Clinging to Summer, What I Wore

It’s been forever since I’ve done a What I Wore post — I’ve either been too busy with company or have been too much enjoying my, um, relaxed summer wardrobe, one that really doesn’t warrant any photographs. But I’m back on campus this week after 8 months away (6 months Research Leave, followed by usual summer break). Seems like a good time to try to transition back to some kind of professional dress. Students aren’t back yet, and, quite honestly, any garb goes right now, but most of us try to wear something workplace-appropriate even while celebrating our still-flexible schedules in a city with a beach. Summer came very late to  the Coast, and now that it’s here we’re not ready to give up our flip-flops!

 My compromise was this simple cotton summer sheath (by local company Gilmour). It feels a bit too bare on its own for the office, but this whisper-light cashmere cardi (Club Monaco, bought Spring 2010, love it!) adds a bit of polish, I hope. As for the bare legs, untanned as they are, I can claim no polish at all. In fact, seeming them in the stark revelation of a photo makes me look forward just slightly to the return of black tights, those imperfection-smoothers. But for now, I’m enjoying the simple life. Getting dressed in the morning: dress, check; cardi, check; sandals, check. Done, and out the door.

‘course we had to get one pic of the island’s dependable transportation (we use our wheelbarrow for groceries, luggage, anything that overloads the wire baskets on our bikes). And I note, of this pose, how right Imogen is about creating gaps to minimize the body’s bulk forflattering photographs. Compare my Wendy Bpose above with the solid block I’ve created below. Instructive, no?

I’m using the next two weeks before classes actually start to transition back into some in-term routines. That might even mean another What I Wore post or two. Perhaps even accessorized with something more than a wheelbarrow. . . .Meanwhile, yoga class today with my man (who’s surprised to be enjoying it so much) followed by a coffee-and-brioche date at our fave Paris-inspired small-city café, Mon Petit Choux. We have Parisian visitors coming for dinner tomorrow and staying over, so we’ll have some menu-planning, some grocery-shopping, and some cottage-primping to do today. What are you up to for the weekend? Hope you have time to put your feet up in the sun somewhere, if you’re in this hemisphere, or curl up in a cozy spot, if you’re in the other (hi, Tiffany!). Wherever you are, I’m always pleased to hear what you’re up to. . .


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    19 August 2011 / 4:32 pm

    The Gilmour dress is a lovely choice for summer.
    I have several things from the company and I really wear them a lot.

    Your day of Yoga and the coffee and pastry after sound very relaxing. Just the kind of balance to life back on campus.

    Those "fairy lights" wrapped around the pillars must look so pretty at night.

  2. WendyB
    19 August 2011 / 4:40 pm

    Ha! Nice pose.

    I can't believe how the summer's flown by (I never can).

  3. Susan B
    19 August 2011 / 5:25 pm

    That dress is so bright and cheery! I love the picture of you with the wheelbarrow, such a juxtaposition of glamor and grit there.

    Our summer has been very mild so far, which means we're probably in for a blast furnace of a fall.

  4. Tiffany
    20 August 2011 / 12:42 am

    That dress is so pretty – something like that would be perfect for my summer teaching work too … Although in our crazy hot summer no cardi required (unless they overdo the aircon).

    What style of yoga are you doing? Do tell. I've been awfully remiss with my home practice, but my one-on-one class once a week is sacred and is probably the only thing keeping me sane(ish) right now.

  5. materfamilias
    20 August 2011 / 1:32 am

    Hostess: And the Gilmour line is so affordable! I love these little cotton shifts for summer, so easy.
    Wendy B: And thank you for the inspiration!
    Pseu: We've had such an indifferent summer, but better late than never. As for the print in this dress, it's that very rare blend of yellows and oranges that I can actually wear — usually I run from either colour (although I love them on others). As for the wheelbarrow photo, I hesitated to post because I clearly look much chunkier there, but I'm trying to be more accepting of my photographed self and, like you, I like the mix of realities it represents.
    Tiffany: Yes, I think this dress would suit your lifestyle as well. So easy to wear. As for the yoga, I'm just figuring it out, but a lovely young woman, a neighbour on our island, has opened a studio. I've been so impressed watching her follow a dream that we bought introductory memberships at a crazy low price ($100 for 2 months) which let us pick and choose. So far I've taken mostly Hatha, one or two Vinyasa. My plan is to resume my 2x weekly Pilates Reformer classes for now, with one or two Yoga classes as time permit, but with the hope perhaps of eventually moving to only one Pilates and 2 yoga classes weekly — the big advantage to the yoga for me now is the location of the studio which is right on my walking route so I could leave the car at home. Can't do that for Pilates. If you're curious about the vibe of the yoga studio, the website is

  6. Susan Tiner
    20 August 2011 / 6:01 pm

    You look adorable in that photo on the bench. What a pretty dress.

    Have a beautiful weekend. We'll be doing some housework and cooking and reading and movie watching.

  7. L'age moyen
    20 August 2011 / 6:16 pm

    I love this dress! What a great print. And so forgiving, wrinkles, a few spots – nothing shows. You've really outdone yourself with the matching wheelbarrow. Now I'll have to get one. 😉

  8. Patricia
    21 August 2011 / 9:37 pm

    Hello Mater – I haven't been commenting lately but have read a few posts and very much enjoyed the wedding posts in particular. Today is my first time on the computer in over a week, as we just moved into the new house and didn't get around to connecting before now. In the last couple of weeks we have received various appliances, had a wood floor installed, painted 3 rooms and taken delivery of two shipments, one from storage and one from Budapest. Needless to say, our house is in chaos and it will take a while to find a place for everything! However, we are happy to be back in Canada, although I do miss my friends in Budapest. I'm sure I'll meet lots of nice people as time goes on …. P.

  9. materfamilias
    22 August 2011 / 5:03 am

    Thanks, Susan. Sounds as if you had plans for an enjoyable weekend; hope it went well.
    L'Age M. — It is so easy to wear, love that. As for the wheelbarrow, you'll probably be clever enough to thrift yours, in various colours 😉
    Patricia: That's such a big move and sure to be stressful, but it sounds as if your new home is beginning to come together. I suspect you're very good at making new friends in new places, but it's never easy. Take care.

  10. Mardel
    24 August 2011 / 9:26 pm

    Oh you look lovely and summery in that photo. Ihope you had a wonderful weekend. I've been in a panic of work since I realized how much still lay ahead of me and I put my own wheelbarrow to good use over the weekend.

    I wish I could manage that WendyB pose without falling over. Poor balance and a natural turnout do not help. Oh well.

  11. materfamilias
    25 August 2011 / 2:45 am

    Mardel: There's something satisfying about a wheelbarrow's tough, simple, efficiency, no?
    And your comment about the WendyB pose made me chuckle, remembering my wobbles at yoga today . . .


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