Happy Easter

 Easter seems a good day to finally share some of the photos of the wonderful stained glass windows in Metz’ s Cathédrale St. Etienne.

 The one below is of one of the windows by Marc Chagall — a truly heavenly pale yellow dominates.

 If only I could share some of the soul-lifting music we’ve heard over the last few days in London, both in St. Martin-in-the-Fields and in Brompton Oratory, or in Paris before that at Ste. Chappelle.

 It’s the auditory equivalent to this light streaming through the jeweled colours. . .

Happy Easter to all of you!


  1. Susan Tiner
    24 April 2011 / 8:38 pm

    Happy Easter to you too!

    We're just back from singing at two services. Time for a nap.

    The Chagall window is very beautiful but the one above it is my favorite.

  2. Susan B
    25 April 2011 / 12:50 am

    A late Happy Easter to you!

    I'm envious of your concert-going! But this time we're determined to work Saint Chapelle into our Paris itinerary. Music would be a delightful bonus.

    The Chagall window is truly spectacular. And I love that round one above it, almost a yin/yang theme.

  3. Anonymous
    25 April 2011 / 6:28 am

    What a wonderful way to honor the holiday. And I am trying to imagine music that sounds like these windows look.


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