Fall for Navy . . . Visibly

It’s pelting down right now, and I could really use some cheery yellow boots like theones Patti models intoday’s instalment of Visible Monday.

But it was gorgeous yesterday when we sat down to our Thanksgiving Turkey with our son and a friend. It felt a bit odd, our daughters all having their dinner in Vancouver without us, but it would have been one weekend too many to travel (for all of us), especially with the craziness that is BC Ferries on the busiest weekend of the year. And although we missed them, it makes me happy to know that they can pull off a festive family meal without their dad or I presiding. They phoned and e-mailed photos, and it was pleasingly obvious how much they enjoy each other’s company.

And I wouldn’t have been the best host anyway, stuck under a pile of marking as I have been. I did make the pumpkin pie, and I did get dressed for dinner, although this isn’t the outfit I wore. Rather, this  bit of Visibility was a teaching outfit I loved a couple of weeks ago and photographed to share. My Acne boots, a denim skirt (Esprit, several years old) a Banana Republic cardigan (also several years old) and a fall-toned print scarf. Easy to wear, casual but smart, in my opinion. I’ll repeat this one, for sure.

Interestingly, even in a cursory perusal of today’s Visible Monday offerings, I’m noticed small synchronicities: Mardel is wearing denim & boots as I am; Lisa and I are both in navy, although very different outfits otherwise; and, as I mentioned already, Patti’s boots would suit the rain hammering down on my skylight. Check out these Visible Women and more overhere.


  1. Susan Tiner
    10 October 2011 / 6:06 pm

    I love the way you've been styling your hair and I think you look adorable in glasses.

    Good luck with the pile of marking!

  2. That's Not My Age
    10 October 2011 / 6:06 pm

    This is my kind of outfit. I often wear navy and denim and I was playing around with a printed scarf at the weekend – though the Acne boots haven't had an outing yet!

  3. Tiffany
    10 October 2011 / 10:48 pm

    That's an excellent outfit – blues don't really suit me, but I love navy, so mixing it up with autumn colours is a stroke of genius! Lesson noted 🙂

  4. Mardel
    11 October 2011 / 12:51 pm

    Love this outfit and you look wonderfully smart and pulled together. I haven't worn my boots with a skirt yet but I really like them with the denim. My skirt pickings are rather slim right now, I'll have to go see if something will work.

  5. indigo16
    11 October 2011 / 3:26 pm

    I love navy and orange. I am also increasingly smitten with those boots, although would struggle with the heel, I am keeping an eye out for some that colour as they go with so much.
    As someone who has not spent Christmas with her children all together for many years I know that odd feeling that life is somehow having a ball without us, I am both proud that they can do it and sad that it is without me!

  6. LPC
    11 October 2011 / 5:23 pm

    I like the conjunction of the scarf and boots. And navy, well, of course:). To say nothing of that great driftwood backdrop. Happy Thanksgiving again.

  7. materfamilias
    12 October 2011 / 5:48 am

    Susan: Thanks — my stylist taught me a little trick to get the bangs straight(ish). Fun to get a different look.
    TNMA: Sometimes navy gets relegated to summer, for me, so it was good to be able to work it in to a fall outfit. As for the Acne boots, once you start wearing them, you'll be in them all the time. . .
    Tiffany: And so many fall colours are great with navy, right? I love it with olives, rusts, etc.,
    Mardel: I know! I love them with denim! I had wondered if they wouldn't be more practical in black, but I love their freshness.
    Alison: I would have found that separation hard when the kids were younger, but on the other hand, it's great to see what they make of the holidays for themselves. As parents we can so project holiday fantasies on our kids that it probably can't hurt to have that distance imposed sometimes.
    Lisa: I was pleased, too, with the echo between boots and scarf. Kept the scarf tighter than I normally do, I think subconsiously to keep it to similar proportion/ratio to the boots, a little bit of colour on both ends of the navy. Retrospectively overthinking what was really a much more slapdash approach. 😉


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