MOTB Dress, Shoes & All, Final Wedding Photos . . .

 We finally got the professional wedding photographs, and I’m thrilled with them all, selfishly delighted to see that the ones with me in them are not bad at all (in contrast withthese). I love this black-and-white photo which captures the way Meg and I have always been able to be silly together. For some reason, I also like the way it accentuates the height difference between us, with me looking like her “little momma.”

Of course, what you’re all more interested in from waaaaay back is what my shoes look like with my dress. . . .and here you go.

 I’m very pleased with the combo and expect to wear it again. And probably again. And again. . . .

My daughter and her husband were smart and lucky enough to find a recent Photography School grad just getting his studio going. Dan Zepick was thoughtful and unobtrusive throughout rehearsal, ceremony, and reception, and I appreciated how quickly he got the in-between photograph shoot done while still getting the results the bride and groom wanted. Another big plus is that bride & groom got the digital rights, so between us, we can decide when and how to print up the photos as budget allows.

A few examples of Dan’s work, and then we’ll put this wedding album away . . .

 And below, this sweet candid shot captured after the rehearsal. Girl’s getting her money’s worth out of those green Repetto heels. (Groom has matching laces in his shoes, a nice touch, no?)

Meanwhile, I’ve mostly been hanging out in jeans or summer dresses, taking it easy and staying behind the camera lens rather than in front of it. But I’ll work up to some What I Wore posts in the next week or so.

Before you go, though, check out some of the comments in my earlier post on 4-generation families. I found this conversation rich and fascinating, and I’d love to hear from more of you who have experience with this generational span.


  1. Susan B
    10 August 2011 / 4:04 pm

    Those photos are absolutely stunning, and not just because you all look so gorgeous. He really captured a lot of emotion, and they're so visually evocative.

    Yes, your dress and shoes are perfection.

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    10 August 2011 / 4:57 pm

    I adore the first image you both look very relaxed and seem to be enjoying this moment. If I were you mater this one would be in a frame and placed somewhere were I could see it every day!

    The one of your daughter sitting on the divan is perfect too…the problem is that there will no doubt be so many images that you will want to have you will need the whole album!

    Nice shoes!!!

  3. Tiffany
    10 August 2011 / 10:14 pm

    What beautiful photographs! They were worth the wait. The top one is just gorgeous – it just seems to capture a special bond, without being in any way 'cheesy' or sentimental. And I do love those shoes with that dress.

  4. materfamilias
    11 August 2011 / 5:37 pm

    Sue: Thanks, I think he did a great job! and I'm really pleased with the dress/shoes combo. Go Fluevog!
    Hostess: Yes, I think I will have that one framed — I love it!
    Tiffany: I agree — not sure if it's the black-white that keeps the cheese out of the photo, but it works for me.

  5. Susan Tiner
    11 August 2011 / 6:36 pm

    That photographer is a keeper!

    I love the MOTB dress and shoes combo and you look wonderful in the shots with your daughter. Just lovely.

    That is so cool the groom wore matching green laces :-).

  6. Anonymous
    12 August 2011 / 2:52 am

    Oh, I love the color photo of you hugging your daughter…it speaks volumes about the relationship you share. Your daughter looks absolutely regal…and she has excellent choice in shoes.

  7. Mardel
    12 August 2011 / 8:49 pm

    The photos are fabulous and filled with love and emotion. The photographer really captured the spirit and not just the moment.

    And I love the dress and shoes…. of course. Thank you for reminding me that I hadn't commented on your 4-generations post either.

  8. K.Line
    12 August 2011 / 8:58 pm

    You are giving the gorgeous bride a run for her money! What beautiful photos. Really.

  9. materfamilias
    13 August 2011 / 2:17 am

    Susan: Thank you! And yes, I thought the green laces were perfect (he also had a green tie and some green in his pocket square).
    Terri: I know! Aren't those shoes she's wearing great? I love that she didn't shy away from adding to her height, and I see her as regal as well (although I might be a wee bit biased).
    Mardel: Thanks — I think he did a splendid job for a new grad. And I'm glad to see you adding a comment to the 4-gen. post. I found the comments overall really interesting.
    K: Shouldn't you be sleeping off jet lag? 😉 Thanks!

  10. WendyB
    13 August 2011 / 5:33 am


  11. materfamilias
    14 August 2011 / 11:08 pm


  12. Tamera Beardsley
    23 September 2013 / 3:22 am

    What absolutely STUNNING PHOTOS!! Not only are they gorgeous… they capture such emotion, presence and love. The black and white of the two of you… and her on the couch… amazing and so very memorable… both of them!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.