It’s Academic — Dressing for Dinner. . .

 My plan was for either no post this morning, or for one about where we stayed while in Victoria this weekend. But Lisa at AmidPrivilege has graciously pointed toward me as a possible model for academic dressing, and I didn’t want to greet those visitors looking for style with flowers or gorgeous hotel rooms (potential projected post). Instead, here’s what I wore for a visit with (academic) friends and could easily adapt for working on campus, although I’d probably swap out the t-shirt if I were meeting students (I like a solidly non-revealing neckline in that case).  The dinner was so fabulous (thank you, L and M!), the conversation so wide-ranging, fun, stimulating, the playlist and sound system superb, that What I Wore was the furthest thing from my mind — we did talk some academic dress, though, admiring L’s new classic Frye boots, beautiful boots, perfect for the classroom, I’d say!  Cabbed back to the hotel at almost 3 a.m., a time we haven’t paid attention to for some very long time . . .

 These khaki pants are perhaps more fun than flattering with their slightly dropped crotch — they’re by Denham, a Dutch jean company; I picked them up in London this past visit and have been wearing them ever since. The cardi’s a Club Monaco one from last year, linen with a translucent silk back so very cool/lightweight for summer. The pink Fluevogs I’ve had for six or seven years, and they might be my favourite shoes ever (also featuredhere and here.

Luckily, I’m not on campus again ’til late this summer (having been on Research Leave this past term), but the few What I Wore posts I’ve managed lately show that my regular about-town dress isn’t so very different — a smartened-up casual, I guess, with an eye to some self-expression.

Oh, and I presented last week at a national conference in a Smythe jacket (as Lisa suggests in her post), over a crisp white T, a pair of dark jeans, and my leopard-print flats.

If you’re looking for more examples of what could work as Academic Wear, you could check out the What I Wore posts in that column of various topics down on the right-hand side. Welcome, thanks for stopping by, and I’ll be very happy to receive any comments — for now, though, I’d better get to work here in the best academic dress of all — my BedHead Pyjamas!


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    6 June 2011 / 4:35 pm

    The weekend sounds like it was great. There is nothing nocer than connecting with good friends over dinner and losing track of time…3am is late mater!
    (or early if you are so inclined)

    What hotel did you stay at?

  2. Mardel
    6 June 2011 / 6:08 pm

    Oh that sounds fabulous. I think an engaging evening with friends and stimulating conversation ranging into the wee hours sounds like the best kind of weekend.

    And I like the summery-cool colors, casual but still pulled together.

  3. That's Not My Age
    6 June 2011 / 6:17 pm

    I'm a part-time lecturer myself and have to admit that my version of academic dressing depends on what I'm doing ie I'm smarter on teaching days than admin days! Like your Denhams.

  4. Susan Tiner
    7 June 2011 / 1:28 am

    It sounds like a wonderful evening with professional colleagues and friends.

    And I really like those shoes.

  5. materfamilias
    7 June 2011 / 4:56 am

    Hostess: It was late! We paid for it on Sunday, believe me. . . and I'll show you where I stayed in the next post.
    Mardel: We did have fun, and the music was great. As for the colours, I thought it was fun to play with the Mother-of-the-Bride palette in reverse (i.e. pink below, aqua above is this version, whereas MOTB is pink dress, blue shoes)
    TNMA: Exactly my approach. Not much need to dress up when you're holed in an office doing next term's syllabi and book orders!
    Susan: Up close, they're even better — white hand-stitching, I love them!

  6. Anonymous
    7 June 2011 / 6:16 am

    that cardigan sounds perfect.

  7. indigo16
    7 June 2011 / 9:54 am

    I love this outfit; I could never wear it I would have coffee down the front of that white T shirt in a flash and grease splattered across those wonderfully creamy trousers. Don't get me started on the shoes but it is that wonder creamy look I love like a classy Neapolitan ice cream!

  8. L'age moyen
    7 June 2011 / 1:13 pm

    Those shoes are fabulous. And they're a surprise with the casual pants and T. Nice touch.

  9. Duchesse
    7 June 2011 / 7:35 pm

    I'd call this Academic, West Coast Dept. 🙂 Envy those of you who can wear khakis, they look dreadful on me. The turquoise and pink so lively, and 3 am.- who-HOOO!

    (My verification word is 'orate'.)

  10. Anonymous
    7 June 2011 / 9:48 pm

    well don't I feel famous! It was so great to have your company for a good long visit, and you DID look pulled together, though that's nothing new! xo Lisa

  11. materfamilias
    8 June 2011 / 4:37 am

    Terri: It's a really useful weight, perfect for summer.
    Alison: That's perfect! It's truly the Neapolitan ice cream trio, isn't it! Plus an addition of aqua. . . The splashes that always terrify me aren't coffee so much as soy sauce.
    TNMA: Much as I love them, these shoes aren't so easy to work into outfits (I had to change my bag, for example) … but I do like them toned down by the khakis.
    Duchesse: It's def. a woo-hoo time for us, doesn't happen often.
    I'd never thought I could wear khakis either, but I tried this pair in London and loved them . . . they're a really great fabric, and when they're rolled at the cuff, you can see that the inside is a slightly darker colour, quite cool.
    Lisa: Just like getting written up in People, right?


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