

 More sedate is this entrance to the Botanic Gardens (where Pater took my photo, above).

 After such a pleasant introduction to Bordeaux, we came back to the main plaza near our hotel to sit and crowd-watch while planning our evening meal . . .

 such a relaxed, expansive afternoon . . . I love the openness of this square although I wish I’d photographed more of the Grand Théatre whose steps we’re standing above here, rather than the Grand Hotel opposite.

 We did pop into the Grand Théatre to see if we could purchase tickets for Sunday’s ballet, but they were sold out — so we took our photo in a mirror instead, Pater clowning a bit to descend to my height. . .

We’re both rather smitten by Bordeaux, and there will be several more posts to show you why . . . meanwhile, though, we’re back in our apartment where Pater’s putting together a light dinner.  Time to go eat . . .


  1. LPC
    28 March 2011 / 8:57 pm

    OK, now you guys look like teenagers in that reflection. Are you getting to the Dordogne at all? It's very beautiful, colored like California…

  2. Susan Tiner
    28 March 2011 / 9:18 pm

    That same thing happened to me the last time I visited France in March — it was 23-25 the whole week!

    I remember that monument and recognize the street scenes.

    Lovely photos. I hope it doesn't stay too warm for your clothes.

  3. Susan B
    28 March 2011 / 10:30 pm

    Love the photo of you two in the mirror! The gardens look lovely. It's much harder to deal with unexpected warm weather than cold, IMO.

  4. Lesley
    28 March 2011 / 11:06 pm

    I love the mirror picture too! It's been a grey day in Bordeaux today so the weather waited util you had left to turn cooler.

  5. pavlova
    28 March 2011 / 11:18 pm

    Your reports are wonderful and I concur…..the mirror photo
    is delightful! Remember, if the weather is too warm, you may have to do some shopping.

  6. Marguerite
    28 March 2011 / 11:47 pm

    Just wondering if you could pair your dresses with some ballet flats without tights? Unexpected warm temps are hard to deal with. Nevertheless, you look appropriate and sophisticated. Bordeaux is on our list for sure.

  7. do,write. read
    29 March 2011 / 1:56 am

    I love that I am getting to hear/see this adventurous, romantic, fun fun fun trip right before I get to marry to the man that I can't wait to go on adventurous, romantic fun trips with!

  8. Duchesse
    29 March 2011 / 1:42 pm

    Time to pick up a few light tops and a pair of shoes?

  9. materfamilias
    29 March 2011 / 5:38 pm

    Lisa: Sadly, that will have to wait for another visit (we're hoping to get back to Bordeaux in the next year or two). I was in the Dordogne many years ago, but mainly to see the cave at Les Eyzies, and I don't remember the colours — plainly, we should get back there –hey, how about a meet-up? 😉
    Susan: Aren't they fabulous memories? So sustaining, long after the trip is over, right?
    Pseu: We had fun with that photo — like teenagers, as Lisa says.
    It's dropped to the mid-teens (celsius) right now, so more manageable, and I'm thinking of a retail approach to the problem . . .
    Lesley: So gracious of you to wait for our departure before turning the thermostat down . . .
    Pavlova: Exactly! There are worse problems than having to shop in Paris!
    Marguerite: I could do that if it weren't for the shockingly white state of my legs . . . but footless tights and the ballet flats might work and would be cooler.
    Megan: You've got decades of adventures together ahead of you!
    Duchesse: I'm making a list . . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.