I Need a Holiday after this Weekend!

Crazy busy, fun weekend. Want a rundown?

Friday night: Family gathering at my sister’s place to hang out with cousin visiting from England. 4 sisters, 2 brothers, their spouses, my daughter, my mom and her male “friend,” my aunt, three nephews, two nieces, the cousin and her husband — a fraction of the family, just a small gathering. . .

Saturday morning: My usual long run, the Stanley Park Seawall, followed by bacon & eggs and the Saturday papers. Our oldest, her husband, and their daughter, Nola, stopped by to borrow car, and we kept Nola while they did errands. Down to the beach with our little girl. She wondered where the sunset was as we’d sat and admired it on our last beach visit (and told me “Nana, the sunset makes me happy”), so we talked astronomy, meterology, whatever for a minute or two before she screeched her way joyfully into the water. A happy forty-five minutes later, we shook the sand off and headed back for her naptime.

Saturday afternoon: Oldest daughter and I walked a few errands on our way to pedicures. She talked me out of my standard You Don’t Know Jacques (a sophisticated taupe she found too sombre for summer) into a zingy orange whose OPI name I forgot to note. And the pedicurist free-handed a daisy on my big toes to encourage my willingness to shake it up a bit.

Saturday evening: Paul picked us up at the salon and we walked around to Chinatown, letting B catch a bus home there while we headed to Bao Bei for seats at the bar, some inventive and nummy drinks, and a sequence of savoury and succulent Asian-fusion tapas. Lively, funky atmosphere, enjoyable chat with a knowledgeable bartender — we’ll definitely be back here.

We were finished dinner in time to catch a movie at the nearby Tinseltown — saw Bridesmaids which is every bit as funny as the critics have been saying, a chick flick your guy will like as well, especially if you both have some appreciation for lowbrow humour. I was glad it wasn’t too lowbrow and there was enough “true” stuff about relationships, etc. — I’m not a big fan of fratboy movies and have a decided limit for physical humour and poo-poo jokes. (Nola’s loving them right now, though — “I am so funny, Nana”). Walked home, bringing the day’s pedometer up to 20-25 kilometres. No wonder I slept well Saturday night.

Sunday morning: Pater cooked up some pancakes and bacon which we ate while catching up on the newspapers. Then. . . .

Sunday noon: Met daughter and new son-in-law, my niece, a nephew and his friends, four sisters, three brothers-in-law, one brother and a sister-in-law for lunch . . . even a fraction of our family is an instant party. . . .

and the lunch was followed by a stroll across the street to Tom Lee Music for the EP Release Party of my nephews’ band. That is, my nephews Jeff and Jonny AND their two friends/bandmates David and Kyle — constituting The Knots, BC Best Teen Band 2010 (little bit proud, this auntie, sorry).  Their first EP is now on iTunes and on a CD. Of course, I’ve already downloaded it, but I had to buy the CD as well. I also would have bought CDs and/or downloaded tunes by the other young artists who shared the stage today. We were blown away by a young singer/songwriter AlisonElsa — very strong lyrics, solid guitar-playing, and a stunning voice. Such composure and stage presence. In fact, all the young people Sunday afternoon — and I’d guess they were, like my nephews, mainly about 18 — demonstrated confidence and commitment, a sincere appreciation for their audience and a love of their craft/art. The second band had a wonderfully distinctive sound, some great harmonies, beginnings of some really interesting instrumentation, plus their music was almost irresistibly danceable.

I found the afternoon powerfully uplifting — the music, itself, of course, which is always good for endorphins — but also the evidence of young people’s energy harnessed to disciplined work (and believe me, you don’t get as good as any of these musicians without hours and hours of practice) as well as commitment to whatever heritage (in this case, a knowledge of the music that preceded their own, whatever genre they were building on). The Kids, as they say, Are Alright!

And tonight we’re walking across the bridge (having loaned out our car) to meet two daughters and their guys at Maenam — a fabulous Vancouver Thai Restaurant — where we’ll probably order the Chef’s Menu (They do very contemporary Thai food and offer a “surprise-me” option, a sequence of courses, each including a variety of tapas-style dishes — fun and tasty) to celebrate Recent Bride’s birthday.

A fun-filled, if slightly tiring, weekend. And you?


  1. Tiffany
    11 July 2011 / 3:51 am

    Sounds like a fantastic weekend! Mine was a little less exciting, involving working both days, although we did have an extended family dinner out on Friday night to celebrate Kid 1's birthday.

  2. do,write. read
    11 July 2011 / 6:54 am

    Her name was Elsa, not Alison:)

  3. indigo16
    11 July 2011 / 9:05 am

    Walked the dog
    2 loads of washing
    Hoovered the house
    Read the papers
    Homework with Leyla
    Walked the dog with Leyla
    Went to the gym
    Walked the dog
    Read the papers
    picked and binned the rest of the laurel leaves
    Mowed the lawn
    Went swimming with Leyla
    Walked the dog with Leyla
    Felt fat!

  4. hostess of the humble bungalow
    11 July 2011 / 4:01 pm

    Wow what a busy fun filled weekend!
    I like your fun orange toes! We can learn a lot from our children especially when it comes to staying young at heart…
    perhaps a nap is on the agenda today mater:)

  5. Susan Tiner
    11 July 2011 / 7:44 pm

    It sounds like a blast! Your orange piggies are adorable.

    We had our own version of a jam-packed weekend, mostly busy preparing the house and gardens for a luncheon we hosted yesterday.

    Catching up on blogs today!

  6. Duchesse
    11 July 2011 / 7:48 pm

    Sometimes, the more you do, the more you can do! Here, the Completement Cirque festival is on, 70+ circuses from around the world. We have seen several, and a lobster fest to celebrate son's 24th.

  7. materfamilias
    12 July 2011 / 12:47 am

    Tiffany: Happy Birthday to Kid #1!
    Megan: thanks. corrected.
    Alison: So you had a busy weekend too!
    Hostess: Orange toenails, good; nap, even better! Both things we can learn from the youngsters. (the nap from really young youngsters).
    Susan T: I bet the luncheon was lovely.
    Duchesse: That's really true: sometimes the activities energize. Circuses, for example. What fun! And I remember when you were celebrating your sons'21st on the rooftop of the Drake. . . . we've been blogging friends for a while now.

  8. K.Line
    12 July 2011 / 4:58 am

    Hey F: Sorry I haven't read the post yet, will do soon. We may be booking some time in Paris – very soon. Could you tell me the name of a couple of good places where you've stayed. If you have time to email me, that would be so appreciated! Thanks, K

  9. K.Line
    12 July 2011 / 11:46 pm

    Honestly, your life sounds fantastic!

    And we've booked – 12 nights all in. Three of those, so far, in Paris. 5 in Amsterdam. Considering what to do with the other 4…

  10. materfamilias
    15 July 2011 / 1:42 am

    K: Woo-hoo! We'll chat . . .

  11. Schmidtstars
    18 July 2011 / 3:52 am

    You are a busy lady!! xxx Karen

  12. materfamilias
    18 July 2011 / 7:00 pm

    Karen: So are you! You were at two of my weekend's events, after all, and chauffeuring the musicians around.


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