on my way home

I can’t quite believe that I have to take a 9:00 a.m. shuttle to get to the airport for a noon flight, but apparently that’s the arrangement.  That flight is the return version of the one that bashed my suitcase to hell several days ago. I’ve patched the case with duct tape and will cross my fingers.

So one short flight and then another longer one (about 5 hours), and I’ll be back in Vancouver.  I have a Nola day scheduled for tomorrow, and a French lesson in the evening,  so there will be no time for jet lag (it’s a 4-hour time difference, and I’ve had just enough time for my body to switch over).  But who needs sleep when there are fun weekend plans ahead and wee granddaughters to hang out with?

Hope your week’s going well — talk to you soon from the other coast..


  1. Anonymous
    1 June 2011 / 1:53 pm

    safe flight back and please bring some sunshine!

  2. Mardel
    1 June 2011 / 4:13 pm

    Have a safte flight, a wonderful Nola day, and a fabulous weekend.

  3. Susan Tiner
    1 June 2011 / 4:23 pm

    Safe travels and have a beautiful weekend.

  4. Duchesse
    1 June 2011 / 9:21 pm

    A Nola day might be well worth a less than perfect connection. So sorry you lost your brooch, had bashed bag; at least it was a stimulating conference and now you'll return to your loved ones, large and small.

  5. Tiffany
    2 June 2011 / 3:53 am

    Goodness, you're going to be exhausted!

  6. Patricia
    2 June 2011 / 12:09 pm

    Hi Mater, just catching up on your posts after 10 days in Scotland. Your poor suitcase!! My bag made it through very well both ways, but the trip was not without its challenges, what with the volcanic ash and all. Instead of a 2pm flight arriving at 4pm local, we left BP at 8.30pm, flew to Leeds then were bussed up to Edinburgh airport – 5 or 6 hours!! My sweet friend drove the 1 1/2 hours from her place to pick me up at 5am!! However, the rest of my trip went very well – I was reminded that Scotland is one of the friendliest places on earth!
    Love, love, love the shoes!! I loved all the other choices too – will have to keep that brand in mind if I'm ever in need of something fancy. P.

  7. materfamilias
    2 June 2011 / 3:14 pm

    Thanks all — and anon., sorry I didn't deliver on the sunshine. I held on tight 'til Montreal, but it slipped out of my fingers somewhere west of that — I tried.

    Duchesse: Yes, she cures all ills! Losing the brooch becaming a bit of spiritual exercise in an interesting way — much as I loved it and will remember it, I was able to just let it go — and hope whoever found it and perhaps decided not to bother with Lost and Found will enjoy it as I did.

    Patricia: Glad you managed to enjoy your visit after a rocky start, travel-wise. I haven't been to Scotland for close to 30 years. It's probably time . . .


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